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Contrast of the Media Article and Journal

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Contrast of the Media Article and Journal
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Comparison/Contrast of the Media Article and Journal
The effects of moderate alcohol have been associated with different actions. The effect could enhance performance while in other cases, it reduces an individual’s ability to think appropriately. The media article and the Journal provide different attempts to test on mechanisms underlying such changes. Individuals have been tested based on their cognitive skills, the test aim at determining cognitive changes that result from mild alcohol consumption.
Summary of the Study Described in the Articles.
The media articles often outline misleading information on different dynamic issues. The tests conducted by the media and journal article provide similar conclusions that match with their headings. The media articles have described study that explains the relevance of its title and briefly describes the tests on effects of alcohol consumption on one’s creative thinking. Both articles conduct similar test, but the variance is noted in the media article where it misrepresented details of the measurement. The participants involved in the studies have similar encounter thus providing an effective judgment on the effects of mild alcohol consumption. However, the results provided from journal shows that participants with health complication were isolated from the test (Jarosz, Colflesh, & Wiley, 2012).
Differences in how they Reported Findings
The media article outlined its findings appropriately.

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However, it has failed to prove that different limitations such as health complications can have adverse effects on the tests. Alcohol intoxication condition has not been described in the media article (Jhaneel, 2012). The differences did not affect the end results. Both the media article and journal concluded that creativity and productivity is improved by intake of mild alcohol. The study conducted on journal further provides detailed statistics on different variations and limitations of the test.
Significance of the Differences between the Articles
The differences between the articles ensure that the range of study is not limited to appealing headings but researched studies. Interpretation of measurements are outlined in the journal hence enabling an individual to analyze and improve on the findings. The procedures and comparison of participants are similar hence similar end results. Therefore, the findings of the study do not vary significantly, making the media reports relevant. However, in some cases, the media reports could be misleading when the method of analysis is not provided to the public (Jarosz et al., 2012).
Significance of the Headline of the Media Article
The headline of the media article would not serve as an effective title for the journal. The media article often focuses on attracting the attention of the public at the expense of topic of the study. For the case of the study conducted, the headline presents a generalized idea of the media content. Most often, the media reports provide misleading information, some of which have not been researched. Such issues make the study irrelevant thus negative perception of different media journals (Jhaneel, 2012).
Impacts of the Readings on one’s Opinions
The findings from the journal have changed opinions outlined in the media article findings since the studies have both proved positive thus linking both studies. The media often provides its findings in summarized forms. Therefore, it is important to avoid information that could be misleading by researching on other articles to establish in-depth facts.
Journal article provides relevant findings on the effects of alcohol on an individual’s productivity. The studies outlines in both articles have played a crucial role in addressing negative perceptions of the media reports that are often misleading to the public. The research conducted involved similar procedures and number of participants. The results obtained proved the fact that mild consumption of alcohol improves creative thinking and productivity strategies.

Janheel Lockhart (2012). Having a drink or two at work could boost your productivity.
Jarosz, A. F., Colflesh, G. J., & Wiley, J. (2012). Uncorking the muse: Alcohol intoxication facilitates creative problem solving. Consciousness and Cognition, 21(1), 487-493.

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