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A long way home comman essay

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Saroo Brierley’s Qualities and Strategies
Saroo Brierley’s experiences prove that life is always full of puzzles. As a child, Saroo grew up just any other ordinary kid in the rural India who could at times sleep hungry because his poor parents could not afford daily bread. Nonetheless, what make Saroo heroic are not his childhood experiences, but his ability to relocate his home 25 years after getting lost. In his memoir A Long Way Home, Saroo narrates how he managed to use technology to reunite with his family many years after getting lost. To achieve all these, Saroo had to be a resilient human being full of peculiar qualities. This paper analyzes the strategies and qualities that enabled Saroo to trace his family after spending 25 years in Tasmania, his new home.
First and foremost, Saroo managed to succeed in relocating his home because of his determination. Despite getting lost at age five in the year 1986, he was still able to go back to his home in 2012, 25 years later. This is a clear indication that he was so determined to meet his family members. If he were like any other person, he would not have bothered to do so. After all, he had gotten a new home in which he had to meet new people and become so successful. However, his determination to trace his home did not die. Right from 1986, he had been trying to do so. At one time, he nearly drowned in River Ganges while trying to trace his way back home. Because of his determinations, he promised never to forget about his family nor stop from trying to reach them.

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If he were not determined, he would have lost hope in his family and embrace his foster parents in Tasmania.
The other quality that helped Saroo is that Saroo was a very intelligent boy. Is intelligence did no only enable him to complete his education and acquire a good job, but made it possible for him to trace his home. There have been many cases of children who get lost and disappear without the trace. However, this could not be the case for Saroo, who had knowledge of modern technology. His deeper understanding of Google Earth made it much easier for him to identify the right location of his home. To do this much better, he used his knowledge of mathematics to calculate the exact distance of his home. Better still, his creativity helped him to use his knowledge of speed and distance to argue out his case. Having known that the train he boarded was moving at a speed of 50 mph, it was possible to ascertain that his home would be somewhere approximately 1,000 km from Tasmania. Indeed, this is a high level of intelligence that made him think of himself as a superman.
Last, but not least, Saroo was a very patient and humble child. His humility was evidenced right from his childhood when he, alongside his brother, could support their mother in fending for the family. They took it upon themselves to risk their lives to go to the trains in search of food. Later, after relocating to Tasmania, he accepted his condition and decided to settle in a new family. As a result of his patience and humility, he managed to cope up and be enrolled in school in which he worked hard until he completed his degree course in Business Management. Even after realizing such accomplishments, he never hurried on finding his home. Instead, he chose to wait patiently for the right time when he is mature enough to begin his search. Later, after managing to trace the home, he managed to freely and humbly interact with his neighbors who helped him to access his mother. Actually, 25 years is a long time to wait for such a life-changing encounter. His patience and humility enabled him to plan properly on how to deal with the matter.
When it comes to strategies, Saroo chose to embrace the use of modern technology. Seemingly, he differs from other kids who fail to trace their original homes because of his proper knowledge of the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Having taken his time to meditate over this matter, Saroo realized that it would not be practically possible to trace his home manually. So, he resorted to the use of satellite images to achieve his goals. Although it appeared impossible, it later helped him to ascertain the exact location of his family. Apart from using his creativity, Saroo used his memory to visualize the image of Ganesh Talai from which he had disappeared. If it were not for his remembrance of the rivers, hills and the waterfalls in which he used to play during his childhood, it would be quite challenging to locate Talai in the Google Earth.
In conclusion, A Long Way Home is an invaluable memoir that provides an amazing story of Saroo, who despite getting lost at a tender age, did not give up on tracing his original home. His creative application of the Google Earth coupled with his patience; determination and humility enabled him trace his home and get reunited with his family 25 years after his disappearance.

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