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describe your neighborhood to a visitor who knows nothing about it. include as much specific detail as you can

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Kearny New Jersey
The Township of Kearny New Jersey is rich of history, scenic views, and a homely populous. The history of the township helped in molding the current trends within the township. This essay provides insight into the key defining elements of the township. Some of these elements include the town’s history. The essay also provides an in depth description of my neighborhood. Herein are details of developmental projects, politics, and social issues within the township. Kearny New Jersey is one of those towns that make one proud to be American. The town has it challenges. However, the consistent push to improve the lives of its residents, as well as those of its visitors, makes it an enjoyable abode.
The history of Kearny shows that the town was originally established in the year 1867 (Hornsby, Michael, and Sawchuck 47). This was during the colonial era. Since this year, the town has been through the colonial roots, the industrial revolution, and modern developments. At the beginning of the colonial era, Kearney was not a township. The township status was achieved in the 19th century. This saw the election of its first officials. It also saw the naming of the town in the honor of Major General Phil Kearny. He was the owner of a mansion that was in the township. This led to the development of the township as it is known today. The first chairperson was also elected in this period.
My neighborhood is predominantly inhabited by Brazilians.

Wait! describe your neighborhood to a visitor who knows nothing about it. include as much specific detail as you can paper is just an example!

However, the expansive Kearney Township was found to be predominantly inhabited by whites. This was determined in the 2010 census. I live in a condo that has proximity to local supermarkets and shopping centers. This provides me with access to the necessities such as groceries, entertainment, and education facilities. The accessibility of amenities makes Kearny an ideal place to raise a family. Most of the families in the town have been found to have inhabited the region over generations. This has resulted in the growth of different social aspects of the town. These include the politics, and government sponsored developments.
The politics in this township have clearly shown that most of the population is pro Democrats. For instance, in the 2012 presidential elections, Obama was found to have garnered close to seventy percent of the votes cast (Danielle 13). The politics in the township has directly led to the development of certain policies that have seen an improvement of certain aspects of the town. For instance, the town has rules and regulations that oversee the management of hazardous materials. This has greatly improved the quality of the environment. The local government also provides for rules that manage the local financial sector. These include local banks and financial bodies. With support from the federal government, it has become possible for local residents to finance their projects from local funding.
Most people find that Kearny is a township that has little to offer. This is because it has a small population and smaller development in comparison to other cities in the USA. However, this is the main reason as to why my neighborhood is such a great environment. The lack of congestion, ease of access to amenities, and serene environment makes it ideal for raising a family. It is also a relatively less polluted environment in comparison to other environments around the country. This has made the township one that attracts new visitors on a regular basis.
Works Cited
Hornsby, Michael L., and Peter W. Sawchuck. “Brownfield Redevelopment Of Koppers Seaboard Site In Kearny, New Jersey.” Practice Periodical Of Hazardous, Toxic & Radioactive Waste Management 3.2 (1999): 88.GreenFILE. Web. 24 Sept. 2015.
Mack, Danielle. “New Jersey’s TOP County And City Loans And Grants.” Njbiz (2012): 21. Regional Business News. Web. 24 Sept. 2015.

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