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Cybersecurity Threats Raised By The Internet Of Things

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Cybersecurity threats raised by the Internet of Things


Knowing the advance of the use of the Internet of things in Mexico is important to measure the level of IoT development and knowing about the development of this type of technologies in the improvement of productivity and competitiveness. Knowing the cybersecurity threats of IDC is essential to protect private information from Internet users and prevent cyber attacks. From the Public Security Area, it is very important to know the above aspects to be prepared in the management of digital information and everything related to information technologies and implement security mechanisms that guarantee the integrity, availability and confidentiality of information.


The concept of the Internet of things refers to the revolution in the relationships between conventional objects and people and even among the objects themselves, in other words it is the digitalization of the physical world, or that is the same as all utensilstraditional connect with the network and also synchronize with each other to offer a much more full and efficient service.

On the other hand, the innovation of the digital interconnection of everyday objects with the Internet implies a loss in privacy because we are constantly giving our lives even more to technology which could become hacked and put our personal information in serious problems, at homeThe security of the IDC is also important to proactively protect what matters most like privacy, children, money and more.

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Concrete actions to follow up and combat computer crimes for the use of IDC applications in homes:

  • Supervise mobile devices such as tablets, laptops, smartphones, cell phones, etc

They are blocked at the end of each business day and if they will get lost preventing our information and putting our data at risk. It is also important to use a safe access password so that no one can access the device and especially use a security product that allows certain applications that are executed on the devices.

  • Configure automatic antivirus updates on all devices, therefore it implies having software to protect them from viruses that allow hackers to access data and the system.
  • Do not use the same password for several devices or accounts must configure safe passwords and change the predetermined in case of acquiring a new device. In the case of companies they can also be victims of cyber attack and lose information about their customers could even disappear due to the loss of management of their systems when an attack is generated. Concrete actions to follow up and combat computer crimes for the use of IDC applications in companies:
  • Have safe login credentials must ensure that the login information is unique for each employee and demand the use of safe passwords.
  • Implement an end -to -end encryption mechanism to protect information as it moves from one point to another.
  • Select a cybersecurity expert provider to analyze vulnerabilities and provide unique solutions that prevent cyber attacks.
  • Design a security policy where you can define who has access to the different parts of the network.
  • Avoid bad security habits by employees, allowing attackers.
  • Avoid the use of personal mobile devices in corporate environments, which is known as byod or Bring your Own Device.
  • Backup.
  • Getting to the cloud there is better security for the accommodation of your data.

Similarly, the attack on the government’s government systems must become one of the main concerns and be alert to these trends of state actors to do everything possible to better protect critical infrastructure and citizens of cyberbrains. So not having optimal processes for the management of your information can be of great risk and vulnerability to cybernetic attackers.

Therefore it is necessary to use IDC applications such as:

  • Continue implementing and developed legal mechanisms to guarantee data protection such as electronic signature.
  • Keep updated systems.
  • Define and update the existing legal regulation of the Internet.
  • Implement initiatives such as MAAGTICSI (Administrative Manual of General Application in Information Technology and

Communications, and in information security) so that the processes with which institutions must regulate their operation, in the subjects of ICT and information security according to new technologies and the use of theIoT in different fields.

Unfortunately, Mexico does not have a cybersecurity strategy that allows to establish what are the minimum requirements and actions that must be taken to protect all your computer assets. Without a doubt, in this type of actions it should not be spared, but unfortunately it is what is currently happening.

Reflection about the threats posed by this technology, in the field of technological crime

We might think of the Internet of things as a weapon of two edges since although it is very useful when providing some kind of service, the vast majority of users do not know what data are collected and shared or what software is installedIn our electronic devices and who are those that have access to these information collected and who can remotely control these intelligent devices so these would be the greatest risks of new technologies security and private life.

The threats of the IDC in the home are many for example someone could hack the dactillary system of the doors of the house and enter to commit some type of crime or intercept video surveillance cameras to monitor someone, even control an appliance and cause an accidenthow to light the oven and burn the house.

In private companies they can suffer damage to their reputation and the value of their brand and even operate or disappear. One of the private industries that I have seen that these technologies use a lot and that by crime has been affected is the transport and logistics industry where systems are used to know the state of the goods throughout the journey, without a doubt these theseSystems could also be hacked by cybercriminals to know about the tours of these companies and commit robberies with the help of cybercriminals and physical criminals. And just as this company there are many others that can be threatened by the Internet of things such as companies such as the CFE, municipal and state water authorities that in case of threats could leave a whole city without electricity or other service affectingthousands of people. On the other hand, the threats of these technologies in the government sector can translate into financial losses, production delays, information filtration, cyber espionage, threats to national security in cyberspace and more.


As we saw use of the Internet and other digital technologies, vulnerability to cyber threats in various areas and damage ranging from data loss, costs, damage to the organization and reputation in the vision of its clients and partners. Criminals are increasing.

In terms of security there is enormous vulnerability to computer crimes, so that reducing threats to the advances of the IDC will be a huge challenge that will require a great effort to learn about the events that are currently happening and raise awareness of the importance of security andThe impact it is generating on the people, companies of government instances.

In the personal use of IDCs, the basic security measures mustThese applications to prevent and combat risks.


  • Aguilar, l. J. (December 2010). Cybersecurity. Obtained from http: //
  • Ameci. (s.F.). Obtained from https: // (July 9, 2020). Measure risks and take care of your company’s cybersecurity. Obtained from https: // idconline.MX/Video/Corporate/2020/07/09/Mide-Riesgos- Y-Cuida-La-Cybersecurity-of-Tu-Empresa
  • Kaspersky. (s.F.). What is the Internet of Things? Internet security of things. Obtained from https: //
  • Salazar, j. (s.F.). Internet of things. Obtained dehttps: // upcommons.CPU.Edu/Bitstream/Handle/2117/100921/LM08_R_ES.PDF

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