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CV and Project List

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Student’s Name
Instructor’s Name
Course Number
Client’s Project List
Client’s Project List
04.2014 – 05.2014
03.2010 – 11.2013 Project Manager Basel Data Center Move: Completed the investigation of over 200 AE&O (Architecture Engineering & Operations) application dependencies within a harsh deadline.
Developed a project plan based on the project scope, requirements, and timelines and aligned with senior project managers.
Managed migration requirement process of AE&O applications by interviewing application owners, portfolio managers, functional supporters, and technical owners globally.
Executed on migration planning, coordination, and implementation of the project.
Managed progress against milestones.
Project Coordinator / Junior Project Manager IT Tech Center Consolidation Project: Before this project, five major sites spread over the US, Europe and Asia had local site-specific processes. This project centralized the IT service desk process, implementing personal level onsite support and improving the effectiveness of customer services for over 6000 users.
Collaborated with lead Tech Center Service Manager on creating project charter to be reviewed by other Tech Center Managers in USA and CH sites.
Executed and monitored complex multiple project plans by creating overview timelines for all project plans combined which led to better accounting and an apparent direction of the entire project outcome.
Organized and coordinated workshops in The USA, and CH sites which resulted to positive and productive workshops.

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Created a flowchart for Tech Center document system flow and worked with SharePoint team to implement document library process.
Documented various project meeting notes and managed task lists on a weekly basis.
Active Directory Legacy Domain Decommissioning Project:
Decommissioned of the legacy domain and migration of all users to the new domain. Coordinated the phased migration of user and application profiles between domains. Reduced future operational costs by half.
Initiated a kick off project meeting and a follow-up project workshop with laboratory systems support and Windows server teams to gather project requirements and allocate available resources.
Created project charter based on collected data from laboratory systems support and Windows Server groups.
Formed detailed project plans with mutually agreed upon objectives and milestone dates.
Defined communication plans, and collaborated with communications team on the project announcement schedule and regular progress reports to clients.
Windows7 Migration Project:
Managed a hectic schedule of operating system migration for over 12000 devices, user profile and over 200 business critical applications to windows7. This project had a phased rollout on a global scale.
Consulted with technical leads and collected data from global user and software usage database.
Consolidated various user databases to come up with the most accurate migration user list
Collaborated with the vendor and directed group migration with users, and collected feedbacks after migrations.
Coordinated with migration team and facilitated the group migration sessions for scientific groups to make end users feel more comfortable with the transition.
RAPID (Research Application Infrastructure Database) Project:
RAPID was, at the time, a new GxP compliant systems and application dependency tracking database. Responsible for the compliance of 70 globally deployed applications within a three-week timeline.
Received a RAPID GxP certification and trained Application Service Managers globally. (RAPID was the first tool that was developed to connect all scientific applications to each of the dependent servers in case of outage of the data center).
Supervised Application Service Managers on updating scientific application resources in RAPID.
Coordinated and communicated with Application Service Managers to complete the global update of requests in RAPID ahead of the given time schedule.
Co-location Pilot Project:
The objective of this cross-divisional initiative, on a CEO mandate, was to foster better communication between the research and business development divisions at the Basel site. Over 150 associates across multiple departments would be able to co-locate temporarily to a central location for various durations during the project.
Coordinated the IT planning for the pilot phase of this project.
Created user survey for Co-location users and collected user IT requirements.
Met with research scientific project team leads prior to the opening day of Co-location pilot space to review different IT equipment options and provided users’ feedback on each item.
Collaborated with Co-location project teams and reviewed users’ feedback (Including non-IT requirements) which helped reaching the overall satisfaction of client expectations.
Initiated meetings with Scientific Operations to review and confirm user IT surveys.
Shared project lessons learned with NIBR IT senior project managers and users’ final feedbacks.
Laboratory Tablet PC Rollout Project:
Improved workflow and the communicational environment, to increase safety standards as well as decrease administrative time and leverage R&D efficiency.
Initiated a kick off project meeting with biology department group lab heads and captured their IT lab requirements.
Coordinated and ordered necessary lab IT equipment such as touch screen tablet PC, RAM, and washable keyboards.
Created and coordinated online classroom sessions for users.
Collaborated with HSE (Health, Safety and the Environment) on lab safety requirements regarding the touch screen Tablet PC.
Datacenter Migration Project at two locations (Klybeck and Stein):
Emergency set up of the new data center to secure the continuation of service through contingency, simultaneously increasing the efficiency of data center operations.
Created the Master Server (700 servers) list by consolidating data from UNIX and Windows team from the server group.
Interviewed Application Service Managers and other business application owners to define application, server, database, and storage dependencies.
Created and maintained a hardware inventory list for storage and backup services team.
Reported feedback to the project team for GxP compliant systems and application tracking tool from interviewed results of system owners in the Master Server list.
MS Online and MS Outlook Migration Project:
Migration of 3000 users from Lotus Notes to Outlook to decrease operational cost; with full continuation of service.
Maintained a project site and updated information as required
Recruited IT supporters and created their schedule for the Outlook Migration rollout period
Designed whiteboard cheat sheet for the migration team to track day to day operation plans
Singlehandedly collected the outlook migration user list (3000 users) which accounted for 99% of end users during the migration period.

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