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Composer Style Report

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Composer Style Report
There are many famous musical composers who have been able to shape the world of music as we know it today. The musical world of today owes much of its present day joy to the past works that were done by the ‘musical ancestors.’ It is thus worth remembering their works which were very commendable works of art. Musical forms part of the very extensive and great field known as art. This field brings both joy and satisfaction to life and should never be ignored at all times. In light of these facts, we are going to discuss one particular individual who was a very great artist. This artist who was a composer was Giovanni Gabrieli who did a lot of extensive composing works in his career. This document will discuss him and the style of work that he was doing. Moreover, the document will also discuss the extent and impact of his work and its bearing on music since his time to the present day.
It can be fenced that Giovanni was a very significant musical persona of his time. Being a Venetian composer, Giovanni Gabrieli lived in the period between 1553 and 1612. Comparing this period to the present 21st century it is roughly 500 years later sine his death and yet we are still remembering him and studying his work. Considering that he was doing his work even before the industrial revolution one notices that the work was very commendable and impactful as well. Venice stood as a link between the east and the west in terms of trade and was hence very powerful.

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This is the period of renaissance where there was a transition between the old and the new. The medieval period was ushering in the modern period which saw a lot of increase in the intellectual abilities of humans as well as the quality of life. Thus, to be able to understand Giovanni’s music, it would be necessary to first understand the context of the music. The style known as grand multi-choral was what Giovanni had in mind throughout in his work. Moreover, Giovanni was using an instrumental ensemble which has existed ever since to this day for those people who want to have a live performance and orchestra lovers.
In conclusion, Giovanni was a tutor and mentor to many artists such as Heinrich Schütz among many other German admirers. This artist was also an inventor whose style outlived him since his death. He invented the sacred symphonies and publicized the style. The artist influenced many members of the society and abroad with his invention and style. He also sang secular music which further outlined his unique and diverse abilities. The very fact that his music outlived him and was adopted beyond Italy proves that he was a unique talent to behold. Music is also an aspect of human life that is very sweet for both the ears and the soul. Music penetrates the heart and can be used to melt those hard hearts and bring peace to those who do not have it yet. Individuals like Giovanni have made us know that any transformation is possible by showing us the way and proving that change is inevitable. This is further exemplified by the Renaissance period where the medieval times ushered in the new modern period which has been in existence up to this day and improves with time.

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