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Child hood memories

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Childhood Memories
Around the age of nine, I was a very stubborn child, especially towards my parents. When at home I always argued with my mother about the things that I did not have that my friends owned. I always focused on the deluxe stuff I did not own such as better gaming consoles even though I had more than enough. My parents would suggest working for the extra things I needed, but I hated doing chores and avoided them at all cost. To avoid staying home, I just spend much of my time at my friend’s house which I considered to be much better than mine. My rebellious behaviour prompted my mother to ground me frequently. Despite that, I just became more out of sync with everyone in the household. I spent much of my time in my room and avoided interacting with my family during mealtimes. That summer my parents suggested that we should visit our relatives for a while at their home in the countryside of Indiana instead of taking our regular vacation. After much tantrums from me thinking that it would change my parent’s minds, it was unsuccessful.
We arrived at my uncle’s homestead late evening just before the last light disappeared into the night. As the car made its way into the dusty off-road path, I could see the light emanating from the house at the far end of the vast field covered with corn plantation. The view was breathtaking nothing like I had ever seen before, the sound of the wind whistling as it passed through the trees was surreal. The next morning everyone was awake at dawn around six in the morning which was unusual for me.

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My cousin came to wake me up, and I hated every second of it. My cousin who is three years older than me always seemed older than his age; it might have been his tall stature or the way he spoke in a profound manner. He said to me that I had to prepare myself for the daily tasks in the household, I immediately knew it was going to be a terrible experience for me.
We headed to the poultry housing which I had never been to before, the smell was appalling. He collected the eggs from the chicken stalls are put them in a pail, and I followed suit. As we got back to the kitchen in the house, breakfast was almost ready as my aunt took the eggs we fetched and prepared them. The experience was fascinating to me as I got to eat a meal that I took part in gathering and not just from the refrigerator. After breakfast, I just wanted to relax and watch television, but my cousin advised against it as there was no watching television during the day. He suggested I should accompany him to the nearby lake past the plantation and he will teach me stone skimming. The next few weeks I got used to the daily routine that involved outdoorsy activities which became the most fun I had ever had.
By the end of our stay there, I had got used to the lifestyle that I did not miss any form of entertainment back home. The fun activities I used to do before did not seem as amusing as I previously viewed them. I understood the significance of appreciating the modest things and the beauty of nature and how much it had to offer. Emerson states in Nature that appreciating the beauty in common is the mark of wisdom as the mind will not need to desire possessions CITATION Eme361 p 92 n y t l 1033 (92). I recognized the power of interacting with family, and at home, I looked forward to sharing time with my parents after school. I always looked forward to running errands as I understood the satisfaction of work well done and hard work. The change in environment gave me a different perception of life which gave me profound insights.Work Cited
BIBLIOGRAPHY Emerson, Raph Waldo. Nature. Boston: James Munroe and Company, 1836. Web. 04 January 2018.

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