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Consumer Loyalty In Commerce

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Consumer loyalty in commerce


Consumer loyalty is one of the benefits that influenced the positive impact on SMEs in Peru during the period from 2011 to 2017. In addition, it strengthened and helped them to have a new perspective of CSR and the advantages with respect to the image before the client. SMEs as Altamirano mentions in his article, "social responsibility and their relationship with SME in Peru and its environment". They constitute 98% of the Peruvian market and that is reflected in the participation of the economy.


The confidence of the customers, this allows the company to have a fluid dialogue with them and can understand the needs they have and thus use the ideas and then turn them into services and/or products that meet the demands and make the customers. In addition, Corrales, indicates that companies must have knowledge about CSR because these are present on a day -to -day basis through small gestures, decisions and actions.

An example of them is when a person is going to make the decision to make their purchases, in their process of choosing not only to be guided by the prices and quality of the product, but also by the reputation of the company or its action in front of the environment , Corrales. That is, users and/or customers sometimes choose companies for the image they have before society either for their contributions to the environment or social aid: therefore, in many cases they are identified with companies and that is where a loyalty bond is created that allows the clientele to subsequently loyalty.

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Facilitate and encourage purchase repetition, according to Gonzalo. L, define this action as an important factor, since, through discount coupons, points or other incentives for customers it helps them to return again and again to buy and increase interest in our products. That is, in this way, consumers loyalty with companies with these strategies they have and in the same way they identify with social aid that every time SMEs are developing.


For the above, consumer loyalty is a very important benefit for SMEs and their CSR. Both Luisa de Miguel Corrales and Lizet Gonzalo agree that the consumer’s loyalty to SMEs is due to the concern they have with their clients taking into account their needs and the values ​​that they transmit through their social aid and environmental means. With these practices, companies improve their image and a healthy and mutual benefit relationship between company and customers. That is, this in a plus in the image of SMEs towards society. 

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