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Definition Of Company As An Organization And Its Components

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Definition of company as an organization and its components

The company can be defined as a corporation that is mainly made up of individuals, who help produce goods or services to meet the needs of its audience. It is evident that these organizations need people and goals defined to function and that is where an administrator who helps define strategies, measure resources, solve problems, among others, among others.

Do everyone have the opportunity to work within a company/company?, According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in Bolivia signed and accepted on December 10, 1948, in its article 23, declares that all persons have the right to work, without any discrimination, that is, regardless of skin color, nationality , religious faith, marital status or profession. In this way every person can work in a company, to achieve objectives together with his work team, considering that union is strength.

So, after knowing the definition of company, we must take into account that it needs an administration for its solidity and growth, then administration is the field of study that seeks to design and maintain an adequate work environment, where people work in teams achieving selected personal and collective goals.

We must also keep in mind that "the basic task of the administration is to do things through people effectively and efficiently". It is notorious that an administrator needs a work team, so that they collaborate with the various tasks that imply the objectives of the Corporation and thus be able to meet the goals set.

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Next, some more definitions so that they can help to better understand this concept:

  • According to Stephen Robbins: ‘Administration is the process of carrying out activities efficiently with people and through them’.
  • Robert F Bucle: "The process of working with and through other people in order to achieve the objectives of a formal organization".
  • Isaac Guzmán Valdivia: "It is the effective direction of the activities and collaboration of other people to obtain certain results".


We observe that in all definitions refer to the important role that people develop, in this way we can understand that the administration needs the help of people so that together they can achieve the objectives set. There is no company without people and objectives, as well as this institution needs an administration to achieve these objectives.

But to achieve those purposes raised "the Administration considers important the strategic management or management of the company’s resources, including the behavior of the staff, known as" human resources ", in addition to the material, technological and financial resources". And these resources become primary elements that a company requires to achieve its objectives.

Material resources are physical means, those tangible goods with which the company has, with the purpose that they help achieve their objectives, these can be infrastructure, equipment, tools, furniture, transport, raw material, also energy and fuel , such as light, gas. This means that these resources are those that we can touch them, that you can work with them, they can help comply with the designated work and meet the goals raised by the company. Some features:

  • They are tangible: as said before these can be felt.
  • They support the production process: in some way or another they collaborate in the process of development of activities, directly as with equipment, machines, etc., or indirectly as with land, etc.

Continuing with financial resources “It is essential to know the definitions of three terms used in accounting: active, liabilities and capital. Assets are the total resources available to a company to carry out its operations; being all the goods and rights that are owned by the company ”(Zapata 2019: 12). There is also the liability, which represents the total debts that the company has and the set of obligations that are available with other institutions. Finally, there is capital, it comes to represent the contributions of the partners or shareholders seeking a benefit.

  • They put the other resources to work: this is achieved by buying objects that the company needs (material resources), payment of the salary of the personnel (human resources), payment of debts (financial resources), acquisition of technological resources.
  • Correct management is essential: so that the company manages to support you, correct management must be carried out and thus cover all expenses, debts.
  • It is presented in different ways: it comes to present in cash, checks, credits, shares, among others.


We continue with technological resources, which is represented by an application means that is based on technology to meet its objective, these resources can be tangible, such as a computer, a printer and other machines, or becoming intangible, such as an application , an editing program, among others.

These resources become very important not only in companies but also in homes because little by little technology is possessing in our day to day so that it becomes essential when performing any type of task. Technological resources fulfill a very important job because it helps us develop even the daily operations of a company.

  • They help to save intangible materials: they have great capacity to store different amounts of information.
  • They help the use of the rest of the resources: their management is decisive if you want to use the other resources.


The company must be updated with technology, because if the competition is left behind, it can be ahead and this would generate instability in the institution and not only can affect financial resources but the entire complete company.

On the other hand, there are human resources, these could be mentioned that they are the most important because it comes to collaborate in each of the previous resources, that is, they fulfill an essential role in a company, since without people it could not be controlled The rest of the resources. There must also be a good work environment among workers because this helps to achieve the success that the company wants. Some characteristics of human resources are:

  • The company should not consider workers as one property: the institution is only owned by mobility, infrastructure, machines and others, but they are not owned by people, they only work in their company in exchange for a salary.
  • They coordinate the rest of the resources: this is achieved thanks to people, these make it possible for the company to work or in other words it will be launched.
  • The skills an intangible resource: each person has qualities that differentiate them from another and these cannot be measured or weigh, these only manifest themselves in the development of their functions within their workplace.


Once again we identify how important people become so that a company gets to achieve its different objectives, they fulfill an indispensable role that could not be easily replaced. Most things can be replaced, for example, a vase broken by a new one, an old car for a new one, a television broken by a modern one but the role that a person performs in a company is fundamental.

Therefore, we are clear that people in companies fulfill different tasks and that everything they develop makes them indispensable, but, these important actors should also know how favorable work environment, with motivation to exercise their tasks.

They must learn to adapt the message for all audiences, this because we know that we are absolutely unique, we have different tastes, different ways of thinking, we have different characteristics, all this is reflected in the choice of varied things such as food, colors, The clothes, these preferences come to be satisfied by the companies, who seek our needs and work on it.

But, learning to work in team With the objectives set. 

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