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Comparison of books and movies

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Comparison of books and movies
It has been evident that people across the world have different preferences, with some having more liking for movies than others who prefer reading books. Thus, this diversity of interest presents a quite interesting argument in books and movies.
Movies and books have several similarities in that they address the same. A movie acted based on a story in a novel will send the same message to the reader and the audience. The people that watch the movie or read the book from which a movie is created will learn the same things. They get to learn of the same traits of the characters by either watching or reading. One can develop emotions and attitude towards a book or a movie, for instance, the story of Romeo and Juliet will always be the same regardless of whether read or watched in a movie (M-a-r-c-o L-e-e).
Reading a book consumes a lot of time depending on the speed of the reader. Some people can take up to even weeks reading a particular book whereas watching a movie can be shorter than two hours. Therefore, depending on one’s free time they will either read a book or watch a novel.
Despite the similarities between movies and books, many differences do exist that are much distinguishing. For instance, watching movies enables audiences to have the visual and audio feel of the story. They can a clear view of what the creators of the film wanted in visual terms. However, on other hand reading a book makes one have an imagination of what is depicted in the written words (Poetsunion.

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A reader can be much creative in imagination as he/she tries to grasp and connect with the imaginations of the author. On another hand, an audience’s creativity and imagination are limited to the visual images created. Although reading, books can be time-consuming; people still prefer books while others watch movies in order to develop an audiovisual concept of the context.
Works Cited,. ‘What’s Better: Movies Or Books? A Vivid Sample Essay’. N.p., 2015. Web. 28 Nov. 2015.
M-a-r-c-o L-e-e,. ‘Compare And Contrast Essay; Reading Books and Watching Movies’. N.p., 2010. Web. 28 Nov. 2015.

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