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Criminal Behavior And Criminology

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Criminal behavior and criminology


Criminology was born with Cesar Lombroso, although it has been retaken by other authors such as UNINATEL, Laurent etc. In such a way that Criminology aimsSearch for new theories, as well as various methods that contribute to this purpose.

To develop the study, methods such as the comparison of the offender are needed, the application of a statistical analysis, longitudinal studies etc. There are different ways to classify criminology in which it can integrate individual, collective criminology, drug addiction, victimological etc. Differently from this classification, as the basis of biological, psychological, sociological, clinical etc.


Based on Jimenez de Asúa to determine the danger of a subject, the personality of man, the bio-psychocial aspect, as well as consider the aspects that led to the commission of the crime as the conduct of the agent after the crime,reasons, the act of manifest as such. The criminological study can be classified based on the situations in which each subject is, such as the pre -criminal or preventive.

Biology is a science that is integrated into the nineteenth century, to identify the criminal trend, in biological orientation endocrinological advances are considered, in addition to prove that from the influence of the glands dominate human behavior, another important aspect is thehyperfunctions and pituitary depends on the temperament of the human being.

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Another fundamental piece to determine criminal conduct was known as electroencephalogram, although it does not clearly determine the differences between an electroencephalographic line within a criminal population of which it is not.

Sociology is an indispensable science for its contributions in the study of Criminology, Enrico Ferri is the main contribution, he was an Italian jurist representative of the positivist school, previously sociology was determined by his empirical knowledge in terms of the criminal in an individually,As for Ferri, he took the physical and biological aspects as the only method to explain behavior in addition to this approach I add social factors.

Since for Ferri the combination of these factors encourages that crimes are committed, in addition to sociology I include various sciences such as anthropology, statistics and criminal law, considering them as a unique chapter of criminal sociology. Sociological orientation: This area of knowledge seeks to analyze and observe the criminal phenomenon from a social approach, based on various criminogenic factors such as external factors specifically. 

Psychology: provides analysis studies for normal and pathological cases, which guide any man or woman to adopt criminal behaviors and thus become a criminal, focusing mainly on individuality and criminal conduct. Lombroso lacked scientific bases by exposing some verifiable proposal to explain incoherent crimes also that sociological and antilombrosian explanations are able to resolve the motivational causes of crime so that psychology does provide responses to the investigation regarding the observation of the mindhuman.

Psychological orientation: has achieved various advances over time based on studies specialized in the activity of the mind and criminal conduct, as well as those of the victim, certain studies support criminal law for crime prevention and in this wayIdentify the crime, sanction it and finally integrate it into society through a method of social reintegration.

With the objective that the individual rights and guarantees of people with diverted behaviors are not violated and can reimburse themselves to society. Psychological theories strictly seek to give an explanation on all that behavior considered typical, since a certain criminal behavior violates a law, they consider that this criminal behavior is governed by the same guidelines as non -criminal behavior.

The mention factors are applied to determine the origin of a fact constituting a crime and to be punished you have to personally evaluate, since not all people are aware of their actions, in this way the treatment must be different, withBase on this Forensic psychology supports to determine the causes, thus proposing possible treatments, judges will make increasingly fair decisions.

Taking as a reference to the Legal-Penal Schools considered as an organic body of Concepción which is opposed to the legitimacy of the right to think about the nature of the crime and about the end of the sanctions, thanks to the debates and confrontations made in the centuryXX, promote the development of criminal legal schools, as an example of development, the delimitation of the fields was achieved according to precise methods and in collaboration with the professionals of the subject, since previously there was no such collaboration between the same collaboration between them.


Positivistas consider as a classical school to all of them, labeling the doctrines that were not consistent with their ideas, in the classical school it takes into consideration the important individual guarantees in the reaction of this against arbitrary acts andAbuse of power, the main authors were Cesare Beccaria, Giovanni Carmignani, Pellegrino Rossi Francisco Carrara, etc. Its main postulates are equality, free will, crime entity, moral imputability and deductive method.

It is known that the positive school in terms of the appearance of positivism gave its beginnings in the natural sciences on the philosophical studies of the nineteenth century, positivism takes a greater influence regarding the scientific and the search for knowledge, the positivist school establishes different postulatesAs they are: experimental method, denial of free will, determinism of human behavior, crime as a natural and social phenomenon, social responsibility, sanction proportional to the dangerous state and the importance of crime prevention rather than repression.  

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