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Comment Of An Advertising Text In The Press By The Dgt

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Comment of an advertising text in the press by the DGT


This is an institutional advertising text published in Press by the DGT whose objective is to appeal to the receiver so that it has caution while driving, through a series of tips/standards set out in the text. The text has a normative structure since it has a heading, body and a final slogan. In addition, it contains graphic elements such as the drawing of a reckless driving act.

Type of argument

In argumentative texts we can distinguish between arguments about the facts (the facts are presented objectively) and rhetorical arguments (subjective text to persuade the receiver).

In this advertisement of the DGT, we can see a rhetorical argument as it tries to persuade the receiver that he does something exposing real facts to make him reflect on his actions behind the wheel.

Within the rhetorical argument, we can find arguments of type: ethical, analog and affective. In this announcement, ethical arguments are used, since it has been issued by two very important entities of the country: the General Directorate of Traffic and the Ministry of Interior, and affective, since it tries to appeal to the feelings of the receiver such as empathy, theconcern or fear, both through the text and the drawing that shows a danger situation.

Communicative functions

The communicative function in advertising texts is usually appellate since they seek to convince or persuade the receiver of something.

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This can be seen in the use of the second person, which aims to show close to the receiver, or the use of the imperative, used in the body of the ad, urging the receiver to perform what is requested.

The second function that we can observe in the announcement is the aesthetic function, which can be seen in the structure of the text, in the use of slogans in the heading and closing of the text, in the text placed in central position and in the drawing. All elements form a harmonic structure.

Another function is the phatic, which can be seen in the image that is made to impact the receiver and that this is aware of the topic set forth in the text that are traffic accidents. For the above, this image also fulfills a referential function.

Pragmatic description

In the transmitter function in advertising messages, we must distinguish between source and encoder. In this case the sources are the DGT and the Ministry of Interior that are the entities that represent and are interested in showing an advertisement message. The encoder of this announcement is the advertising agency in charge of shaping the concepts of the message you want to give.

The message of this announcement is institutional, since it is created by government entities to raise public awareness about traffic accidents. In it, caution is requested during driving and monitoring of circulation standards.

The message has a normative structure, since it is structured in three parts:

  • Heading: do not play it in a past. It is a phrase that aims.
  • Body: This is the longest part of the announcement, in which the theme of the announcement and the persuasion arguments directed to the receiver are developed.
  • Slogan: life is the most beautiful trip. Forms the closure of the message and intends to be preserved by the receiver. To do this, it must be shocking and direct.

The announcement receiver in this case is many people, that is, the population to which these entities issue it, but, mainly, it is aimed at a special audience: drivers.

As for the channel, the announcement uses the written press, in addition to the digital one, since this announcement was published in 1991 and years later was published on the DGT website to be able to give more visibility. The context, not having exact information, can be assumed that it was published in a newspaper, due to the format that it has and the year it dates back.

The code used in the announcement is both verbal and graphic, since the announcement has text and image that are complemented in meaning, thus giving a balanced global structure.

General characteristics of advertising texts

There are some characteristics that with which advertising texts are built. In this announcement we can find the following:

BRIEF AND CONDENSATION: The text is brief, but despite this, it contains a large number of verbal forms related to the main message of the ad, that is, it is brief but condenses a lot of information, thus being easier to understand and memorize for thereceiver.

Linguistic and rhetorical resources: They can be observed in the slogans of heading and closing, and in the syntactic economy of the body, which creates short messages and concise. We can also observe the metaphor that is done with the game and bets, which actually refer to the danger of risking lives.

Reiteration: related to the previous point, we can see how the words of the semantic field of the game are reiterated (play, bet …) causing the receiver to capture the message and learn more easily.

Linguistic characteristics

Graphic-phonological level

The receiver of an advertising text pays special attention to the graphical composition of the ad. Thus, in this text we can see how the heading and slogan are written in capital and bold compact and the image is located giving uniformity to the announcement. In addition, the body is written in the center, following the shape of the image and with a rather sober typography, implying that it is an advertisement with a serious message. We must also refer to the heading used in the first part of the body, used to maintain the shape of the text.

Morphosyntactic level

Syntax in this type of texts is usually quite simple because the space given to advertisements in written advertising is small. Therefore, they must condense all possible information with few words.

Both heading and slogan are made up of simple sentences. The body of the announcement is almost whole formed by simple sentences, with the exception of a coordinated one: life is not a game … one more hour, and two subordinates, a CD noun: do not let … a dangerous game;And a consecutive adverbial: Put hello yes … or cyclomotor.

As for grammar, a large number of verbs are used, most in imperative mode, since they urged the receiver to meet a series of standards. Some are subjunctive, expressing subjectivity to convince the receiver and desire to meet what is exposed in the announcement, and others in the future, expressing the consequence of not doing so.

Lexical-semantic level

The announcement has a connotative meaning that can be seen due to the use of valuation lexicon: beautiful, dangerous;For the appellate resources: do not play it (you), do not let (you);for the presence of the imperative mode that pretends that the receiver stops to see the announcement and in this case also, that he fulfills what he puts in this.

In the text, words of the semantic field of the game are used (play, bet, give …) and the semantic driving field (vehicle, speed, drive …). A linguistic resource used is lexical repetition: play, play, game …;Entrabalgation and enumeration.


This advertisement is an institutional announcement launched by the DGT and the Ministry of Interior with the purpose of promoting road safety and preventing reckless behaviors behind the wheel. Share structure with most advertising texts, that is, it has a normative structure that consists of: heading, body and slogan, in addition to having an image that fulfills both aesthetic and communicative functions. The text has an appellation function that tries to reach the feelings of the receiver to provoke in it a positive reaction during driving.

The announcement is mainly intended for drivers, although the rest of citizens must also collaborate respecting the pedestrian signals. The text uses an imperative tone to urge good driving, in addition to a simple and easy to understand syntax for all. The image is shocking, thus making the receiver take the message more seriously. This is a short text, but it contains a great message with few words. This can be seen since many verbs, word games and several semantic fields are used, in addition to the use of metaphor, repetition, enumeration and heading as stylistic resources.


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