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Curiosities Of Johann Sebastian Bach

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Curiosities of Johann Sebastian Bach


Curiosities of Johann Sebastian Bach Johann Sebastian Bach was born during the Baroque period, to be more specific, in the year 1685 on March 31. He was a man who dedicated virtually his entire life to musical studies and stood out in more than one of the areas of this art, such as: music composition, chapter master and singer -songwriter, he also played the violin, the clarinet, the clarinet perfectly, the positive, chair and chamber organ. His mother was María Elisabetha Lämmerhirt and her father Johann Ambrosius Bach, Johann obtained her inspiration through her family, because much of Bach dedicated himself to music for several generations, were recognized for her great professionalism in Germany and since beginningAge learned the basis of musical theory, play the violin, among other instruments.


Next we will mention some of Johann Sebastian Bach’s curiosities throughout his professional career and personal life: he was in prison for a month from 1708 to 1717 he was in charge of being the first violin and organist in the masses that were held in the chapelof the respected Duke of Saxony-Weimer called Guillermo Ernesto. While the Prince Leopoldo of Anahlt-Cöthen works, he was delighted with his development with the instruments he touched and asked to be the mastery of capillary in the court of Cöthen, a proposition which Bach accepted. When the Duke of Weimer learned that Bach would stop playing in his capillary to go to Cöthen, he was not happy with his decision and his way of revenge was to send him to prison, one month after let.

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He had up to 20 children in 1707 he married his cousin María Bárbara Bach when he was 22 years old, the following year a year later he met a singer who would become his second wife, Anna Magdalena Wilcke. In his 29 years of marriage they had 13 children, when Bach died his firstborn was 41 years old and the youngest daughter was 8 years old. 

He met the first pianofortes the rope and keyboard instruments were Bach’s fort, among his last years of life one of his activities was to rent instruments to learn to play or was at the service of professionals / fans who needed their experience to buy instruments andThanks to this, one of the first pianofortes could know. The count of Branitsjy (Bialystock, Poland) contacted him to obtain his opinion on the purchase of a pianDefine there is the purchase receipt and the date it was made was on May 6, 1749.

He created two compositions while myopia was always present in Bach’s life, living in such an old time there were no corrective lenses, there is also no electricity and when the night comes the lighting was by candiles being small lamps that were used with candles, but the light they generated were very little. When conducting your studies or compositions with little light, your view problem was starting over the years. He operated twice with the famous surgeon John Taylor, who finished sentencing his eyesdeterioration state of health in which I was. 

He toured 400 km walking one of the most popular German composers in his time was Master Buxtehude and Bach was completely determined to know him, therefore, he walked to Lübeck;This town had 400 km away, he made the round trip walk. He calculated it will take a month to get back home, but it really took four months. 

It was a weakness for alcoholic beverages and the Bach tobacco was a beer lover and there were receipts from multiple barrels of beers they had, another of their favorite drinks was cider and regularly one of its cousins that was dedicated to theviticulture gave him wine. Another fact was his constant consumption of coffee and used tobacco frequently. He was a strong temperament man the people who came to deal with Bach confirmed through several testimonies the strong character that the composer had, he was not a man of losing his stirrups frequently, but when this happened he did not fear to notice theperson the irritation that generated in him. Education always maintained it, although it used to express yourself with great rudeness when it had a certain discomfort. He owned various instruments of great value when a musician is necessary to have the necessary elements for the practice of his compositions, but Bach had a collection of amazing instruments. 


In Leipzig an inventory of his possessions was made after having died and then, currently recognized as music relics, which had a lute, two key keys, 10 rope instruments and approximately 6 of keyboard. All are protected in their hometown. He was a religious person since he was a child was very involved with the Church and this became an important part of his life. Family members confirmed that religion was one of their favorite themes, there are several pieces to play during the masses, compositions based on all the gospels of the Bible and religious courts that confirm their great belief in God. I almost competes with Marchand Marchand was one of the most recognized organists in the time of Bach, who respected and admired him with great passion. 

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