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Cyberspage, Cybercrime And Cyber -Terrorism

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Cyberspage, cybercrime and cyber -terrorism


 Internet globalization has allowed the interaction between different people from different parts of the world, where you can find diversity of material and information thus causing the invention of new problems (cybercrequence, cyber -terrorism, cyberspiege) has tried to solve, but it turns out to be A very difficult task for governments and agencies that are responsible for the traffic of information and crimes within the network.

Terms Index – Cyberterrorism, Cyberspyting, Cybercrequence.


Internet is the greatest means of information and expression around the world, the use of this cyberspace is presented as a great advantage for society, and at the same time a great threat, moreover everything is interconnected, all kinds of systems of systems of Security, Defense, Commerce, Communication, Transport, Banks, etc. That is why we find in a world that is connected to each other, it generates a network dependence for advanced societies, this advance has positive sides for society as well as a negative side, where the emergence of new problems to new problems is analyzed Which is exposed in general, problems such as (cyberdelites, cyberterrorism or cyber war Control of all mentioned. As time passes, the frequency of crimes within the network increases, but, as well as the growth of these crimes, new ways or solutions that face all the aforementioned problems, therefore, in the following work arises, in the following work is presented The study of (cyberdelites, cyber -cybercrurous or cyberwar, cyberspioning) as well as the solutions that have currently arisen for their regulation.

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Before the entire Internet revolution and computer systems the term espionage towards reference or consisted of intervening a telephone, intercepting communications or simply designating a spy person who is responsible for infiltrating themselves within institutions or governments in order to obtain secret information of vital importance. But the objective remains the same to obtain information illegally, when we talk about cyberspizage we do not say that in addition to obtaining information, it is modified, erased or shared.

Cyberspage includes actions such as:

  • Intervene within computer systems in order to detect possible failures regarding security.
  • Intervene or intercept the sending of messages.
  • The alteration or modification of intercepted messages.
  • Identity fraud.
  • Robbery of passwords and access keys.
  • Illegally access computer equipment or systems.
  • Submitted Malicious Programs.
  • In addition to extortion or deception.


What does a cyber attack understand

The following stages are usually followed:

  1. Explore the system.
  2. Find the weak points of the system.
  3. Exploitation of weak points.
  4. File manipulation, in order to have access to the system.
  5. Cover up traces or evidence of the attack made.

Usually in the face of an attack, what should be done is the following:

  • First search or try to determine the purpose of the attack.
  • Identify what information was affected by the attack.
  • Determine the size of the severity of the attack.
  • Analyze and determine the objective of the attack.
  • Discover the possible tools used by the intruder.
  • Detect vulnerabilities violated by intruder.
  • Once the context and magnitude of the problem is detected, it is necessary to put the system alert.
  • Finally respond to the attack and start recovery of the computer system.

Among everything mentioned there must be the intervention of the government, entities and systems affected by the attack in such a way that an adequate contingency agreement or plan is achieved for preparation against possible future intruders, usually in these cases the Cyber ​​Security Department of the affected government. As a last recommendation, information between entities affected by the attack should be provided, in order to better understand the panorama or nature of the attack, but this is usually not fulfilled due to the lack of trust by each One of the entities, in terms of the security and integrity of its information, this distrust is not more because within the same affected parties, cases have emerged in which the situation is used to obtain important information, In order to exploit it or share it for their own benefits, which is why in many occasions these attacks are not revealed, being as confidential, which is not well because knowing the experience of others in the face of attacks would facilitate or facilitate would help the preparation of the other entities regarding the treatment of intruders. 

Cyberspiege within Ecuador

According to an investigation, it was determined that Ecuador was affected by cyberspage in terms of data on military or businesses, affected by malware called machete discovered in 2012 and published in 2014, basically this malware was dedicated to cybersitating officials and military From Latin America, it is said that this continues to operate and has already managed to obtain a significant amount of information from some countries in which Ecuador is.

According to ESET, the computer security company could determine that around 50 machines actively shared information these belonging to Ecuador 16%, Venezuela 75%, Colombia 7%and Nicaragua 2%. It was said that the group that controlled this malware is properly Latin American, but it was not entirely safe, as mentioned above its objective is to steal information, but the purpose of this information could be discovered that it was to allow other states to have an advantage at the time of Make negotiations, even data about the movement of the country’s military forces. 

How does machete operate?

It is said that the way to attack this malware is as follows:

Basically it was handled by the sending of emails aimed at high positions within the country, these mails contained titles that could generate interest to the person to whom it was directed such as “last events within the country”.

Once the file was discharged, it was in charge of installed and generating a report sent to the control machine with the information of the IP address, network cards, in addition to the name of wireless networks, after the program was installed it passed to the second plane that was infiltration. In addition, this was layers of accessing microphones and the device camera to be able to monitor the target even when it is offline. 


It is said that every crime committed from the use or the help of the Internet is considered as cybercrime, these crimes may be like a simple virus placed on a page in order to steal accounts and passwords, in addition to the cases that have arisen with the theft or impersonation of identity, or in order to obtain important information to the affected person in order to achieve an economic benefit, extort or cause evil to the victim.

Within these cyber crimes, hackers who are people with knowledge of computer science enter, who take advantage of people with lack of knowledge or inexperience within the network thus obtaining their information. Due to what was mentioned, the need to create the cyber police that would be in charge of the regulation and punishment of these crimes was seen, but as is knowledge, the network is too large for a group of people to take care of the regulation of the regulation of the regulation of the same, that is why we are still far from being able to establish control borders in terms of the protection of the integrity of the information that circulates around the network. Due to this lack of control or regulation there is a form of protection for companies that contributes to their protection through the use of policies or privacy terms.

The term privacy is important within the study of cybercrime, but this right is extremely violated by the use of technology since through this our information is highly exposed and available to third parties that can take advantage of it in the way they want.

Situation of cybercrime within Ecuador

It is said that in Ecuador and Latin America an average of an cyber attack is recorded every 12 seconds according to Centurylink, a global telecommunications, security and information storage company. This tells us that these attacks come from China, the United States and Brazil.

Among the provinces most affected by these cyber attacks is Guayas 27.57% and Pichincha 47.38% and gold 5.24%, of which the most reported are the cloning of credit cards, debit and the passwords.

Forms and methods for cybercrime

  • Botnets
  • Basically they are robots networks that infect several computers in order to offer control of these machines to the creator of this malware, for the sending of spam and the denial of access or services.
  • Spoofing
    • This is used with the purpose of supplanting the identity of the victim or affected to infiltrate communications for information collection.
    • Brute Force attacks
      • As its name says, they are brute force attacks, generally aimed at systems that are encrypted in order to overcome this encryption or those systems that offer a higher security level.
      • Javascrpit attacks
        • Used in order to add or add web code to pages usually famous or busy to achieve redirection through these pages to other pages that are not completely safe, or oriented to other purposes.
        • All those mentioned are part of the common ways in which a computer criminal acts within the network, it should be noted that these presented are only part of the ways they have of acting these intruders, that is, there are many more forms that have not been mentioned in this document.


          It is said that the most critical form of cybercrequence is when it advances or focuses on cyber -terrorism, due to cyberspace this form of terrorism has gained territory providing these criminals (terrorists) many ways in which they can use the internet or technology with technology with the purpose of achieving their objectives of which can be: cause damage, terrorize and intimidate.

          The majority of terrorist organizations use technology as their strong point for the preparation of attacks, through stolen or filtered information they manage to obtain, there are also cases where terrorists manage to recruit people through social networks or by other media electronic, if we imagine this possibility that terrorists have to interfere within society, it turns out to be something really alarming or worrying. 

          In more general terms it can be said that a terrorist uses this cyberspace for the following:

          • Obtain important or crucial information.
          • Launch large -scale computer attacks.
          • Propaganda for movement.
          • Recruitment of people.
          • Generate threats or infuse fear within society.
          • Communication between members belonging to the same terrorist organization distributed throughout the world.
          • Among many others.

          It is worth mentioning that with the arrival of the Internet also emerged forums called “jihadists” which gather sympathizers with terrorist organizations in addition to indirectly providing contact with them, usually in these forums arise issues such as:

          • Information compartment.
          • Practical information on how to build bombs.
          • Establish terrorist cells around the world.
          • And in some cases plan an attack.

          Another important issues about cyber -terrorism is that they not only use this cyberspace to expand and disseminate their movement, but also use it in order to obtain financing, through web pages that accept donations from everywhere to generate income to fulfill its purpose.

          In addition, these organization use the Internet to fight a psychological war, there are innumerable examples of how terrorists use this means to propagate false or equivocal information, implementing doubt within society, generating confusion and distrust within people towards their government or Towards the objective of terrorists. This psychological war is spread through videos filtered by the terrorists themselves in order to cause fear or fear of people, showing the power that they have in addition to their coldness to commit such acts.

          Finally, the Internet plays a fundamental role in providing information to terrorist organization since there is much of this information available and free of interest for these organizations, information such as:

          • Maps.
          • Schedules.
          • Details of your goal.
          • Photographs.
          • Virtual visits to your goal.
          • Bomb and weapons creation information.
          • Information about how to flee a persecution.
          • What to face a police detention.
          • Among many more.


          Everything detailed in this article has in common that it is generated based on the expansion of the Internet which generated a number of possibilities for the commitment of crimes, offering ease, information and even help from other people around the world that interact through forums Or through other electronic media, it can also be said that the world currently does not offer adequate mechanisms that protect us from all. 


          1. V. P. Gamón, «Internet, the new era of crime: Cyberdelite, cyber -cyberterrorism, legislation and cybersecurity,» National University of Education, Madrid, 2017.
          2. G. S. Medero, «Cyberterrorism: from web 2.0 to the deep Internet, »Faculty of Political Science and Sociology Complutense University, Madrid, 2015.
          3. P. G. Z. Campos, «Cyber ​​of Elincuence,» Autonomous University of Puebla, Puebla, 2015.
          4. D. Express, "Ecuador among countries affected by cyberspyting by machete," express, p. 1, August 9, 2019.
          5. J. P. Maroto, "cyberspage and cybersecurity".

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