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California Delta Fix

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5459 Concord Blvd
Concord, California 94521
Governor Edmund G. Brown,
C/O State Capital, Suite 1178,
Sacramento, CA 95814.
Dear Governor Brown:
I currently study topology in one of Californian University. My teacher assigned me a task to read more on California water fix project and write down my opinions about the project. I am certain you know very well about the project as you are one of the project proposers. Allow me to talk about California water fix
The main proposal of the project is to construct two tunnels which will occupy about 30 miles land to transport water to build already exporting facility in the southern Delta from Sacramento River found in Sacramento Joaquin Delta (Brown P38). As well known, the majority of the challenges facing the whole project can be traced back to its location on the input facilities found in South Delta.
Usually, the river flow is expected to flow from the north side towards the Delta and Delta coming from the northern side. River San Joaquin also enters the system from the south meeting the other two and together they flow towards SF bay that goes into the Pacific Ocean (Brown 38). However, when the pumps are in operation, a reverse flow is created which is a negative aspect of bringing water to the south towards the pump instead of water flowing towards San Francisco Bay.
Generally, this movement affects the usual Salmon flow Patterns. Also, the flow might accidentally drag fish into the pumps killing them or changing their habitat.

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This trend is worrying as it not only happened once but occasionally. Going forward to implement the project will have several benefits. First, the project will enhance the natural flow of water in the rivers (Brown P39). This flow will allow aquatic life like fish to have their traditional movement patterns.
Though the project is beneficial in many aspects, some people disagree with the proposed plan like Delta advocates. They claim that when water is interrupted and diverted before flowing through the Delta, it is likely to starve freshwater flow (Mount et al. P7). Water quality will also be affected affecting both farmers and residents. Worst still, natural species are likely to disappear and the coming generation would not have the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful marine life.
On my side, the only way the project will affect my entire family and me is through increased tax. Though life will slightly increase, we will at the end give in as the benefits acquired from the plan are way higher than the imposed tax. Whatever good that comes on the way sacrifice is needed to ensure constant development in entire California.
Despite the existing debate on the project plan with overwhelming fifteen billion dollars budget, I fully support the idea. I support this idea which has been going on for several years since 2006. I am boarding this plan since I live and come from California and seeing wildlife will be a bitter experience. Also, commodities like salmon are likely to disappear increasing prices at a higher rate and create an imbalance in the ecosystem in the Delta region (Mount et al. P12). As a result of this effect, there will be reduced food production for wildlife like birds, reduced food for home consumption and reduced income to farmers.
Works Cited
Brown, Jerry. “Not Just Another Day at Work: The Case for US Water Agency Involvement in International Operator Partnerships”. Journal – American Water Works Association, vol 108, 2016, pp. 35-40. American Water Works Association, doi:10.5942/jawwa.2016.108.0191.
Mount, Jeffrey et al. “Accounting For Water “Wasted To The Sea””. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science, vol 16, no. 1, 2018. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science, doi:10.15447/sfews.2018v16iss1/art1.

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