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Communication As Communication Sciences For The Human

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Communication as communication sciences for the human


Communication as indicated by Andrés Novoa (1980) "is as old as life itself, since it belongs to the most basic of human experience", since communication is what characterizes the human being generically and, which was andIt is currently approached in several dimensions and by various theoretical perspectives;In such a way that issues such as: Communication such as “Study Field”, domain of communication objects and as well as general epistemology issues in which the analysis of Peirce and Samaja, both philosophers, forThus, to be able to deduce as over time has evolved and thus go from "something" like "Communication Sciences".


Communication has been addressed by several theoretical perspectives such as: philosophical, anthropological, sociological, psychological, political among others for one more dimension of human nature and they agree with the parameters to the discipline in which it is immersed, in addition, in additionIt is used as an analytical dimension due to its "universal" characteristic;Which fails to consolidate as "object domains", but only with the technical intervention of industrialized society is when "communication" begins to be articulated or coupled as a specific object and disciplinary field (Valdettaro, 2015).

The objects of domains of communication sciences are given by different situations such as culture, media in technology and communication devices;as well as, in civil society institutions and government agencies in communicative dimensions;thus indicating the multidisciplinary connection of communication and that is why it is now used in an analytical way and also called Science (Valdettaro, 2015).

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Epistemology is responsible for studying science;In other words, it is the domain of objects and with it the scientific discourse itself, and the scientific discourse that tries to produce "truth";In other words, the specificity of science is the search for a language capable of elaborating “true statements” that can explain the phenomena in a clear and general way (Vadettaro, 2015).

Pierce presents four methods of fixing beliefs which are tenacity, authority, a priori and the scientist;So in the first one it covers opinions of each one and therefore this method is not reliable;In the second it goes according to the beliefs imposed by the community in which one is found, and this also goes hand in hand with culture, thus being created that doctrines are created and therefore they are imposed;The third is a metaphysical method and is in a matter of fashion indicating that it depends on something human and the last method follow laws and in this one can find out by reasoning for what he indicates that it is the most appropriate. However, Peirce emphasizes, being the scientific method the most appropriate of the methods, it is only in the safest way we have within our reach in relation to the fixation of beliefs that can be named as "truths".

To know or understand reality, Peirce presents three dimensions that are: ideas, reality and signs or also called as first, secondity and thirdness respectively;The first refers to the first impressions that occur at the initial moment of knowledge, so he indicates that this is not enough and therefore a second is needed and that is where secondity is given;that an interpretation is given with a specific content and therefore it would be the scope of indicial realism and in thirdness it deals with the laws that preside over the functioning of the phenomena and that is where an argument is already given, since it acquires the form of thedeductive reasoning and it is in this that the field of deduction occurs.

To be able to "know" something usually in the manuals of epistemology or methodology, there are four methods or mode of inference that are: deduction and induction, abduction, indicarian paradigm and analogy. Deduction and induction;Deduction goes from general knowledge to a particular one and induction goes from particular to the general indicating that it goes from the most concrete or detailed towards something universal. The abduction described by Peirce as a retruction, referring to "reasons back";In relation to the scientific method, according to Peirce, the first step of the scientific reasoner or also called "original argument", since it is the only type of argument with which a new idea arises, since it pursues a theory;Appointed with different ways, abduction is "plausible conjecture", "reduction", "incomplete syllogism" or simply "hypothesis" also samaja supports that it is precisely with the semiotics that abduction acquires an important epistemological statute so it indicates that: theDeduction goes from a whole-conjunction to the part-subcression;The induction goes from a part-submitted to a whole-conjunction;Abduction goes from a part-organ to a whole-organism or, from the part to the totality in the strict sense

The indiciary paradigm is synthesized as a fingerprint -based method to capture inadvertent realities;The indiciary paradigm is intuitive, elastic, it depends much on the historical discourse on the personal quality, on the individual’s individual capacity to reveal that past. This is admitted, together with Ginzburg, that there are purely conjectural solutions or statements, without any empirical basis that supports them (Campagne, 2013). While the analogy is a type of inference that “goes from a whole known to a whole unknown through a certain proportionality or similarity of its form (Valdettaro, 2015).


In accordance with the above about how communication has been covered in different fields in order to explain situations or actions in the perspective that are;It has become currently appointed and this is also due to the different philosophers who have used it, it also uses epistemology, since this is the search for a language capable of elaborating true statements thus undertaking the contribution of Pierce and Samaja, since the first speaks of the truth as a belief and for this you must understand reality and with it also to know so that this is done or being named as a science for which it is based on four methods and it is on it thatThe philosopher Samaja also gives its contribution;in which it uses induction and induction, abduction, indiciary paradigm and analogy thus obtaining the establishment of an object or subject as truth and therefore science.

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