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Cybersecurity And New Industry 4.0

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Cybersecurity and New Industry 4.0


Industry 4.0 A model that aims to establish mechanisms that support productive processes, with direct machine – computational systems – humans, it is clearly known that behind all this complex development, safety mechanisms must be implemented in the same way to avoid loss of information and Moreover, the loss of the complete system, cybersecurity will be the one who provides ways to mit digitalization) in which everything interacts to achieve a specific purpose "to continue the business, using technology in all productive processes".

Keywords.- industry, organizations, production, security, sustainable development, technological innovation


Computational sciences have become substantial in organizations, whether they are public or private, both in commercial, administrative and productive fields, industry 4.0 provides a series of technological elements that will undoubted different technological implementations and thus permanently achieve business continuity. The present research work aims to show in a general way, close to the challenge that companies must assume especially those of production to achieve optimal and sustainable solutions through technological investment, which will give a significant change at all business levels.


The industries have had to go through a series of changes to ensure their continuity, that is, to be at the forefront not only in technologies but also at the same time with professionals that provide methods to create experimental functionalities in every field and thus be able to inject its processes, mechanisms that provide new sources of knowledge and in addition to the tendency to development of trade as such.

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When talking about industry 4.0, we are referring to which conceptual models of the new industry are attributed to the previous Cloud computing, process electronics, augmented reality, among others, all these managed in real time, to achieve a single objective; Give continuity to the industry, and also to the development of it, since it will provide new trends that will shoot us even further.

Change or not only by thinking about it becomes very interesting, generally at the beginning of the transition process there will be a million questions, of how?, When doing so? We are prepared to face this challenge?, The ideal is to think that this change will generate many benefits and also provide an entry to the consciousness of technological investment for the development of much faster processes and with avant -garde trends.

In general terms industry 4.0 is attributed to the term "intelligent factory" or "internet applied to industry", that is, advanced computer mechanisms (Internet of things) adapt to the formulation of new product creation strategies.

A first stage of this type of technology contracted with the new form of sale, through electronic channels, of course it is not linked to the way of producing, but in the way of expediting the process, a safe and efficient way ( Internet electronic distribution).- This distribution approach achieves quite significant seats, because now the shops are handled electronically to the point of also creating products not tangible that immediately reach the plaintiff after making the transaction.

Now, well, cloud computing provides a quick and reliable way to record data and useful information, which will be available all the time; Through the Internet, robotics is another of the technological elements that have significantly marked industrial progress, as the use of robots is very common, wireless technology and the use of wired data networks propose interconnection between computer systems and large manufacturing machines, industry 4.0 Try to gather all this technology conglomerate and apply it to productive processes, all in real time.

This model will undoubtedly force companies to invest much more in technology and to have processes carried out by highly trained professionals who will handle the complexity of the matter and also support so that the system in general does not decline. This reasoning is intended to interact the entire manufacturing system, and take it to a digital environment, in which people and machines participate, supporting each other.


Cybersecurity In general terms, it can be defined as the protection of information assets through the treatment of the various threats that put the information that is processed, stored and transported by the information systems that are interconnected.

It is the set of tools, policies, security concepts, safety safeguards, guidelines, risk management methods, actions, training, suitable practices, insurance and technologies that can be used to protect the organization’s assets and users in cybeling. Security properties include one or more of the following: availability, integrity (which may include authenticity and non -repudiation) and confidentiality (iTu, 2008, p.3)

It is the preservation of the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information in cyberspace, defining cyberspace as the complex environment resulting from the interaction of people, software and services on the Internet, through technological devices and networks connected to it, that do not exist in any physical form.

Cybersecurity is a relatively new discipline. ISO, IC and ISO / IEC standards developed in the last 25 can be applied to help resolve cybersecurity challenges. Existing and emerging cybersecurity Mark. Implement the cyber security framework, or a cyber security program, requires an iterative approach to identify, evaluate and manage the risk and evaluate the implementation of the reference framework. ISO / IEC 27001 already provides a risk management framework that can be applied to prioritize and implement cybersecurity activities within an organization.

From the point of view of organizations any company that wishes to coin the models of the new industry, should establish security parametric that are framed in the aforementioned items, good security practices will provide a fairly efficient way to continue with the production chain. Another important situation that must be taken into account is what to do when the risks that remain controlled, somehow exploit. The latter is undoubtedly an issue that has always worried us and that we have never to set aside, because the threats come from where one is expected, and without measures that help us control because the system in general will fail.

The most important robberies of information can affect three types of aspects: economic.- If you steal passwords or have access to online systems such as banks, PayPal, Bitcoins; Playful.- It refers to the loss of photographs, access to sensitive information as repositories in the cloud; Of image.- If they steal accounts of social networks, they can supplant the identity and say it. It is necessary for users to be aware of the new game standards that impose Internet and new technologies and know both the most important mechanisms used by attackers and which of our identities can be interesting for them.

Impact of cybersecurity on organizations

CIBERATOQUE, can be defined as any attack on information security through a public or private communications network (internet or corporate networks) and is currently considered a global risk that affects people, organizations and states, affecting technological platforms of any type and size when taking advantage of the vulnerabilities of people, technologies and processes.

The origin of cybersecurity dates back to the mid -80’s with the appearance of the first viruses and worms that infected personal computer systems through communications networks. The appearance and dissemination of the use of the Internet was also paying for the spread of different types of "malware" that infected personal computer systems and the first local area networks (LAN). With the appearance of the first computer networks the attacks were proliferating and in the same way they became increasingly specialized and focused on violating specific systems with previously defined objectives, studied and selected by the attackers.


Opting industrial models that improve processes is something that all production companies should develop, not only for the well -being of the organization but to better meet demand (public in general).

Computer awareness and the application of new technologies will give a plus to organizations, but as well as progress, we see each other more and more vulnerable to external attacks, for this reason the personnel must be qualified and qualified to a large extent to cover this complex ecosystem.

Generate a security awareness applying policies, and monitoring it, establishing advanced controls at the user level and promoting change will give organizations the so longed for productive stability, being able to satisfy those spaces that are often left as gaps, finally finally , bosses, operators, and the general public will be developing together and obtaining the benefit of what they created.


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  2. TEKNISK RAPPORT, SIS-ISO/IC TR 27103: 2018, Edition 1, 2018-03-15, 2018
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