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Conflict management

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Conflict resolution is a method used in organizations and at the individual level to arrive at a peaceful ending in a conflict. Conflict resolution is primarily the role of the managers of the organization.
Summary of a cross-sectional study of managers’ conflict management in Singapore
The paper aims at finding out the type of conflicts that arise in Singapore companies as a result of cultural and management differences. The study explores different ways in which the managers from different cultural backgrounds approach the conflict resolution problem in Singapore. Singapore experiences the global economy, therefore, attracting many multinational companies. As such, managers and staffs move into the country with a diverse culture in both management and personal conduct (Yuen, 2001). The paper indicates that most of the managers in Singapore multinational companies exhibit a similar pattern in terms of conflict resolution styles they use. However, some managers opted to divert from their cultural values in order to handle conflicts.
The study is further based on the individual – collectivism concept. The study relates the conflict resolution styles adopted by the managers from Asia and America with their cultural and managerial backgrounds. Cultural difference is one of the factors believed to cause differences in conflict management styles (Yuen, 2001). In the study, the results indicate that, in the individualism countries like the United States of America, managers tend to give weight to conflict resolution styles that take into account personal goals and preferences.

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Similarly, collectivism counties like the Asian countries give weight to those styles that value the needs of a group. People in individualist countries have accepted disagreements because to them, interactions are believed to occur between different individuals. On the contrary, people in collectivist countries dislike disagreements.
Strategies used to resolve conflicts
Avoiding style: The method is used by the managers wishing to avoid decision regarding a conflict. In this case, the managers and the parties involved in a conflict are not satisfied at the end of the dispute. For them to use this style to solve or manage a conflict, the managers have to ensure that the consequences of not solving the conflict are minimal. Additionally, the parties to the conflict have to agree that delaying the decision will not have a negative effect on them.
Benefits: The method is used to resolve short-term goals and conflicts which are perceived as minimal. The collectivists are more likely to use this approach to solve their conflicts. Additionally, this approach helps individuals under pressure to create time by pulling back and later revisiting the matter with more favorable circumstances. Further, the method helps the individuals involved to concentrate on more important matters in an organization.
Compromising style: When two individuals are in a conflict, they try to come at a common ground where each individual contributes equally to the conflict resolution. In most of the cases, conflicts solved through this method are highly repetitive and short-term in nature. Individualistic managers are more likely to use this approach to solve conflicts in an organization (Yuen, 2001).
Benefits: The benefit of using this approach to solve the conflict between the two parties is that it enhances equality in the outcome of a resolution, therefore, satisfying both parties. Secondly, it can be used by parties who require a temporary to a problem. It thus allows them to come to an agreement before finding a permanent solution to their problem. Finally, the method helps lower the tension and stress, which results from the conflict.
Obliging style: The method is used to solve conflicts in situations where one individual has more concern for others that he or she has on him or herself. For the decision to be effective, it has to be in line with the goals of the organization. However, the method should not be used regularly as one of the parties to a conflict falls to become a victim, especially if the other party is using the dominating style. In the study, highly collectivists Chinese Singaporeans were found to be more likely to use this approach.
Benefits: The method is useful when handling the clients complains and needs so as to be in line with the company culture. The method also helps the individuals to concentrate on more important situations. The party obliging gets more time to handle matters of more importance compared to the one in question. Further, the individuals also get a chance to reevaluate the situation from different perspectives.
Dominating style: The approach is the direct opposite of the obliging style. In this approach to solving the conflicts, one party has low concern for others. In this case, one party is self-centered and therefore the results of resolution tend to favor him or her. People who solve conflicts using this approach appear to be dictators who are only interested in self-satisfaction. According to the study, highly individualistic managers have a very high tendency of using the approach.
Benefits: The method is used to solve the decisions that require immediate response and does not require any compromise. This method helps increase the self-esteem of the individual dominating the situation. Firms which require inducing respect during resistance adopts this style of conflict resolution.
Integrating: the method takes considerably a large amount of time and resources. This is because; it is a method that has value for oneself and others. In this method, individuals spend much of their time and money trying to look for a solution which serves both parties (Yuen, 2001). The results of the study indicate that the managers from American culture with individualism are most likely to adopt the style in solving the conflicts.
Benefits: This method is considered the best among all other methods as it takes into account the needs of all the parties involved in a conflict. As such, the parties are in a position to solve the conflict comprehensively. Since the method leaves both parties satisfied, it reinforces more trust between them. Due to the trust and respect created between the parties, they create more chances of working together on a future date.
Yuen, E. (2001). Individualism-collectivism and Conflict Resolution Styles. 1-20.

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