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Daniel’S Message In The Church

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Daniel’s message in the Church


When carrying out this research study we have analyzed each of the possible causes that have determined that this problem is in the evangelical church the message of Daniel and we have found that our church which we mentioned above has a latent problem since the creation of theitself, this is that there is no growth in membership;that is to say for almost 25 years the congregation has not had faithful members who are maintained over time, but there have been flaws which have not been corrected in time and therefore there have been no good results. 

This problem leads us to think about which ministerial areas the Church has been failing;One of them is that there has been no lifting of a shepherd and without the leader of the main head a church cannot advance, since it needs direction, order, planning and other important aspects that can only be made by the main shepherd, remember thatThey are the voice of God for the sheep here on earth.


Another important point within this panorama is that the members who make up the Church have not committed enough with the work of the Lord, that is, they are not fulfilling the most important commandment of all and is to bring the gospel to every person and make disciples, a church that does not evangelize, does not preach, does not speak of Christ and of everything God has done in their lives, is an empty congregation that only for this forming with attending the Church without seeing the need of those of outside.

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Within the Ministry of Evangelism there are also shortcomings;and it is important that fresh and new strategies are handled within this ministry;This means that the ways of evangelizing ambiguous do not give good results;but rather to realize that when a strategy is not obtained, it is necessary to change it until successful results.

On the other hand, there have been no potential leaders who help the growth of God’s work in membership, remember that conquering souls for Christ requires a long process and demonstrating commitment on the part of believers;Not only is it to settle when seeing a person talks to prayer prayer, it goes beyond that;When someone becomes Christ, they need leaders capable of consolidating, teaching, training, until new believers baptize themselves in waters and are totally firm in the Word of God.

The lack of teamwork within the Evangelical Church The Daniel’s message has led to the members of the same and have understood that the work is only done by the main or pastor leader, however it is necessary to make them understand that the taskIt belongs to everyone, the commitment must be as a team, the work must be together with effort and impetus to achieve the mission and vision of the congregation.

Our research work is pedagogical, since so that the growth of the Church occurs in a gradual and permanent way it is necessary to have trained leaders to establish the kingdom of God on earth;In other words, our proposal covers that programs that include constant training to those members of the congregation who wish to join teamwork, and become possible potential leaders, which will help the newly converted to adapt to the consolidation and learning process.

The training will be developed in permissible schedules for believers, in which rules and parameters will be determined that will help them to function in the cells called, in the training of the possible leaders a deep teaching of the Word of God will be carried out and strategies will be analyzedto capture the attention of the newly converted;It is necessary that when a soul gives Christ the leader in charge of that soul, he establishes a special monitoring that allows to monitor that new believer until he reaches the baptism in waters and total conversion.

It is of vital importance that the training are dynamic and understandable so that the new cell leader can reach the new believer through his teachings;And above all to maintain an eternal commitment to God, of not letting themselves easily beaten when the cells do not walk as He wishes, the new leaders must ask the Holy Spirit and put at the feet of Christ the life of each of their new disciples.

Without a doubt, entering a new home, with different customs and traditions is not easy, but when we give all our plans to God, the situations that are around us take shape and color, until becoming a dream of God embodied embodiedin our lives. It is necessary that through prayer we ask God the direction and guide necessary to be able to implement useful strategies and tools within his work that allows us the scope of lost souls. 


In the Bible in the Book of Acts 16: 5 he mentioned that Iglesias were confirmed in the faith, and daily grew in number;This means that both spiritual and numerical church is biblical;We need to remember day by day, that the Church is not the building composed of walls, stairs, departments, among other things;The Church we are believers and as such we are called to fulfill the great commission given by God in his Word: 

Preach the gospel to every creature and make disciples. We often think that he who adds souls to the congregation is God;However, it is essential that we understand that we are salt and we are called to multiply everything that is put in our hands, the Church must become a team united at the time of conquering souls,

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