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Departure From The United Kingdom Of The European Union

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Departure from the United Kingdom of the European Union


In this table you can mainly appreciate the age group of the United Kingdom population and its decision of stay or exit of the European Union, plus life expectancy and how it affects them. As can be seen in this table, the majority of the population that chose to leave are older people while those who wantEU exit.

Older people, having less life, will not suffer for a long time in case of any decay in this State, while it is young people who would inherit these political misfortunes.


The first consequence that has been announced in the Brexit campaign and in the moments later to the referendum is a bankruptcy, a social and also territorial fracture, which can be seen especially well in Scotland. One of the key things that encouraged the Scots to stay within the United Kingdom in the referendum exposed on September 18, 2014 was precisely that they could not continue in the regime on the part of the EU to succeed the independence option, as Scotland would have toAsk for this organization that is only resolved if all member states agree. 

There has also been the fall of several traditional political parties, since neither the groups of laborists nor those of the conservatives have been together at this point;in other possible problems that we can recognize. However, our goal in this work is to try to see the consequences that from the point of view of the European Union can originate from the current situation.

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In the pages, our reflections will focus on two specific aspects: first of all about the future relations model between the United Kingdom and the European Union once the disconnection is finished and the second will be, some areas of specific materials that will be harmedand must also be resolved in charge of the relational model adopted.

The future relations model between the United Kingdom and the European Union.

The consequences that come from the departure of a closely integrated economic and commercial system in which the United Kingdom has maintained for forty -three years are far easily identifiable. The return to the previous situation is a difficulty away from the simple question to which the citizens of Britania had to answer last June 23. It is visible that the United Kingdom is not the same as almost half a century ago and that the rest of the world has also developed. The first thing that should be resolved is the environment in which we will find ourselves at the moment when the negotiations to which the application of article 50 of TUE is finished.

In this sense, Araceli Mangas proposes a list of possibilities for a not too distant future:

  • Negotiate an exit agreement with a privileged relationship or not
  • Integrate into the European economic space as well as Norway accepted the rules without
  • Participate in your application.
  • Get into the EFTA
  • Swiss model with hundreds of agreements without access to services.
  • Negotiate a customs union without access to the internal market.
  • Limit relationships regarding WTO rules.


Only time can tell us which of them we will be, because it will depend on the agreement with which the negotiations are concluded. We do know which are the models selected by the United Kingdom: they will be the ones that allow them. An intention that, in the light of what was stated by the General Affairs Council of December 2014, does not seem viable, given that The Free Movement I will go to the fundament.

In addition, the United Kingdom must affirm preferential access to the EU market in sectors in which they have a great interest in sustaining the current situation, such as financial services and the transport sector. The financial sector of London is the most relevant in the world, in this place there are more than two hundred and fifty foreign banks with disposition to the single market and with it to free capital trafficking because the United Kingdom is a member of the

European Union.

According to a British government report, the UK departure from EU provokes two problems.

The first is relative to citizens’ signatures.

The second refers to the practice of internal legislation, which in the present, is the right of the EU, since the sector is regulated by the rules of transposition of European directives. The uneasiness here is that the United Kingdom government will have difficulties in regulating domestic legislation. Of the models mentioned by Professor Mangas, without a doubt the most interesting for the United Kingdom is to achieve a privileged agreement with the EU, which is a suit at the level of their interests. Legally this preference is possible, but politically it would be a fault if the EU wants to be maintained with the greatest number of the possible members. You begin to talk about Nexit, in allusion of the exit of the Netherlands, and also Poland or Hungary, which could consider its purposes better pleased following the eventual British prototype model that has maintained in its EU Statute.

The Norwegian prototype would also provide the United Kingdom to intervene in the internal market, although this considered the maintenance of the free movement of individuals against the interests expressed by the United Kingdom. In any case, the membership in the European Economic Space presents a foul regarding the EU member statute: it allows to intervene in the market, but not of the normative creation of the orders that give there. Consequently. At a disadvantage the United Kingdom would have a weakened position regarding the current.

First, the eventual extension of the celebration of bilateral treaties in the Swiss case, which needed around ten years, must be indicated. It is true that in the United Kingdom the deadlines could become smaller according to their belonging to the EU, but it is still a quality to take into account.

Secondly, the costs of the nexus should be considered, which has not been free either.

The third of the problems coming from this model, which we already took into account of the Norwegian model, is that Switzerland lacks normative decision aptitude. It does not even have it in relation to the actions that find foundations in the Schengen agreements, of which Switzerland is part, since the meetings of the Council participate its Minister of Foreign Affairs, lacking the right of vote.

The British government, before the referendum, has already manufactured a report about the relational models in case the alternative of the European Union exit, with the advantages and problems of each of them. In any case, the implication of article 50 of the TUE will not automatically imply the recovery of the use of powers assigned to the EU, which will only occur when the agreement in which the exit conditions are established enters force and especially in compliance withThe proposed. Therefore, as long as that moment does not arrive, everything remains totally the same, the United Kingdom is still a member of the Union and it implies the difficulty of even starting to weave relationships that may accidentally replace those known within the organization, until it has recoveredthe competences that allow you for this, what will occur when your statute of member ends, not before.

Some material areas by Brexit. Continuing with the significance of trade, we will refer to the momentary impact of Brexit on the regulations on bankruptcy stages and in the regulation of financial markets, of which London is an epicenter. Finally, we will analyze the effects that the British EU exit may have on the security and defense policy, especially the fight against terrorism. Let’s start with external action, currently forged by a large number of agreements between the Union and third states, made throughout decades, which are the reflection of the special powers of the organization. Special competencies that translate to the impossibility of state action, due to the assignment of their exercise to their benefit from the EU. 


For this reason, disconnection goes through a double job;On the one hand, of the European Union itself to agree on its new position without the United Kingdom;on the other, of the latter that will have to be located again in the international scene, negotiating without the force that means having another 27 states behind and that give a potential market of less interest for the momentary counterparts of the one he showed in a previous moment, which would give you less benefits. Its departure would also imply the loss of the statute of member in Europol (police cooperation) and in Eurojust (judicial cooperation), which are the instruments that coordinate the fight against serious and organized crime between the EU states.

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