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Trauma Theory According To Ferenczi

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Trauma theory according to Ferenczi

Sandor Ferenczi was born on July 7, 1873, in Hungary. He obtained his doctor’s degree at 21. Then he specialized in neurology and psychiatry. First Ferenczi was impressed with the work and ideas of Carl Gustav Jung. When he visited Hungary, they had the opportunity to meet. Jung manages that Ferenczi and Sigmund Freud know each other, since he thinks they can have an exchange of very enriching ideas. Since then an endearing friendship between Ferenczi and Freud began. A good part of the biography of both and the history of psychoanalysis emerges from the profuse correspondence they held for several years.

The trauma was the center of the clinical concerns of Sandor Ferenczi. Towards the end of his life he came to convince himself that trauma was an important cause of many neurotic and personality pathologies despite the fact that traumatic factors were generally discarded by other analysts. Ferenczi’s latest ideas related to traum. He intended to expand, develop and re -evaluate these ideas, but shortly after writing this section he became too sick to do so and after a few months he died. (Frankel, J. s/f)

Ferenczi in this work referred to the confusion of languages that originates between the child and the adult, when the adult confuses the tenderness that the child offers him with sexual passion. The boy during his development stage goes through a stage of love towards his parent, known as the Oedipus complex (innocent love of the child to the mother) or electra complex (innocent love of the girl towards the father), Ferenczi called her"Passive objective or tenderness stadium", first stage where the child seeks the tenderness of an adult and this misunderstands with loving passion, thus producing sexual abuse, which disturbs childhood development.

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The relationship between the adult and the child occurs so that, an adult and a child love each other, would be the type of family love that parents feel their children and vice versa, the child feels healthy and childish love and uses it withplayful fantasies, wanting to play maternal or paternal role in an innocent game, this game can take an erotic form, but always remaining in the field of tenderness. The adult tends to confuse children’s games with the wishes of a sexually active mature person and let themselves be dragged to sexual acts without thinking about the consequences.

Once this situation has arrived, the child cannot oppose resistance and, subsequently, the only resource at his reach is what calls identification with the aggressor, thus submits to the demands of the abuser. Consider the helplessness in which the child is in this situation, taking into account that in most cases the abuser was someone close and trustworthy, a situation that aggravates when the child decides to say something and accuse him of a liar. The only way to recover protection is to return to the pre -traumatic moment, which means denying the reality of what happened.

Abuse will not always be sexual, there are also passionate punishments as another way to traumatize a child, the adult downloads all his sadism in the child, not guilty of the matter, with the motivation of being pointed to an adult, the childThen receive all the consequences of depression. Personality returns to pre -traumatic beatitude, tries to believe that nothing has happened.

The third non -sexual situation that can be given is the so -called terrorism of suffering, which occurs when the significant adult takes the child as a confidant loading it with the responsibility of “turning it into a maternal or paternal substitute”.

According to Daurella, N. (2012) The indication of what is now called Self disclosure was, therefore, not to repeat in the analytical situation what was once traumatic for the patient-child in his relationship with adults and that made him lose his trustIn them and in their own perceptions: the lack of sincerity and self-criticism of adults when, in the relationship with the child, they let themselves be carried out in a conscious or unconscious way so that Ferenczi calls their passions: they traumatize the child and, when, whenThis complains, they are not able to recognize what has happened, they deny it, make the child doubt their perception, or even accuse him of exaggerated, or liar, or complaint, or ungrateful, or say that this has been for his good.

Undo the effects of trauma, it will become a difficult task, because the victim feels that he is no longer safe in the world where he lives. This feeling of insecurity and the fact that it has to adapt for future shocks results in a traumatic character, marked by distrust, hypersensitivity, stiffness, difficulty in maintainmost natural personality. (Frankel, J. s/f)

Ferenczi in his last years referred to the pamper as a "wise baby", was increasingly interested in the paralyzing effects caused by psychological trauma and its treatment. His experiments in the relaxation technique and mutual analysis were the attempts to treat patients who did not respond to the most used analytical treatment, because they had traumas due to childhood abuse. Ferenczi’s explorations about traum. Ferenczi’s experiments in the restructuring of analytical treatment, to address the therapeutic requirements of abuse victims, had had deep effects on subsequent conceptions of the analytical relationship, even when their influence on these concepts had not often been recognized. Ferenczi’s investigations about trauma were advanced for his time;They are in the framework of our current understanding of trauma. (Frankel, J. s/f)


  • Daurella, n. (2012). Trauma and retraumatization. From Ferenczi to Fonagy, through attachment theory and neuroscience. Scientific Magazine Psychoanalysis topics. Nope. 3. Recovered from: http: // www.DepsicoSicisis themes.Org/WP-Content/Uploads/2012/01/PDF-NERI-DAURELLA.PDF
  • Frankel, J. (s/f). Trauma theory according to Ferenczi. Recovered from: http: // = cache: fzluh58bj0gj: www.ALSF-Chile.Org/Indpsi/Articles/Trauma-ABUSO/THEORY-DEL-TRAUMA-SEGUN-PRESENCZI.pdf+& cd = 2 & hl = es-419 & ct = clnk & gl = do
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  • Sánchez, e. (2018). Sandor Ferenczi, a reference in psychoanalysis. Recovered from: https: //

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