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Children’S Disintegrative Disorder: Study

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Children’s disintegrative disorder: Study


Throughout the years researchers and pedagogues have seen changes in the human being, which being so surprising have led science to investigate them and go thoroughly with the reason for each of them and the way in whichIt can help a significant improvement in the development of children unfortunately many of these pathologies and specifically this that will be treated in the following trial called child disintegrative disorder do not have specific causes, it can only be treated through therapeutic treatments which will bespecified later.

The child’s disintegrative disintegrative disorder . It also produces behavioral problems, communication and relationship between pairs or people around them as they have trouble being apathetic with others. According to studies “its incidence is 1 for every 150 people and largely affects men, compared to girls."  

It is within the generalized developmental disorders whose acronym are TGD according to the psychiatric classification of the DSM – IV. “According to the DSM-IV, the general characteristic of the TGD is the presence of a serious and generalized disturbance of several areas of early development, which, being serious, is considered improper for the level of development and mental age of the mental age of theboy or girl."  

Through research and citing several authors it is evident that TDI is a reality in many educational centers and it is necessary for teachers to be prepared and practice educational inclusion.

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"We forget that loving is accepting the rose in its entirety and that includes its thorns."   

Children’s disintegrative disorder

Autistic spectrum disorder (ASD)

The autistic spectrum disorder also known as ASD is a disorder that affects childbehaviors that are repeated repeatedly, accepting sudden changes cost them a lot and their social area is greatly affected.

TDI Children’s Disintegrative Disorder

Child disintegrative disorder also known as heller syndrome is a pathology that is mainly characterized because it is progressively lost basic functions and skills that were already developed in the child as their cognitive, social part and their language this is presented in children ofbetween three and four years of age who have had these normal skills and functions in the past.

The name of "Heller Syndrome" is due to his researcher Theodore Heller, an Austrian educator, in 1908, this man discovered this disease much before Leo Kanner discovered autism, but he had its official recognition recently recently. This disorder is included between Autism and Asperger’s syndrome, but this disease comes later between 3 and 10 years of age. 

It is quite interesting that this syndrome has not been named until this time being discovered long before autism as such and perhaps it is because the cases are less common than autism therefore this pathology had not been taken into account so.


Infants who suffer from this need are developed normally within two years since their birth, their language develops normally, their social part is not affected in any way has social contact, group or collective game, adapts to newsituations and spaces without problem.

Little by little, affectations are presented in certain skills already acquired, not in all but in some areas, depending on the case they can be: Legage effects (receiving or expressing), sphincter control, social behaviors and adaptation problems, their gameIt is no longer the same, its motor skills are deteriorating.

Metal delay is usually more frequent and pronounced than autism. Its evolution is even worse than that of autism, although in 20% it recovers the possibility of speaking but with deteriorated communication capabilities. Adults are usually completely dependent and require institutional care and in their etiology, degenerative or metabolic disorders of the CNS are usually found, although no specific cause has been detected. 


The causes are not known, but they are associated with alterations at neuronal level and diseases such as epilepsy, encephalitis, tuberous sclerosis and some disorders that affect metabolism.

It is quite complex to understand why this disorder occurs and why it affects the children who have had a development that was apparently normal and that after being detected not only affects these functions but also its side effects are the condition are the conditionof these diseases.

The causes and mechanisms that generate it are nonspecific, although there are suspicions about a central nervous system injury and on their relationship with medical diseases or genetic conditions. It usually begins with important increases in activity levels accompanied by periods of irritability and anxiety, followed by speech loss. 


As this disease was mentioned before, it has no cure and its treatment is a progressive process depending on the seriousness of the case in which it is about stimulating the skills previously acquired by the child that due to the disorder are being lost.

The TEA is defined in the DSM by the mild, moderate or severe levels, and through two basic criteria: 1. The existence a persistent difference in communication (verbal and nonverbal) and in social interaction with difficulties in establishing interpersonal relationships and adapting in various contexts;and 2. For the presence of restrictive and repetitive patterns of behavior, for example stereotypes, monotony or very restricted rituals. 

Therefore its diagnosis will depend on the characteristics that the infant presents which can be less visible unlike those of other cases in which characteristics are visible at first sight and that are considered serious with which it is much more difficult to makeTherapies and treatments and its improvement will be slower but progressive.



At present there is no medication that specifically treats this disorder, during their changes the child could present violent behaviors, depression or severe anxiety and a medicine could be administered to deal with these side effects. (Guerri, M. 2016)

However, several expert doctors do recommend the use of these medications to deal with these effects, although that would not improve or cure the disorder would bring an improvement in their behavior,

Behavioral therapy

This is the most used therapy in these cases and it is therefore the most affective, those that experts do is try to disappear or make unwanted behaviors less frequent, they also stimulate their behaviors so that they can put into practice the functionsThey have lost.

It is advised that in the therapies and in school the family has active participation in this way the results will be much more visible and although the functions do not recover completely the child can somehow achieve independence, not quite but partially but partially.

Educational intervention

Its objective is to develop its competencies, which has a balance in all areas of your daily life and provide both physical and emotional well -being.  

What this intervention will achieve is to improve the social area of the child and its language, achieve adaptive behavior to new situations and places, the learning environment must have a defined structure for the child to feel comfortable, with materials that helpHis optimal development and improves such as pictograms that help him understand and anticipate the activities that will be carried out during the day. The work environment must be an environment that motivates the child to their full learning and that contributes to the use of their social skills.

Some objectives of the intervention in this area will be:

  • Teach or recover basic rules of conduct (eg.: Do not undress in public)
  • Teach or recover social routines: (greetings-despedids, strategies to start contact, etc.)
  • Socio -emotional key training (adaptation strategies of emotional expression, etc.)
  • Response strategies to the unforeseen ("social crutches to get out of the way", etc.)
  • Training of social cooperation strategies (make a construction between two having half of the pieces each, etc.)
  • Game teaching (simple table games, etc.)
  • Foster aid to colleagues (helping tasks, etc.)
  • Design tasks of distinction between appearance and reality (costumes, etc.)
  • Adopt the perceptual point of view of another person
  • In students with less level, the use of simple instrumental strategies and the perception of contingency between their actions and the reactions of the environment will be encouraged. In any case, it will start from the residual skills and abilities that the child maintains in the basic aspects of social interaction. 


In the communicative area, the teacher must promote the use of language either through words, through pictograms, signs, etc. Depending on the level of development that the child has, always the phrases expressed by the teacher must be clear and precise so as not to create confusion in the child.

If the child has behavioral problems, we must review what kind of problem it is and see what unleashes that problem or what is the cause of it, perhaps a frustration, a harmful family environment, activities that do not enjoy, etc.

As a last point, the specialists who deal with the child’s case together with the teacher must have a close relationship and be in constant communication to know the advances that the child has and how they can continue working within the school.

Music therapy in children with TDI

“It seems that these children have exceptional acuity for sound (…);Music can be an essential functioning factor to avoid the development of such communication ”.

This is why there are many possibilities that a musical therapy is of great help in the process of improving the operations that this disorder affects;And it also helps to develop in a better way in the social, psychological and biological sphere.

“Musicotherapy is the use of music and its musical elements (rhythm, melody and harmony) performed by a qualified music therapist with a patient or group, in a process created by facilitating, promoting communication, relationships, learning, learning,Movement, expression, organizing and other relevant therapeutic objectives, therefore to meet physical, emotional, mental, social and cognitive needs ” 

That is why music therapy is important in these infants of this disorder since there is no cure yet and that would be one of the options that help the child, since it has been discovered in a study, in which Tony Wigram and C did and C. Gold on the autistic spectrum disorder and also included cases of people with child disintegrative disorder and at the end of the study they realized that there was similarity in both cases: as it allows the interaction between peers and communication.

“Musicotherapy can have positive effects on the communicative skills of children with autistic spectrum disorder. In fact, music therapy proved to be superior to similar forms of therapy where music was not used, which can indicate a specificity of the effect of music within music therapy. Because only the short -term effects were evaluated, the duration of the effects of music therapy on verbal and nonverbal communicative hallities is still unknown ”. 


We can deduce that this autistic spectrum disorder is a crisis that affects the entire social and family field of the infant, can be diagnosed with its respective observation and specialist, an effective attribution that favors irritability and forms deeper ties with the beings that attend them, currently they have modified inclusion in our country Ecuador, all children have the right to variety and to be covered in the school mesh integrating them with the other collaborators of the class room, although learning for them is arduous the instruction is advancingMuch and there are more specialized people to solve educational needs since these children have difficulty in socialization and we must give them the best motivation and reach them with the best entrepreneur we have. "Learning is like a tower you have to build it step by step’. 

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