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Abnormal Psychology Responses
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Abnormal Psychology Responses
Response 1: Karen
I indeed believe the statement that there is recent massive epidemic in infantile autism is a fiction. In my view, the issue of autism has been in existence most probably since the beginning of human society. The approximations of the incidence of autism before the 1980s are grounded on individual clinicians and sometimes on the conceptions of specific researchers (Gernsbacher, Dawson & Goldsmith, 2005). I want you to understand that there was fluctuation since the factors continued to present variations into the already existing approximations. It is for this reason that the diagnostic approach for autism has changed leading to more diagnosis. Therefore, it is not right to indicate that the number of children of children suffering from autism has increased. There is no factual scientific confirmation indicating an escalation in the sum of diagnosed autism from anything apart from the extended diagnostic principles.
Response 2: Jerica
I think you believe that there has been massive epidemic in the infantile autism. Nonetheless, you feel that there is an overdiagnosis after thorough research. In my view and also based on the article that does not believe in autism being epidemic, the increase in autism is grounded on the changes in diagnostic approaches (Volkmar, Reichow & McPartland, 2012). In fact, the changes associated with diagnostic approaches best explain the variation in the autism epidemic.

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I consider that researchers have imprudently established that the perceived increase in cases of autism could not be described through a loosening in the approach used to create the diagnosis.
Response 3: Amaris
According to you, the statement indicating the massive epidemic in infantile autism remains to be fiction because of the studies that have already been done. You should know that it was not until 1980 that the issue of autistic disorder was added in the form of infantile autism. However, the brief argument on the DSM changes indicates that disorders associated with autism spectrum appear as relatively new publications to DSM (Hupp & Jewell, 2015). Besides, you ought to understand that the diagnostic norm for autism frequently changes while keeping easier to be diagnosed. In my view, the awareness on autism by parents and professionals has resulted to the escalation in diagnosis to debunk the fable that there has been a recent increase in cases of infantile autism.
Response 4: Ashley
It is not true to conclude that there has been an increase in autism among the children. Be lest assured that it is the awareness on infantile autism that has increased. Besides, those teenagers with regression are associated with a substantial increase in strictness of the autism symptoms which is the worst risk for failure to attain conversational speech (Coleman, 2012). The current genetic basis for infantile autism remains unknown since less progress has been achieved. It could be correct when you say that there has been an increase in awareness of autism among the children in America and elsewhere in the world. Great attention has been shifted to children with autism to help address the issue and prevent its prevalence.
Response 5: Rocio
I support you on the statement that the massive increase in infantile autism remains is false. However, the purported increase is because of the change in the approach used for diagnosing the disorder. Additionally, the escalation in autism is based on the method of diagnosis and the administrative changes associated with them. I realized that the Autism Research Institute is a non-for profit organization that offers professionals and parents across the world with information related to the treated and etiology of severe behavioral disorders affecting children including autism (Reynolds & Fletcher-Janzen, 2007). The organization does not indicate an increase in infantile autism but instead demonstrates changes in diagnosis of childhood autism. Note that the increased awareness has led to treatment efforts on cases of autism.

Coleman, M. (2012). The Autisms. New York: Oxford University Press.
Gernsbacher, M., Dawson, M., & Goldsmith, H. (2005). Three Reasons Not to Believe in an Autism Epidemic. Current Directions In Psychological Science, 14(2), 55-58.
Hupp, S., & Jewell, J. (2015). Great myths of child development. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
Reynolds, C., & Fletcher-Janzen, E. (2007). Encyclopedia of Special Education: A Reference for the Education of Children, Adolescents, and Adults with Disabilities and Other Exceptional Individuals (3rd ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Volkmar, F. R., Reichow, B., & McPartland, J. (2012). Classification of autism and related conditions: progress, challenges, and opportunities. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 14(3), 229–237.

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