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Brain Injury

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Brain Industry
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Brain Injury is increasingly growing among the society, and the subject is gaining momentum in the media. The condition not only takes a toll on affected individuals affected but also adversely affects the entire nation. The problem is especially prevalent on prisoners most of whom develop brain injuries before joining prison. The government, health specialist, and community members all have a role to play in controlling extreme effects of brain injury on victims. There is a need for early and effective interventions to curb the condition which is possible if all the relevant stakeholders play their roles. The society should deviate from perceiving criminals and prisoners as a threat to them and seek appropriate ways of helping them before and after developing brain injury. This paper addresses the societal impacts of brain injury and looks at the essential interventions helpful to the at-risk population. Also, the article looks at the executive functioning issues concerning the “Change of Mind” documentary and “Sing Unburied” novel.
Effects of Brain Injury on Society
Brain injury not only subject victims to sufferings but also the entire society is adversely affected. The condition deprives the society productive human resources and also leads to the society incurring financial costs. Victims suffer mood swings and losses concentration which makes them lose their jobs (Pyror, 2016). Consequently, such individuals may engage in criminal activities to earn a living hence incurring financial problems to the society.

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What interventions could be helpful to this population in determining Brain Injury?
The society has a role to play in determining brain injury issues and promoting executing functioning of victims. To help save the communities which are at-risk of suffering brain injury, early intervention and ongoing support for the victims is essential. Specialists should volunteer their services to assess brain injury on people with early signs and accord them the necessary assistance to control extreme development. The government and medical experts should conduct diagnostic tests on lawbreakers early enough and invest in essential technology advancements such as neural plasticity to manage the condition. Change of mindset on victims is also crucial.
Based on the novel where do you see executive functioning issues?
Executive function issues refer to vast mental abilities that assist the brain in arranging and acting on information. As depicted in the novel, executive functioning issues are deteriorating on prisoners’ mind. Prisoners are shown to suffer numerous challenge in prison such as beatings and slavery (Ward, 2017). Consequently, upon re-entry to the community, they find it hard to apply their executive functions to plan constructive initiatives upon their lives since they lack self-regulation. The reduced level of executive functioning in prisoners result from lack of proper rehabilitation and education initiatives in prisons.
Pryor, H. (2016). A Change of Mind: An Investigation of Brain Injury.
Ward, J. (2017), “Sing Unburied.” Scribner

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