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The Image Of God And The Mystic Body Of Christ

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The image of God and the mystic body of Christ


Describes the "mystery of the Church" according to the Second Vatican Council in the light of what the numbers 1 to 8 of the Lummen Gentium Dogmatic Constitution contain, making a comment of those texts. The Church-Mission chapter includes the entire history of the Church in its horizontal dimension, from the creation of the first man to the time. The Church, as the gift of God, the only hope of the world, possessing the truth revealed in all its fullness, is a splendid basis for realistic and constructive ecumenism: it revives a community ecclesiology framed in the mystery of the centuries. 

All Christians joined with each other and Christ. How many believe in their divinity, their teachings continue, they observe their precepts, live their life and love each other. The elements of this community and social living, with supernatural perspectives, constitute the visible face of a perennial struggle.

Catholic feeling identifies Ecclesia spirits and ecclesia iuris. In Christ the two natures, divine and human, are perfect and harmonically linked, and, in the Church, the human tune in with the divine.The Church, as a continuator in the history of the humanity of the person and the saving mission of Christ, is called to be: a "sign" clear and unequivocal of that same salvation, as well as Jesus Christ went to us in hishumanity, the sacrament of God, thus the Church is in the world and for the world, sacrament of Jesus Christ.

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A faithful "instrument", because it is not only a sign of salvation, but with the strength and force of the Holy Spirit, makes it present and offers it to all men until the end of the times. Sign because it has "a visible social structure, a sign of unity in Christ" .


The mystery of Christ and the ecclesial mystery.

Lumen Gentium affirms the existence of the Church as mystery in the sense of the Vatican I. Mystery for what is secret, deep and inaccessible to reason;Mystery because of what is prolonged by the embodied verb, it is a Christian mystery, sacramental mystery because in its Christ Christ is offered to God in sacrifice. The ecclesial mystery is inserted, according to the dogmatic constitution of Ecclesia, in the mystery of Christ, and, consequently, the Church, as a prolongation of the humanized verb rooted with the divine decree of our rescue within the history of salvation.

The Second Vatican Council affirms that the Church, he affirms, is divine and human in the likeness of his head, Christ. The divine is constituted by its essential elements, head and soul, Christ and his septiform spirit;Institutions introduced by men is the human. The Bible, Parents and Teaching of the Latest Popes, especially of the Great Leo XIII in satisfitum and Pius XII in Mystici corporis are the pivots on which the reconcile text of Lumen Gentium revolves in its initial chapters. In them the Church becomes aware of itself, of their responsibility in the supernatural life of their children, and defines itself as mystery of salvation and invites men to participate in their assets.

Paul VI precise in the evangelii nuntiandi: that the salvation of which the Church is a sign and instrument "must cover the entire man, in all dimensions, including its openness to the absolute that is God". The rights and duties of the whole human person, family life, the community life of society, international life, peace, justice. Even the liberation processes that are living in many villages.

The Church mystical body of Christ

The Church, in Scripture, is revealed to us as an assembly of faithful, congregatio fidelium, community of love, kingdom of Christ, wife of the lamb and body of Christ. The image of the mystical body is one of the central truths in Paul’s letters. We are incorporated to Christ until Christ is all in all.


The words of the dogmatic constitution are words of caution. The fact is established, but the nature of this confessed analogy is not clarified. The simplest and most elementary is to accentuate the duplicity of elements in the uniqueness of the subject. The Church is, seed, ferment, communion of life, of truth, of saving action, and at the same time it is visible structure, community and hierarchical society. In a word is "Sacrament of Christ". The concrete existential form is translated by an apostolic and divine mission. The Church "is in Christ as a sacrament, that is, sign and instrument of intimate union with God and of the unity of all the human race".


The Church, consequently, is the image of Christ made man;Something like her existential law, the epiphany of her life, of her supernatural dynamism, of her style when establishing himself in the nations, and her history is a permanent balance between the divine and human. Christ is the true sacrament of salvation. Christ is, in his person, the clearest and obvious salvific gesture that God has made, to objectively demonstrate his unwavering love to man: "God loved God so much to the world, that he gave his own Son".

In Christ the eternal design of God is revealed in all its fullness and definitive. In him, fully a man, inhabited by the fullness of divinity, God has been realized really and objectively. In him, fully God, he found himself authentically and unequivocally man with God.

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