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Consumerism And Types Of Consumer: Bought Happiness

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Consumerism and types of consumer: bought happiness

Consumption. A action so natural that, from babies and even before, we perform while generating waste in the process. But is consuming only exclusive in the nature of the human being? Well no. This action is part of the natural processes of support and reproduction of life. It becomes an endless cycle. Consuming is a part of the process of exchange of living beings with the immediate and mediate environment (Bauman, 2007).

However, we currently live in consumer society. Its nature has been altered that is really necessary, because there is no way to exist without making an exchange with the environment, towards a fictitious reformulation of formal conditions adapted as a prerequisite of being within postmodern society. It was established as a socioeconomic rule that consumption was the key towards growth, it also gives a pass to irrevocable aptitude for human development.

"Most people are looking for what they do not have and are enslaved by the same things they want to acquire," says Prime Minister of Egypt, Anwar El-Sadat. Consumerism is an evil that affects us, it comes to cause an imbalance in natural resources and as a society we are not consistent of our actions. We buy why we want, even if it is not necessary in our lives, only to please a superficial desire. Once we possess it, the same product ends up or leaves, but "improved". We long for the new and accumulate the old to feel more "happy".

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Happiness in exchange for what?

Consuming, according to the SAR is to use groceries or other goods to meet needs or desires. Otherwise, consumerism is an immoderate tendency to acquire, spend or consume goods, not always necessary. From these two concepts the following arises: although I am a being that consumes by nature, how do I know that I am consuming excessively?

For that reason, we have to know what type of consumer we are and which ones mean "danger".

  • The rational consumer. It is the type of person who, first, analyzes the characteristics of the product and to be able to see if it is appropriate to their needs and conditions. This consumer plans your purchases, that is, it does not go through the stores thinking what you will buy. He reflects in advance, makes a decision about his purchase and executes it according to his measures: product type, brand and that the price is within the budget. It should be noted that this consumer manages to save easily because he plans.
  • The experimental consumer. This person buys new products and is willing to try them. Links the experience of purchase with emotions. He fascinates trying products that he does not know and is not faithful to brands.

Since consumption has to do with emotion, savings is the protagonist. For example, if the experimental consumer wants to travel to the Maldives, he will not want to take the first trip he sees, but he will choose a prudent date and thus not waste money so fast.

  • The consumer suggested. This person is influenced by the advertising that he reads, sees or listens. He ends up making unnecessary purchases, since he doesn’t reflect if it’s really what he wants. Suggested consumers are ideal for marketing actions, because they undoubtedly trust. But it should be noted that your purchases are not of great magnitude.

The problem is that they are conducive to acquire a financial difficulty due to this consumerist tendency. Although according to different experts, the recommendation for these cases is to see if the product is totally necessary. If the answer is "yes", the only thing that can be done is to compare prices and choose the cheapest possible.

  • The impulsive consumer. The consumer is blinded by the announcement, he immediately wants the product. Is not aware of the expense and if this is little or much money. His desire is almost irrational for the purchase, as an addiction. The ease that these people have, and that is harmful, are online stores. How? Well, with simple clicks, it already has an infinity of products at your disposal. self-control? Recommended. But as we know … it is easier to say it than to do it.

While a certain population can feel identified with a single consumer, in most there is a combination of these 4 profiles. Although we must recognize that the means of advertising will always go to emotional (experimental) consumers or those who are driven by the desire to love (impulsive and suggested). In addition, it contributes to the wrong idea of ​​a success based on goods: "The more I have, the happier I am". Happiness so superficial that our environment affects thanks to our actions. But like every human being, we hope to see what happens to react. The consequences of being a consumerist person are:

From the environmental perspective, first of all; The consumption of objects with a packaging, mostly of a single use, covers 50% of the total waste worldwide. It should be noted that 5 billion bags are used annually.

In 2017, according to Algalita Marine Reerch and Education, a plastic island was found, off the coasts of Chile and Peru. Approximately has an area of ​​2.6 million square kilometers, almost duplicating the surface to the Peruvian country.

According to the Ministry of Environment, an average citizen uses 30 kilos of plastic per year. While annually increases about 3 billion bags of this material. Metropolitan Lima and Callao produce 886 tons of plastic waste, which covers 46% of these waste nationwide.

Unfortunately if we continue like this, according to the UN news, it is estimated that by 2050 there is more plastic than fish in the sea, 99% of birds will have already been harmed by this material, garbage will damage marine fauna, among other difficulties that will damage future generations.

Second, the consumption of food from industrial livestock is a tragic factor towards the greenhouse effect, as it emits 14% of these gases. It should be recognized that the industrial livestock model is based on immediate obtain. According to different studies, it is estimated that by 2050, world consumption of meat increases by 75%, unsustainable figure for the world.

Finally, the textile industry is considered the second pollutant on the planet, since it issues 10% carbon, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency. UU. 100 billion clothes are produced every year. The problem is that there is a "Fast Fashion", because fashion. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, 15 million tons of clothing are eliminated in the North American drains or at the bottom of the sea with possible microplastics, if the material is synthetic.

Water meets a prominent role in this production, because only for jeans it is needed, such as a pussy. With all that amount you could hydrate a person for 10 years.

From the personal perspective, a person who is addicted to purchases, psychologically feels unfortunate if they do not get the object they want or the experience they want. But when they have what they longed for, they feel dissatisfied, because they already want another product and/or experience that the current cannot please.

Another complication, and is referred to a certain population, is people with obesity, depression or some other pathology. Deceptive ads offer us a more sensory consumption, since they give us different types of products and that must be consumed in abundance, to become more "thin", to eliminate any allusive thought to sadness and feel good, among others.


In conclusion, consuming is natural in each being and that allows us a union with the environment. However, consumerism is the enemy that we have to avoid in our lives, because we create environmental problems, such as plastic pollution, livestock and textile industry, among others. Psychologically, we get carried away by the advertising of a company that only seeks to grow its goods. We become more individualistic, since each one cares about his welfare and not the neighbor.


  • Lara González, José David (2009). Consumption and consumerism. Some elements trace on university students in Mexico. Nomads. Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Sciences, 21 (1). [Date of consultation August 8, 2020]. ISSN: 1578-6730. Available at: https: // = 181/18111521024
  • https: // dle.RAE.It is/consume?m = form
  • https: // dle.RAE.It is/consumerism?m = form
  • https: // www.public.It is/savings-consumption-responsibly/know-to-the-diferents-tipos-de-consuming/
  • http: //
  • https: //
  • https: //
  • https: //

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