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Average Environmental Pollution Due To Excessive Growth Of Solid Waste

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Average environmental pollution due to excessive growth of solid waste


The excessive growth of volume in solid waste and its misuse has generated most of environmental pollution thus causing wear to the capacity of nature, unfortunately in Colombia no other type of method is established or some other type of method that generates awareness with respect to to the subject since thanks to the lack of information or lack of consciousness, serious impacts are being generated, especially water sources as one of the most affected due to the misuse of plastic who generates the highest index of pollution and affects in form direct to animals since many of them die trapped in plastic rings, that is where consumers have an important role since they are responsible for generating most plastic waste when acquiring a product made in said material, such as by using plastic bags when shopping in the supermarket instead d and the reusable ones, giving rise to the big question. In what way through the promotion of an ecological culture at the New Colombian Gymnasium College of Campo Alegre, the misuse of solid waste can be mitigated in the future and reduce environmental pollution?

A special case where this type of problem can be evidenced is at the New Colombia Gymnasium College of the municipality of CampSolid waste due to important factors such as lack of knowledge about this, is generally due to the lack of training to teachers and students about the importance of this topic that develops a big problem since not having guidance programs for managementFrom solid waste, they do not opt for recycling but leave it outdoors or burn it, without foreseen that when throwing the garbage the reproduction of insects, microorganisms that cause various diseases are increased affecting both children and adults, in addition to notMaking proper use of water sources produce an increase in water service by raising the cost of the invoice.

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The lack of proper management of waste produces a deterioration of the environment due to high levels of pollution both in air, soil and water, risking people’s health; To counteract this problem, the realization of campaigns that provide specific information about the proper management of solid waste and the efficient use of water sources through training and flyers where it establishes clear and relevant information is proposed as an alternative. Ideal to form an ecological group with the children of this school in order to promote all the activities aimed at the protection of the environment such as the efficient use of water, and the adequate final disposal of solid waste such as carrying all The waste of the products that have been consumed or used during the student day to the ecological points in such a way that each waste is in the corresponding caneca with the purpose of reducing pollution, and taking advantage of the waste that is generated thanks to the classification correspondent.

To confirm the causes mentioned above, it is proposed to carry out surveys to children and teachers of the New Colombia Gymnasium College to analyze what knowledge they have about the issue of recycling, such as the classification of solid waste, what impacts generate the misuse of these and others;At the time of executing what is planned, control will be carried out by means of indicators which will serve to measure the amount of waste generated, the monthly consumption of water, and finally have a comparison point at the end of the campaigns where through these indicatorsThe benefit that was obtained will be verified thanks to these.

 What is intended with this proposal is to generate a change in attitude based on habits and values ​​related to the environment, in addition to a control of these to be able to make decisions for the well -being of children and environment; These activities will be evaluated through the monthly indicators that yield the necessary information to analyze whether the established parameters are being met and if the ecological group fulfills their work, considering that this is a valuable strategy since the habits that are instilled from a very young age are Significant so that they can take care of their environment and improve the quality of life to which they are accustomed, thus allowing an ecological culture that will not only be able to apply in their school but also in their daily lives serving as an example to the community, it is important to implement this strategy due to the increase in the invoices of water consumption by the inadequate disposition of the water resource, in addition to the incorrect classification of the solid waste who does not have an adequate final disposal which generates great pollution. 

By promoting these campaigns and activities, a great contribution is left to the New Colombia Gymnasium School since ecological points, environmental groups, and indicators that evidences the proper use of water sources where they can analyze and control this resource will be established, next to it, next to it theProper management of waste establishing ecological points. 

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