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Concert Review

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Concert Review
My choice for this review is the Mick Fleetwood Blues Band whose lead singer is Rick Vito and the other band members who are Mick Fleetwood, Rick Vito, Lenny Castellanos, and Mark Johnstone. I attended the concert at the Belly-Up Tavern. The Belly-Up Tavern venue is located at 143 South Cedros Avenue Solana Beach CA 92075. The concert was well planned. The sound acoustics appeared to be quite representative of the albums produced by the band. It was very enjoyable to sit in the middle seats of the Belly-Up Tavern venue.
Mick Fleetwood is the bandleader, who plays the drums, and a multitude of other instruments. Rick Vito is the lead singer and plays the guitar. Lenny Castellanos on bass guitar. Mark Johnstone is the backup vocalist and keyboard specialist who also plays a multitude of other instruments. All of the band’s members are quite talented in this respect. I could tell they enjoy working together and even after all the years; they still love to perform live. It shows in how they interact while playing their favorites songs. The audience and I included. I would go again when the opportunity arises.
The Belly-Up Tavern venue looks to be your typical live music setup that is designed to maximize tone and sounds for the music. The closer one sits, the louder the music, the better it is. It is complete with one of the best sound systems and light choreography. The Belly-Up Tavern is quite eclectic and designed for first come first serve seating arrangements with a casual dress code.

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The music stage is host to all versions of music and features a plethora of genres that encompasses both old and new bands.
The audience boasted all generations of concert attendees. Each dressed in that casual era of early rock musicians. The younger attendees sported tattoos and incredible body piercings, with hair is all colors of the rainbow. The ones I could see in the low lighting were the typical baggy, saggy shorts, flip-flops, and t-shirts displaying Fleetwood pictures. The older generation also sported the same attire and body art, and a lot of silver hair speckled the audience.
The music of the Mick Fleetwood Blues Band crosses all genres featuring blues and classic rock as well. What the band played is several of early Fleetwood songs. One of the songs is my favorite was Oh Well, penned by Peter Green in 1969 for the original version of Fleetwood Mac. This brought back great memories of those eclectic blues that underlines the band.
OH Well (Green, 1) is heavy on the drums and base with keyboards thrown in the background. This song was quite a fast-paced rock/blues with several musical solos in base, drums, and guitar. The song was the last one written by Green for the band tells the story of the life of fame. The song supposed to be all about the moody guitar but ends in fast rhythm with the music timbre quite upbeat. I saw a lot of air guitar in the audience, especially from the older generations.
The song When the Levee Breaks (McCoy, 1) is a Led Zeppelin tune written by Joe McCoy back in 1929. It is about flooding on the Mississippi. It is a song about loss and recovery. The Fleetwood Band rendition keeps true the folksy/blues genre that is low temple heavy rock that features the bass and drums. The rhythm is slow the guitar solo by Rick Vito sent waves of delight through the audience. This song keeps the same temple throughout. It was the rhythm and beat, that makes the audience sway to the music.
The song Black Magic Women is another Peter Green tune written in 1968. The Blues/Rock genre is evident in all the songs. It is a slow temple Blues tune that makes one close their eyes and feels this music wash over the ears. It brought many memories back from the good old days. The lyrics speak of love gone south during the height of the LSD period. The ending instrumental had many of the audience swaying with this bluesy tune. The melody and timbre were slow and low, with those special drum rhythms that suggest a little sadness at love drowned in music. The timbre beat and rhythm is slow and easy love ballad about how the man wants to resist giving in to the feelings. The band gazes at each other during the playing melodies by the drum of Fleetwood and guitar of Vito.
It is All Over Now is a song penned by Bobby and Shirley Womack in 1964. The Band played this as an instrumental. The timbre matched the guitars and piano, with minor drums. The rhythm has that folksy blues quality of love gone wrong. The band just got into the music without looking at each other but looking inside and reflecting the melody presents as sadness in that slow beat. Vito provides some magical playing at the end of the song that brought the audience to its feet with clapping and cheers.
The World Keeps Turning by Fleetwood is another Green tune that was mostly instrumental and about lost love. It features a drum competition by Fleetwood and Johnstone while the other members smiled and watched. The words were hard to hear over the screams of the audience, as the drum competition approached completion. The rhythm and melody had that blend rock and blues overtones that this made this band is famous. Again the audience displays their raucous pleasure by jumping to their feet screaming and clapping.
The Fleetwood Blues Band is a great concert hall band. They are better in a live concert venue. This is because they enjoy playing together and frequently go off on musical competitions between members. This is always a crowd pleaser. It is more like a trip down memory lane as they did not really play any newer music, but rather stuck to those pieces that the audiences came to hear. I was quite surprised at the multi-generational electiveness of the audience. People of all ages enjoy the Rock/Bluesy nature of the period pieces. The acoustics of the Belly-Up Tavern made the live concert a wonderful and memorable experience. As mentioned above, listening to this concert made me feel like I was in the audience back in the early years of this band. The Fleetwood Blues Band played many of my favorites already mentioned. I felt myself tapping my feet and swaying to the music in my seat. The older tunes brought back many memories of earlier concerts.
Works Cited
Bobby and Shirley Womack, 1964 It’s All Over Now Belly-Up Tavern Solana Beach CA
01 December 2016
Peter Green, 1968 OH Well Belly-Up Tavern Solana Beach CA
01December 2016
Peter Green, 1969 the World Keeps Turning Belly-Up Tavern Solana Beach CA
01 December 2016
Peter Green, 1969 Black Magic Women Belly-Up Tavern Solana Beach CA
01 December 2016
The Fleetwood Blues Band Belly-Up Tavern Belly-Up Tavern 2016 Solana Beach CA
01 December 2016
Joe McCoy 1929 When the Levee Breaks Belly-Up Tavern Online
R01 December 2016

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