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Daniel Goleman, Great Exponent Of Emotional Intelligence

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Daniel Goleman, great exponent of Emotional Intelligence


In this brief writing, the importance of emotional intelligence in education will be raised, as well as being able to learn the advantages of its exponents and history to apply it in teaching and personal practice.

Emotional intelligence being very important in the family, educational and social life of any person, and is always present in any situation and circumstances of anyone’s life.

We must consider the different exponents of this topic and for this phrase, and since it is a relatively new knowledge, which we must not underestimate, in this writing an introduction and a broader explanation will be shown in order to take advantage of emotional intelligence.

But what is emotional intelligence?

When talking about intelligence and emotions we do not think they are linked, we must question ourselves, what are emotions?, Are intelligence and emotions linked?, What is emotional intelligence?;But emotions and intelligence are more closely linked than we sometimes think, I will begin by defining what is emotional intelligence?, Goleman (2007) tells us that emotional intelligence "refers to the ability to perceThese affect and interact with the so -called traditional intelligences.

Who is Daniel Goleman?

Now we will talk about one of the great exponents of this area, such as Daniel Goleman, who was one of the most important precursors of psychology, he was an American psychologist, who published two books about "emotional intelligence," according to Goleman, whatthat is not traditionally known as intelligence does not guarantee success or happiness in life;Nor does emotional intelligence determine.

Wait! Daniel Goleman, Great Exponent Of Emotional Intelligence paper is just an example!

This type of intelligence is related to certain skills and attitudes that determine how the person will react to their own feelings and the feelings of others;This will be reflected in the way in which relations with others are managed, this is not something that only involves us and that does not suffer influence by other people, but also the environment in which each one develops, will be how we can handlecertain emotional situations and how to face and solve certain problems, which are raised, throughout our life or profession as well as in our day to day;And this is not a formula which if the success will be achieved, but that it will depend on each person or professional, as well as on various factors which will influence this aspect.

What other exponents say

According to the intervention carried out worldwide by The Consertium for Research on Emotional Intelifenice in Organizarans, showed a surprising result and linked to our success ratio: it is due 23% to our intellectual abilities, and 77% to our emotional attitudes.

Which tells us that as a short time this type of intelligence was not known, since this type of knowledge is relatively new, since the first time this term of "emotional intelligence" was used was in 1985 by Wayne Leon Payne,A graduate student from the University of Alternative Arts in the United States, which includes this term by appointing his thesis conducted for his diploma.

Later he was named by professors John Mayer and Peter Salovey, who publish two articles on this type of intelligence, they tried to find a test in order to scientifically measure the differences between the skills in the emotional area of the people, identify the feelings,as well as solving problems which involve emotional issues, this two teachers one Harvard and the other Yale, develop two tests which try to measure emotional intelligence.

Given this case, the great impact on the education of all levels, the emotional state with which he stops the teacher as impacts on the learning of the students, as well as when the teacher recognizes their emotions in the students and becomes empathetic before them.

Some of the exponents, who have contributed to the definition of emotional intelligence, will mention some of them, Howard Gardner (1983), tells us “the multiple intelligence model developed, as a range of intellectual abilities, recognizing that there are othersTypes of intelligence apart from cognitive ".

Salovey and Mayer (1990), consider emotional intelligence as a subset of social intelligence, which includes the ability to control their own feelings and emotions, as well as that of others, to discriminate between them and use this information,To guide our thinking and our actions.

And in reality, these multiple intelligence tests are of great importance for teachers, because they help us to know our students better, to place their various ways of learning and making their learning somewhat functional and more significant in their learning processes and putting themin practice in its day to day, and thus make our most rich planning in various activities of great functionality for all.

According to Martín Neaud and Engelhart (1996), they define emotional intelligence, such as the ability to read our feelings, control our impulses, reason, remain calm and optimistic when we are confronted with certain tests, and keep us listening to the other with great empathyand respect above all.

For Goleman (1996), emotional intelligence is the ability to control our emotions, to know how to use an appropriate feeling to each problem posed by experience. This includes self-control, persistence and ability to motivate oneself. Being effectively intelligent does not suppose, put a schedule to our passions. But if we can learn to react properly, when an emotion assaults us. In other words, make our emotional life smart.

According to Shapiro (1997), emotional intelligence, are the emotional qualities that seem to be important for success, these may include: empathy, expression and understanding of feelings;the control of our genius;the independence;adaptation capacity;sympathy;the ability to solve interpersonal problems;persistence;the cordiality;Greatness and respect.

Myrian Villalobos (2001), defines emotional intelligence, as a way of interacting with the world, which takes into account feelings and abilities such as self-consciousness, motivation, impulse control, enthusiasm, perseverance, empathy,mental agility, etc.

They are indispensable elements for good social adaptation.

Which I see that we are learning with the good examples that parents give, as well as teachers in daily living before our children and students.

How to use them in studies?

This term was defined by Mayer and Salovey 1990, as “a part of social intelligence that includes the ability to control our emotions and those of others, discriminate between them and use such information to guide our thinking and our behavior” (Salovey andMayer, 1990).

Within this model the most general, brief and accepted definition defines emotional intelligenics as "the ability to recognize, understand and regulate our emotions and those of others". This implies three processes: perceive, recognize in a way conscious new emotions and identify what we feel within our thinking and know how to consider the complexity of emotional changes;And thus regulate, direct and manage both positive and negative emotions effectively (Berrocal & Ramos, 2002).

In our schools we are struggling to make our students have a great self-control of their emotions, they recognize them, understand and know how to act oilly depending on the emotion they feel like being empathic and respectful of the various emotions of their classmates.If we deepen the aspects referred to by these and the subsequent investigations on this type of emotions processing intelligences, we will appreciate the multiple connections that link it with the competences proposed in the preliminary studies of the new European space in education in education. Among the basic competences, cognitive, motivations and values are contemplated.

Intervention skills are formed by cognitive and social, among which are interpersonal skills, also included in subjects with emotional intelligence.

Howard Gardner (1984) refers, within his "Multiple Intelligences Theory", to interpersonal intelligence, as well as interpersonal intelligence.

Leadership is another aspect that are included in social skills. This aspect implies socio -emotional skills, which, in part, try to reduce hostilities between members of a team, know howimpact correctly in them. Although it is thought that good leaders "are born, are not done", many of the capacities related to leadership can be learned, exercising them. Some concrete means that facilitate this learning would be: teamwork, the promotion of participation in school life through the various types of representation in autonomous work, or emotional intelligence, (Pío, 2004).

This type of intelligence helps us to know it in order to take advantage of it and put it into practice, and with this enhancing our learning and achieving an optimal education for our daily lives, and not only use it in the study area only if not knowing how to make the most of it in anyLife aspect.

Thus we must also take into account the following points which will help us maximize our knowledge in the area of emotional intelligence and so we can know how to put them into practice in our life as a professional and student, as well as use them in any area of our lives andAt any stage, since it serves both student and work and in the implementation of a constantly changing world, in which we must know. The points which will be presented below offer us bases in order to conceive a better use of our emotional intelligence, as well as the skills that we can develop and strengthen, putting them into practice these are the following:

  1. self-awareness: It is an individual’s ability to know the management and control he has of his own emotions, skills and strengths. But it also refers to the knowledge of what skills and abilities others recognize in it. A student or any person who knows what they handle of their emotions, will manage to control their emotional overflows, prevent them or use them for their own benefit.
  2. Author-regulation: We call self-regulation to a person’s ability to learn, based on the meditation of experienced experiences, the best management of emotional impulses. self-regular is to review what happened, analyze about my actions and the results I obtained, and elaborate a different replica for the future time. The students and anyone who do not self-regulate is likely to commit the same emotional error twice.
  3. Automotivation: It is the ability to find internal motivation regardless of the circumstance or external factors. Without that "faith" in oneself, it is difficult to convince others that one will achieve it. Auto motivation is an attitude towards life and cannot be taught in maturity if it is not through an enormously effective therapy.
  4. Empathy: Being empathic implies understanding the other, being able to have or at least imagine what the other feels. In terms of emotional intelligence, it is the ability to recognize and anticipate the impact of my actions on the emotional intelligence of the other and fundamentally, it is the valuation of that impact. Social skills: we all have social skills, but a person will have a competitive advantage if they are able to effectively relate to others to induce them to the required action or thought.

The reactions of others before our own actions are learned from the family and "practice" or place tested throughout our childhood. Improving social skills requires observation and practice, but for, above all, what is most useful is to learn from those who handle them perfectly.


As we could see throughout this brief writing, emotional intelligence is a very important point, and to which we must not lose the importance that is due since it is one of the intelligences with more weight in our growth to educate ourselves and especiallycarry it out with great success in our teaching work.

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