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Climate Change

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Climate Change
The world climate is changing. There is a general increase in warming up of the earth, and there is a scientific agreement that this change is a reality in the, making. The continuous increase in global warming and the resultant effect are much worse than expected this can be witnessed by species reduction on their habitats and the chances of the ecosystem to adapt naturally are reducing drastically. The big question is how do climate change occur and what are the contributing causes.
Climate change occurs as a result of global warming which is an increase in the average worldwide temperatures. The increase in the average temperatures is as a result of emission of carbon dioxide always referred to as greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere, and this is influenced by human activities (Change 198). This warming up of the planet consequently leads to the changes in climatic conditions which in the long run adversely affect the weather in different capacities and regions.
The origin and the discovery of greenhouse gasses effects can be attributed the great physician John Tyndall who was passionate promoter and defender of the scientific naturalism whereby trying to understand the issue of great ice age fluctuate in climate. Several strides have also been made by researchers towards the analysis and study of the climate change, for example, Charles Keeling who developed the Keeling curve, the graph that plots the change in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from the year 1958 in Hawaii.

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Scientifically and experimentally, sun’s energy drives the weather and the climate and as a result, heats the surface of the earth whereby it again radiates the energy into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide and other gasses hold some of this outgoing energy hence retaining heat. This retention of heat by the greenhouse cases is what causes warming up. The indicators of climate change are at sea surface temperature, temperature over the oceans, sea ice, and sea level, and ocean heat current, temperature over land, snow cover and glaciers.
Human activities have been the major cause of the imbalance in the natural cycle, and human being is to blame for the cause of the global warming which has significantly resulted in climate change, the rise of human civilization has caused all this (Crowley 289). The release of a large amount of carbon dioxide through human activities for example burning of fossil fuels and deforestation has greatly contributed to the adverse effects of global warming. Mining of coal and extracting oil from the earth crust for the purpose of use in transport, cooking and heating and manufacturing all leads to the emission of carbon into the atmosphere than it was it removed naturally from the earth.
Deforestation for the purpose of agriculture leads to the transfer of carbon into the atmosphere, and the results are continuous adding up of the extra amount of carbon thus increasing its concentration.
Global warming has also caused drought in some parts of the world for example in Ethiopia whereby as a result of global deeming less heat and energy reaches the earth surface resulted in loss of life due to the lack of rain causing droughts which lasted for several years in the 1970s
Climate Change Impacts
Climate change has led to the floods which have resulted in the loss of life. This is because warm air hold moisture which is more than normal hence leading to the heavy precipitation thus causing torrential rains and in most cases it becomes extreme. Climate change has also resulted in the extreme climatic conditions for example typhoon which tremendously caused loss of life and loss of millions worth property for example in the Philippines.
Climate change has greatly affected the biodiversity. The drastic changes in climate have increased the loss of biodiversity, for example, there’s a major change in the food chain as sources of food is affected for example water and the land the coral reefs which are also useful to the environment and population is facing threats from the human activities. Moreover, it has led to ozone layer depletion, El Nino and other environmental issues (Hughes 930)
Action Plan and Setbacks
There have been several movements that have fought for the restoration of climate. Activist and lobby groups have blamed the political class for reluctance in the fight against this polluters since they either benefit from the economic value of extraction or they are bribed, issues such as lack of media coverage, disagreements and even lack of funding. And for those who tries to confront them then they are overpowered of strong financial muscle.
It is all about the political will to make these global problems curbed. The political class has failed to come up a successful treaty to handle climate change several climatic conferences have bored fewer fruits for example Kyoto Protocol climate conference, Buenos Aires climate conference, the Hague climate conference, Marrakesh climate conference, Delhi, Montreal and Copenhagen climate conferences. The first people who feel the impact of climate change is those who are poor, coincidentally they are the ones who contributed less to the climate.
Generally, In analysis it is worth noting that human activities resulting in climate change and natural carbon is that the former is drastic and rapid hence the survival chances of ecosystems proves to be dim, and the resultant effects will be worse than it is is through successful movement such as 100 days march that will force the leadership to understand and work on climate change issue. Political will to end global warming is the solution and Germany is a good example for example in the solar energy. It is possible it can be done.Works cited
Change, Global, and Climate Change. “Global Warming.”(1998).
Crowley, Thomas, J.” causes of climate change over the past 1000 years. “Science 289.5477(2000).
Hughes, Terry P.,et al “Climate change, human impacts, and the resilience of coral reefs.” science 301.5635(2003) 929-933

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