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Alejandro El Grande And The Conquest Of The Persian Empire

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Alejandro el Grande and the conquest of the Persian Empire


We have a lack of sources to be able. Archaeological discoveries are instantly giving. This is being given according to the story of Alexander the Great with sources from Athens, who speak from the interest of Athens.


According to Herodotus, the first king of Macedonia made a promise that his kingdom will extend throughout the earth that lights the sun. During the archaic era and classic period the kings exercised a characteristic estate surrounded by thessalia Sur, Thracia and more territories. It was formed by two the low Macedonia in the plain and Axio flows into the Gulf of Terma. The plain of low Macedonia being broader mountains. They were considered barbarians less the highest people in society, will encourage the nobility of the country, Greek culture had very little in common, urban lived in the Gulf being mostly small farmers or semi -fledd shepherds, living scattered, they were polygons.

The monarchy was a basic institution, they were autocrats, it would be limited by the Army Assembly who decided to the new king and judge him by betrayal, but they would not have the final decision but the monarch and the council. He was the representative in foreign affairs. Would have extra constitutional limitations in the way of exercising this prerogative. Enemies: They had an alliance with the Persians, methods, relations with the Greeks: there were casual struggles with the Greeks and more with Athens although they had commercial alliances.

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Filipo by his brother I remain in Thebes captured in 369-367, giving great teachings. When he returned and chaos seized the kingdom by the three kings, giving the death of his brother helped his ascension to the throne, assuming power 360. Philip took care of many wars against Greek cities with great victories, which consolidated their throne were peon and ilirios in 358, in addition to getting the Pangeo mines.

He found himself with a revolution of military tactics and armament that ended the Hoplitas. Some of the technological innovations, giving new torsion catapults and the creation of military engineer, in addition to a new maneuver. The most important was the Macedonic Infantry Organization, with a uniform and everything. Finally, stroke new ties between generals and the king, which also uses with the nobility giving them great opportunities.

Macedonia began to expand for 355-338 Macedonia attacked Ferras one of his greatest enemies in 353, giving in the reign of Felipe II, seizing the city also formed the League of Thessaly who appointed Philipo as archon of the country giving a unionBetween the two powers being a military force. This gave the so -called sacred war, being an attempt of consolidation of central Greece, while Philip tried to have a hegemony.

Thebes also had the Delphic Anfictionia Council and in 357 he wantedThe Tebana expansion. With this defeat, the Philippian’s response was sought as a new archon and went to Delphi Socorro. 

There were endless wars for years. 347 The sacred war intervened next to Thebes, although the balance was achieved by Macedonia, wanting to kill the men of forensics who agreed to make an agreement with Philipo so that nothing happened, surrendering in 346. Those cities disintegrated and returned the money from Delphi Treasury. He managed to make a significant role in Delphi’s affairs.

Also Athens that in the 542 command inspect the city of thermopilas, to occupy and stop the expansion of the Macedonic. Being important because of the crisis that was happening, but could not stop the influence they were having in central and northern Greece and did not use the actions. Filipo left the Delphi League because they tried to sign peace with Athens, where Athens tried to support the league. 348 Philip razes with Athens.

The driver of this policy was other times attempt to lift the Athenian spirits against Philippie.  Approved in the Athenian Assembly, failure soon, the war was sought to continue and renounce the city of Anfipolis and that its allies were out of consideration.

Demóstenes looked for a Greek alliance against Macedonia, did not have a great union only Corinth, Mégara and Mesenia among others, then the war was given to face Philip the Troops Athens with Thebes and the League of Beocia, where they lost. Finally giving Greece’s domination for the Macedonians. It was the alliance with Greece, purpose of common peace and the revenge of the invasion in 480. They could not be attacked, ligitimize the power of Philippi in Greece also had to participate together in a war against Persia, which would achieve and the reconquest of Egypt.

Murder (336): He was killed in Egeas, completed his seventh marriage in 338 with Cleopatra. · Alejandro III (336-323): The awakening of his interest in Greece, was at his father’s funeral, where I took the opportunity to free Greece from the Macedonic. In addition to campaigns in 335 for supporting Greece. It was consolidated by the different campaigns, which made her as a military chief and her strength causing many leagues to appoint him general like Corinto.

Battle of Gránico 334: The great tensions with the Persian Empire, there was a threat of having a border between the two cities, so the Persians sought ways to end Alejandro in the GradMacedonic will not pass. They failed to kill Alejandro. The slaves were sent to Macedonia, I proclaim this victory as a Greek, they advanced along the western coast of Anatolia braking the advance of Macedonians that did not brake, the expired cities had to give taxes and stem is stem this great battle. Managed to be adopted as an heir son.

Battle of Issos 333: Alejandro who had been sick when he recovered decided to go out in combat with the king of Mesopotamia, for the coastal region of Syria, Palestine and Egypt to make a naval operation against the Persians, at the same time the Persians had forced themselves.

When Alejandro arrived at the ISO plain, he saw that Persian troops were on another shore, his mercenaries in the center of Persian lines giving unbalanced formation. Alejandro would begin the siege of the city as Calistenes would speak. Giving a victory, the Royal Treasury would have been deposited in Damascus.

Siege to shoot 332: It was a siege as a strategy to the Mediterranean Sea, during the campaign against the Persians giving a new siege technology, doing it for seven months being finally successful.

Conquest of Egypt: with the collection of the conquest to the south of Syria, after their great battles, although they never accepted the domination by the Persians with which some attacks had. We know that as long. He definitely faced the Persian king in the north of the Euphrates River, giving the confrontation war in Gaugamela 331, where they captured many combatants, because he could study the plans against the Persians. When he won triumphantly in the city of Babylon, affirming physical power in Egypt.

Conquest of the Eastern end;After the massive defeat in Persepolis, he went to the East that would be the most close battle of him, I finally kill Darío III in 330, who changed the entire campaign of his giving atrocities in Persian. Changing his way of dressing, now in the interior of Syria.

Alejandro made expeditions throughout Asia, believing that he would reach the inhabited end, looking for the best campaign made so far.

Hydaspes 326: The two armies faced each other in the river, who had an optimal defensive position using infantry. Alejandro had to use a lot of force that would end up beating poro, but it would be the last war to the free field he had. Finally Alejandro surrendered by his own army. It was the first foray to the Indies organized from the West produced a flood. In 325 he would return to Babylon.

Alejandro de India’s return triggered uprisings. Decorations were distributed among the officers of the Navy and Army, nuptial celebrations with two Persian princesses and many soldiers married Asian women and Alejandro would pay the debts. New Indian soldiers joined and returned to the country to retirees. Proskynesis: It was the greeting to the Persian sovereign with a kiss, after Alejandro was proclaim.


His death after a drunkenness originates, full of pain so he made him see him as a god. There was a heroic view of his image by the different writings and campaigns remaining in the Greek legends.

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