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Away Ii: The Russian Revolution And Its Chronology

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Away II: The Russian Revolution and its Chronology


Of the most controversial and transcendent events in the history of Russia is the February revolution and the posterior of October, times in the same year, 1917, in which great milestones happen for the Slavic country. Perhaps the most forceful fact from these facts is the fall of the Romanov dynasty and the consequent establishment of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, whose origin was precisely the Russian country. The Eslava nation also spoke as the first country in the world to implement a socialist regime truly led by the Soviets, although strongly settled due to the leaders they had.

The social conditions at the time were crucial because the life of about 85% of people in the Russian country was played; However, this was not only the result of a monarchical system eroded by the continuous struggles and differences that the people experienced with respect to the crown, but to an internationally prevailing social development that forced Russia to advance to greater terms.

In Russia, on the one hand, the cracking of the absolutist institution occurred (the same was happening in various parts of the world). On the other, society began to see with new and frontal socioeconomic models that ensured a better life condition. Life was, at that time, survival for most people and losses for those who opposed the absolutist regime. 

The power center, which fell on the Tsar of the Romanov, dated a life of 300 long years, which meant a clear sense of belonging and the divine law of the kings, which accentuated the strength and authority over the village ; However, what for a select group of nobles and kings was law, for the people it was a reason to be questioned and punish,

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The change window would occur in a brutal way, not because it was produced suddenly, but because it was the result of a culture broth that was cooked for decades; It could be centuries. This led to a new era in which the tsars or the institutionalized monarchy took place, giving way to a social model in which the workers, common men, militiamen and workers had more power, more voice and more participation in the activities and processes of the nation. 

However, far from seeming the fairy tale that many aspired at the time, it represented the birth of a hard and authoritarian regime that happened to the, and that when it strengthened, industrialized and made Russia as the first world power (together With the United States), he made an oppressive regime,

two. Developing

two.1 The Russian revolution and the first socialist state:

The Russian outbreak was a political and social phenomenon that had its origin in the years of 1887, cultivating for years towards its outbreak in 1917, when the Bolshevik party, led by Vladimir Lenin, reached its maximum expression, sweeping with the absolutist model that It has prevailed for centuries.

The Marxist ideology had emerged around the 1850s, when the reflection on social, materialistic and classist concepts was developing by German thinkers such as Carl Marx and Friedrich Engels. These objected against a series of socioeconomic and political processes that reached a critical state in many nations of the world. As far as Russia is concerned, the oppression conferred by the autocracy about the people, as well as the durability of the Romanov dynasty, led a collective frenzy that threatened the imperial system.

By that time (1880) he ruled Tsar Alejandro II, who was the first to abolish the servitude, although he already had a couple of wars made during his term. Despite the refining of the emperor and his innovative thinking, the release of the rural servant implied more than just the transfer of many peasants to the cities to exercise as a working hand in industrial development: he also opened the possibility that the population was pronounced before a severe socioeconomic and political reality that stunned Russia.

two.2 Revolutionary class

Despite the political efforts carried out by Alejandro II, which were more flexible and indicated an opening to many things than their predecessors, the population lashed out against autocracy due to the ease of the time: the presence of the revolver or dynamite allowed to execute an attack without too much experience. This is because autocracy, as a political model, was too old and had been submitting and pressing the lowest sectors, such as rural class. 

In turn, as Marx said in his treaty, distinctions between social classes generate a conflict aspect, these must be overcome through overlapping attempts on each other. And if once the Russian monarchy prevailed with total differences with respect to the less privileged classes, the latter sought to end the differences of power and their derivative consequences, giving the king’s mate and the dynasty of him; However, crown attacks during the last decades of the 19th century were only the beginning of the end of autocracy and the birth of the first communist state.

The emperor died during an attack in the vicinity of the Winter Palace, due to an explosion that left several injured and dead and, with his legs shattered. This caused a serious injury in the Romanov family and, therefore, in the Russian empire that autocracy saw vulnerable. However, this did not mean the end of the Russian dynasty, since the son and heir Alejandro III rose to the throne, who won in a totally different way from his father’s: he was nicknamed as Alejandro El Pacífico, since in his reign no war broke out; Rather he took care of improving international relations, although he was more repressive with Russia given the trauma of the attack against his father and by his same severe personality.

two.3 Birth of the Revolution

In 1887, one of the thinkers and activists of the Marxist ideology was Alexandro Ulianov, who together with a group of leaders planned a failed attack against the Tsar. These were captured and executed for not regretting. The death of conspirator, his younger brother, Vladimir Lenin, would follow his revolutionary steps against the Romanov. What then represented an exemplary measure of the Russian crown, would become the fate of the Romanov dynasty towards the Bolshevik revolution and the subsequent conformation of the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).

two.4 Marxist influence in Lenin

The intervention of the Secret Police, once used in Russia, had gained more importance due to the interests and experiences of the emperor, which were able to detect attacks such as Alejandro III and, apart from this, those related to the death of his father and the attack on the imperial train in Borka. The homicidal phenomena were constant, but still they did not intimidate the crown, which had to preserve their hegemony despite the continuous revolutionary attacks. The crisis in Russia increased significantly despite imperial efforts, due to social, economic, work and tensions in internal and external tensions.

The constant idea of ​​eliminating the king was key, since Marxist theories tried that, if the central figure of power was eliminated, the rest of the political body and the aristocracy would be weakened, so that the peasants and people of lower social strata They would have greater reasons, strength and need to rise against and change the political and social landscape; However, as did not happen with the emperor, it was not with his successor, Alejandro III, who would also die for biological reasons. However, this did not demotivate the revolutionary population, since the pressure and the needs of change, emerging then, were already evident.

two.5 Bolshevique Vladimir Lenin/León Trotsky Party

In 1894, Alejandro III died at an early age (49 years) for an unexpected nephritis, which leaves his son, young and inexperienced, as the new Emperor of Russia, Nicolás II. This was a change in the paradigm of events, since the socio -political threat directed towards the Romanov dynasty to collapse the aristocratic system, increased in pursuit of Marxist ideals. 

It is then when the figure of Lenin, who had personal and social reasons to lash out hard against the Russian state, is pronounced. He had read the communist and socialist treaties, like other books that addressed those same ideologies, which inspired him. Vladimir, as a great communicator and skill.

Aleksandrovich Nicolai’s ascension, such as the new Tsar Nicolás II, marked the beginning of the end of the Russian Empire, due to the premature and inexperienced taking of power. The appeasement, gentle, stable and refined of the king, different from the energetic and frontal of his father, was key in the power relations at the aristocratic level, as a political-public, as well as international.

The discontent emerged with the tragedy for the last coronation, since, on the fourth day of the celebration, a conglomerate of 500.000 people, waiting for gifts by the king, were carried away by a false alarm that produced a stampede that left about 1300 injured and more than 1300 deaths. 

This was vital for marking the beginning of challenges that would attempt against the government of Nicolás II. And he married a German princess named Alix de Hesse, who as Tsarina was very hard and inflexible with respect to the best decisions to the people, given how rooted she had the aristocratic absolutist thinking. Therefore, it was she who urged her husband to remain in power, and the hard regulations despite the discontent and discomfort of the people. This brought terrible long -term consequences,

Lenin’s empowerment for making contacts with partisan followers turned out to be accused of sedition being exiled;While in Switzerland he was supported, and he held communicated with different conspirators throughout the Russia. After his exile, he traveled throughout Europe and was able to know a series of activists followers of Marxism, who helped him design a larger conspiracy against the Románov.

Given the emerging situation with the Japanese Empire, as well as the old rivalry with Germany, the Russian crown did not pay too much attention to the preponderance that would later take the Bolshevism in the hands of Lenin. Due to naval conflicts with Eastern Russia, Nicolás II, on his uncle’s manipulative advice, war told Japan in 1904 and sent his troops to the naval siege;Believing that a simple victory would give more reputation and prestige to Russia, he felt the overwhelming weight of defeat internationally.


What could have been a claiming opportunity for the Emperor of Russia, resulted in his sinking, because the fighters who returned to Russia felt worse the living conditions: shortage, the lack of producing hand during the war, shortage of Foodof this, etc., Increased the discontent that led to a protest in front of the Winter Palace.

 At that time the people’s conditions were overwhelming, because they worked in precarious conditions, with about 12 to 14 hours a day, and the taxes to be paid were very high. The indifference of the tsars, who lived in luxurious conditions and had almost all resources, only reduced collective hysteria.

An important group of protesters, the working class and martial cut, organized to protest in front of the winter palace. The crowd carried banners and symbols on the Tsar and its regime to indicate pacifism in the protest, but in the absence of the king in the palace and by order of another aristocrat, the Russian guard shot without moderation and killed 200 people and injured another 800, where children were included. 

This fact, known as "Bloody Sunday," deeply marked the reputation of the royal family, nicking the Tsar as Nicolás. The bloodthirsty, which served as a debacle in favor of the Bolshevik party, which gained strength every day, and the Románov, who lost their reputation. 

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