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Content Marketing

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Content marketing

 Content marketing is a method of investigating and trying to understand the needs of our target and then offering them relevant and attractive.

This discipline of creation and dissemination of relevant content (aimed at the buyer person of your business) has the purpose of attracting your target audience and attracting it to your client, that is, it has a strong commercial objective.

We refer to content marketing when the tactics used by brands is based on creating a certain type of useful and interesting matter that will generate a positive response from its users.

It is a way to attract the target group and expand the network of buyers and prospects with interesting content and valuable ideas that attract people’s attention and create a positive perception of the brand. This should increase sales and improve relationships with current and potential buyers.

It is an approach for creating and imparting valuable, relevant and coherent content to attract and retain a well -defined audience and, ultimately, promote profitable actions for customers.

Instead of showing your product or service, provide your potential buyers and customers really relevant and useful to help them solve their problems.

Content marketing objectives

The objective of this marketing tactic is to make an attractive content for the user, capable of getting their attention to attract it to become a client. In addition, there are other objectives as we see below:

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Get visibility. It is necessary and very important to contribute all possible creativity to the development of arguments. Making a more visual and dynamic publication will attract more users than if it were done only through text. Continuous innovation in the formats and processes used is necessary to generate interest.

GIVE VALUE TO THE COMPANY. The knowledge of a business is one of the most powerful weapons at your disposal, if it is shown that a business is aware of the concerns and interests of the consumer, from a perceptual perspective it will be seen with very good eyes, being able to establish the commitment between the companyand the consumer.

Customer loyalty. The character of the published content is important to connect to a specific consumer profile. If there are common points of interest, users will feel grateful to the brand, they will be loyal to it and will bring great benefits to the company, not only in sales but in the creation of community around the brand.

Create a stable contact network. Realize in the online environment thanks to the marketing of content can bring enormous benefits, you not only need to think about getting customers but also being perceived as an important brand in your niche. Create arguments open the door to a lot of contacts. In addition, conversion is crucial for content development. Obtaining potential users makes it possible to create future relationships.

Increase commercial sales. Although important, this ended up being one of the main objectives of the company to be the result of a job well done. You can produce great benefits, but never put them ahead of other aspects such as brand reputation, since in the long run it would result in bad consequences and results.

The benefits of using content marketing

• Brand knowledge: the public will recognize the brand and create its own audience. When generating content in the area of action and not only in the product, authority in the market is acquired and the audience expands. It is important to demonstrate both experience and knowledge.

• Better place in the results of the search engines: it must be the answer that potential customers are looking for when they ask Google. A blog is an exclusive channel that can be adapted to all expectations and attracts public attention when accessing the blog.

• Competitive difference: you have to add value to the content produced. For the potential buyer to become an amateur, he must offer quality and value, teach something new or solve a problem.

• Cost reduction: content marketing costs less and offers more sales opportunities than conventional. When creating content, this is done only once and is available for customers at any time and forever. In addition, the channels through which they are advertised are cheaper (social networks, blogs, etc.).

• Creation of a measurable channel: The results of a content tactic are measurable. This allows the evaluation and management of resources and efforts to achieve the objective.

• Generation of interested prospects: With the contacts that show interest, new channels and sales opportunities are generated. The content is essential to generate potential customers, track sales and close them.

• Increase traffic: it is an essential ally of other online marketing strategies necessary to increase results. If you add the content to SEO, digital media, sem or native advertising, visits to the website and blog will surely increase.

• Public knowledge: it is a large channel to analyze the audience of a brand. Thanks to the content that generates more interaction, visits or interest, it will be possible to better understand the behavior and tastes of the public in order to improve sales strategies.

• He brings you closer to your community, is an excellent way to connect and meet your audience.

• This allows you to reach more people, that is, you can start reaching a new audience.

• It is an ideal way to promote a brand or its articles and services.

• It is a very effective way to convert potential buyers.

• Generate confidence between the content creative brand and the final buyer. Almost always a happy user repeats.

Some types of content

• Images

• Infographics

• videos

• Guides / tutorials

• Daily

• E-books

• Models

• White books

• Presentations in Slideshare

• Forms

• Games

• Web questionnaires

Promotion channels

The contents can be disseminated in several channels, for example:

• Blogs

• Facebook

• Borjeo

• LinkedIn

• Instagram

• Youtube

• Specialized forums

• Directories  

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