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The Budget Of Mexican Families In Health And Their Relationship With The Perceived Salary

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The budget of Mexican families in health and their relationship with the perceived salary


Talking about health is to remember one of the basic needs of the societies of ancient times The attention of the disease was an important point for the inhabitants of the old societies, today health represents a determining factor of social welfare and the quality oflife of individuals of a certain social group, community, or members of a nation. 

Since the creation of the United Nations Organization One of its main priorities is the implementation of the promotion, prevention and protection of health worldwide (United Nations Organization, 2018), this organization has veiled the importance of health As an important factor in the development of society, so that has established the development of objectives in search of well -being in world health, all countries that are involved in the UN take these objectives as goals to be met for which each country must To ensure the promotion, prevention and, above all, the protection of health for the citizens of that country, so the governments of the nations year after year designate a percentage of public spending in the implementation of these objectives, through the participation of the participation of Secretaries specialized in the subject, obtaining the budget for public spending in the country is determined by its Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which indicates the value of producing cction of goods and services of a country for a certain period of time, of which part of the budget of a country in terms of providing well -being to society is detached.

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(National Institute of Statistics and Geography, 2009), so countries determine which will be the budget determined for a certain sector of the country. 

The health sector is one of the sectors that receives part of public spending in the country, in order to provide health to Mexican society being this sector that receives $ 5,838 billion pesos as a budget to provide the necessary inputsFor the correct development of the health service in addition to providing capital for the labor sector of the country’s health institutions and its infrastructure, this budget grew $ 23,768 million pesos more than expected for 2019, this budget as well as the increase in the increase inBudget only represents a growth of 5.5% of the provisions of 2018 (Secretary of Finance and Public Credit, 2018) Population access to this resource is through institutions such as the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) or the Institute of Social Security and Services of state workers who are responsible for providing health services to workers affiliated with them, which provide a part of their salary to obtain this service, in addition to a third part is provided by the employer of these workers , the companies which offer this service as a benefit, another way of obtaining access to this resource is through health programs and social support, such as popular insurance or access through health clinics imposed by The Secretary of Health, however the precariousness and deficiency of the service, to whether as the shortage of medicines due to the lack of economic resource prevents obtaining health services D Ignos for the population. This precariousness in health services as well as the economic contribution through their salary, represent a considerable expense for the pocket of Mexican families.

In Mexico as well as in many other countries different types of market are handled, understanding this as the set of certain activities that involve a transaction or the exchange of a service or a good for some monetary value or other services. One of the main variables of the market is employment, this being the provision of a service performed by a worked with the corresponding one to receive a monetary contribution at the end of his workday or the exchange for a service in exchange for his, the most commonFor the payment of this service is the monetary exchange known as the salary. Under the concept of the CNDH Mexico;"The salary constitutes one of the rights of every working person" (CNDH Mexico, 2016), as well as in proposed by the Institute of Legal Research of the National Autonomous University of Mexico;"Salary corresponds to the specific denomination according to subordinate work for the payment of the service". 

In the economic context, the salary consists in the remuneration of a person’s work as well as the main income of many of the Mexican families who base their lifestyle according to the perception of this salary, without it the stability of the family economywould be in a decline. In Mexico 56.9 million people represent the economically active population of which 35.6 million (INEGI, 2019) correspond to the working class of the country which are the subordinates of companies of great world social or Mexican companies which are the support of the country’s economy. But these workers what salary level they perceive according to the country’s economic panorama?, According to INEGI data “only 4.7% of the working population in Mexico obtains a salary above the $ 13,254 which represents that only 95.3 % of the population wins on average this figure ". (INEGI, 2019), (National Commission of Minimum Wages, 2018)

According to the National Human Rights Commission in Mexico, it establishes that “at least the salary must meet the basic needs per day of the person” (CNDH Mexico, 2016), these needs are housing, nutrition, health, transport and recreation,which can be accompanied with other benefits which are provided by the contracting company, now this in Mexican society that is equivalent to, the minimum wage in Mexico in 2019 was established in $ 102.68 Which according to the country’s economic sector represents the minimum income that meets the basic needs of people, “in 2018 the average contribution of workers enrolled to the IMSS represents three times the current minimum wage” (National Salary CommissionMinimum, 2018). In the current year only 45% of the working population receives more than 2 minimum wages and only 25% only perceive a minimum wage. The minimum monthly salary amounts to the $ 3,080 figure.40 This figure must provide the basic needs mentioned above to maintain a welfare state according to the provisions of the Salary Commission, however the panorama in which Mexican families live show a different result.

According to the 2019 Patron System, the workers who are quoting before the IMSS as a monthly minimum salary to participate in the price of this institution must register a salary of $ 3183.08 Based on this price with this salary, the contribution to be a beneficiary of the IMSS is $ 934.50 of which the employer must pay $ 858.88 and the worker must pay $ 75.62 To obtain this service, Health (Mexican Institute of Social Security, 2019). People who do not enjoy this work benefit resort to the coverage of the health programs offered by the federal government, such as popular insurance which has a budget 118,351 billion pesos with which it must be givenCoverage at about 53.2 million people affiliated with this institution/program (Popular Insurance 2019), these figures represent a great contribution of the very large public publication budget for the health sector, however these institutions do not cover economic expense for all their affiliates,which represents an extra expense to meet the health needs of people and this economic contribution is from people’s pocket. 

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