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Critics Review Of The Odyssey And The Iliad

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Critics review of the Odyssey and the Iliad


The author of the Odyssey and the Iliad was the same;And he is recognized as Homer who was a Greek poet who wrote them approximately 800 to.C. Being so ancient many have doubts about the stories and some think that they really can attribute both writings. However, it is thought that it was blind due to the wind dialect because its name means blind, and it was told that it had the ability to see what others could not. However, it is thought that their writings were influenced during the Trojan War during the thirteenth century to.C and the reign of Giges (King of Lidia) five centuries later although these are not reflected a real spatial time according to the rest of their stories due to certain elements that can be considered as temporary irregular than reading and analyzing the work isthink there is no rational coherence within the stories told.

Each of the works tells a different story despite the fact that they are intertwined with each other. In addition to each one narrate adventures. The Iliad narrates the adventures on land, where they take place in Troy from the Greek troops. His story revolves around the abduction of Helena by Paris, son of Priam who is king of Troy and Hécuba, wife of the king. The latter is sent by his father as an emissary of Sparta where Queen Menelao, Helena’s husband. Upon arrival I take advantage of this absence to take Helena hostage with the help of Aphrodite and take her to Troy.

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When Menelao finds out what the siege begins to Troy that certain characters such as Ulysses or Odyssey will vital importance. However, the Odyssey tells an adventure in the sea of Ulysses or Odysseus that will fight in Troy for 10 years and takes 10 additional years to return due to numbers problems that arise from confrontations with siren and hydras. However, while this absent his wife Penelope and his son Telemachus have to get the idea that she has new suitors because they give her dead husband and her economic situation is getting worse, although in the end thanks to the Astucia and Intelligence Ulysses comes to return toIthaca. Killing his wife’s new suitors and thanks to Athena, citizens negotiate peace for the coming years. All this is made of different verses.

Both works are characterized by having verses that tell these events as a structure. The literary genre of both is the epic epic, since it is an epic related one represented through poetic verses with several transcendental facts and/or characters. Another definition for this type of genre is an extensive poem that tells the story of a virtuous hero where culture is represented in an admirable way in a town and how it manages to handle the different situations that are developed through the plot. It should be noted that each one belongs to Greek mythology because they have several elements of this such as the gods.

In the Iliad they are mentioned, several such as Hera (wife of Zeus and goddess mother of marriage and family unity), Ares (God of war, violence and bloodshed), Athena (goddess of wisdom, war and war Defense and strategy), posidon (god of water and oceans, earthquakes and horses), hefestos (god of the forge, blacksmith and craftsman, metal and fire), artemis (virgin goddess, of hunting nature, childbirth and all animals besides being Apollo’s twin sister), Apollo (twin brother of Artemis, god of the sun, light, knowledge and medicine, archery, music and prophecy), Aphrodite (goddess of the goddess carnal love, beauty and desire) who took one of the sides of the war and intervened although Hermes are also mentioned (messenger of the gods and employer of commerce, rhetoric, lies and thieves), hades (god of the kingdom of the dead and the underworld, mining and terrestrial wealth) and Zeus (king of the gods of Olimpo and father of many of them, God of heaven and thunder) who remained neutral before and did not take any side. However, in the Odyssey we can see new deities and/or mystical characters; Together with the same ones that appear in the illite , Circe (woman who has powers and turns her men into pigs), Hermes (who helps to escape Ulysses with some of her crew), Eol type of help), Helios (who when he arrives at his island warns him not The work since Ulysses left his son Polyphemus blind and feels great hatred of him causing him to have many obstacles in his return to Ithaca) and Zeus (which is the class of the work because he decides what is carried out by the wishes of other gods).

However, despite the fact that in the Odyssey most of the characters that are part of deities and the Ulysses family;And the main character here is the latter;since the story revolves around him and his misadventures when he returned to his house. In the Iliad there are many other warrior characters such as Achilles, Patroclus, Agamemnon, Odysseus, Menelao, Diómedes, Néstor, Áyax el Grande, Áyax the minor, obviously Helena, Priam, Hécuba, Hector and Paris;In addition to Casandra, Aeneas, Sarpedón, Andromaca, Briseida and Glauco. However, from all this list, Héctor, Menelao, Agamemnon, Paris and Achilles are main characters in the Iliad although Achilles is the most important of all, since he is the protagonist and is one of the greatest heroes who participated in the war ofTroy.

Each of the works develops main and secondary theme. In the Iliad we can note that the main theme is the altercation between Achilles that is the maximum and agamenon hero who is the chief of the Greek troops who fight against the Trojans. However, we also have several secondary issues that are those very particular events such as Achilles anger with what causes it, produces and its fearsome consequences that are linked to the Trojan War that is the scene in which this anger of theprotagonist and main hero of the plot that becomes the thread that triggers the story.

In the Odyssey the main theme as I have mentioned above is what is about the work that is the trip of Ulysses at the end of the Trojan War and its return home, which was full of many obstacles due to the decision of severalgods between them posidon. However, as the main theme several values between them the hope and longing for the home. The hope of despite continuing our path despite having obstacles or not wantingothers that can make references to several characters.

Both works were written in the era of ancient Greece and in any case let us know the importance of many important aspects among them their religious beliefs. We know that the Greeks were polytheistic and had many deities other than those that had a lot of respect. In the odyssey you can see how some of these deities do the impossible to prevent Ulises from reaching their home because they felt offended by any of their actions for example Poseidon and EolThis will not return home. However, we can also see Athena as a protective goddess;since the latter professed a lot of respect and protected him during the 20 -year trip. In the Iliad we can meet the great epic heroes that we know through the films, series and books that are based on the same mythology. Among them to Achilles and their great agility in war, despite this having a totally different legend appears in the Homeric poem as a hero and triggering the entire plot. However, we can notice here as the wars were in ancient Greece when there was a war conflict and in the beliefs of this when it comes to taking just because we can see how several deities influenced the war so that there was a winning side. In neither of the two works the gods in which they believed so it can be seen that it can be seen that the people who lived at this time were quite religious and had their beliefs well rooted in their culture.

Like the religious part we can also see several values in which they are noticed when reading the works. In the Odyssey we can see Ulysses’s perseverance to fight to get home, the hope of Penelope that at some point her husband arrives and from this arrive at home, we have the hatred and revenge on the part of the gods but we also see theirInterest, humanity and protection of other deities, we can see the cunning and ingenuity of Ulysses in several of their situations and especially trust;and finally the greed in Penelope’s suitors;among other values that such as love, paternity, the importance of the voice of the people, hospitality, goodness, among others.

My opinion of the text is that it has many teachings and that they are entrenched to beliefs and values. That do teaching function, which would make a lot of sense since many people think that Homer wrote these poems that were transmitted orally in his time. Reason why they have teaching showing how good values make people end well and as people who have anti-values or bad intentions end up having an unpleasant end;unless these are gods who have a valid reason to feel their anger against humans through offenses. Causing us to happen uncomfortable situations, problems or things we don’t want. Although I think the latter is exaggerated;If we must have a respect to our beliefs, whatever they are and not only ours but that of others but I think it is a small exaggeration as the author narrates;causing me a bit unknown.

However, between both stories I liked the odyssey much more for what it represents because I feel that it has much more value of valorical teaching although I am uncomfortable the part of excessive respect towards deities because in almost all legends, myths, fabulas that belong toThe same culture are usually very vindictive against humans for anything causing curses and punishment as in this case in Homer’s Odyssey to Ulises. That Eol.

However, regarding my recommendation of the work I think it would depend on people. Not we all like to read poetic verses because we can make us difficult to understand them. Although these two works are quite interesting because they narrate the adventures of heroes. Heroes that have inspired several films, series and books that we have seen since our childhood and that we continue to observe in different ways and that it is always good to know their origin and in which they are inspired to create new stories. In conclusion, in order to recommend it, I would have to know the person well but in itself, I would.

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