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What causes divorce?

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What causes divorce?
For centuries marriage has been core in any society, serving the as the base for developing societal values. Over a few decades, the divorce rate has radically amplified. In the 1950s an estimate of only three percent of marriages ended in divorce, the statistics currently show that over 40% of marriages are resulting to divorce, to make it a major social problem. There are some causes of divorce and with it come adverse impact not only on the parties involved but also in the society.The lack of proper foundation for marriage is a principal cause of break up. About one-third of the divorces are among the younger couples and mostly in urban areas; this shows an interesting point of view; the fact that young couples get into marriage without proper preparation makes then vulnerable to withstand the pressure that comes with it. After marrying in haste, partners realize their incompatibility; this pushes the spouses from one another making them more of strangers. Coupled with the fact that the separation has been made simple they seek the easier way out.
Communication is a vital skill in all human undertakings. Most married partners lack this ability. Continued miscommunication leads to antagonism. The fact that partners, staying together fail to communicate generates resentment, lack of channels of resolving problems that befall marriage and a gap in decision-making. When partners lose the channel to air their views, then frustration results creating a ridge and constant disagreement on issues.

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Matters such as lack of trust, where a partner thinks the other is cheating, sometimes are speculation and unless the issue is resolved through communication, then divorce is inevitable.
Financial difficulties play a role in most of the divorces. Research shows that about 50% of those divorced acknowledged that financial distress played a key role in their divorce. Money is important in achieving a contented and efficient family. Lack of funds results to disagreement, blame among the couple. The distress leads to trauma in the provider, which may lead to alcoholism and drug abuse that eventually leads to separation.
Violence in marriage can also not be under looked. A physical, mental and sexual form of violence, has led to a significant number of divorces. Abuse not only hurt the victims but also builds a gap between the couple, eventually resulting to divorce.The changing dynamic In the roles of both genders in marriage is also a leading cause today. The rise of equality has seen women do the roles that were traditionally for men. The result is a division of functions and expenses equally. Male partners who have grown up with a different set up finds it hard to adjust, leading to continued division and disagreements. The result is divorce; the fact that women can afford to cater for themselves refuels this further.
Accompanied with divorce are consequences. Divorces where spouses have kids results to psychological problems to the children. About one million children fall victim in the United States annually. Research show, most children whose parents divorce, often become depressed. The loss of support from either parent be it emotional, financial affects the child. Most of the children, whose parents underwent a divorce, end their relationship in divorce. Thus shows a bad influence on their life. Some may befall into stress and even become suicidal.
Couples also undergo some challenges afterward. Divorced women often find it hard to get married again, which may result to long life loneliness. Divorced couples also find it hard to marry again with the fear of divorcing again thus affecting them emotionally. Financial problems may also result from divorce.
Marriage plays a significant role in society; a healthy marriage is a healthy community. Divorce rapid increase, therefore, affects the whole society; it is, therefore, important for young people and those in wedlock to take a keen look at the causes to avoid it. The consequences should be examined, and couples should seek other alternatives like counseling before jumping to divorce.

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