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Designing ABC’s Accounting Inc. Network

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Designing ABC’s Accounting Inc. Network
Table of Contents
TOC o “1-3” h z u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc467939066 h 3Topology PAGEREF _Toc467939067 h 3Wireless network PAGEREF _Toc467939068 h 4Mesh topology PAGEREF _Toc467939069 h 5Budgeting of such a network PAGEREF _Toc467939070 h 5Security PAGEREF _Toc467939071 h 9Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc467939072 h 11

Designing ABC’s Accounting Inc. Network
IntroductionA network is made up of hardware and software components connected within an organization to facilitate sharing of resources and accessibility to the internet. How the logical and software components of the network are organized plays a key role in defining its ability to meet the needs of an organization. The network designer ought to put a variety of factors into consideration. Some of the key issues to consider include the number of users on the network, the security solutions to install, the nature of infrastructure and the topology amongst others. Experts emphasize that poor planning during the design process will have an adverse effect on the functionality of the network (Sosnovich, Grumberg & Nakibly, 2013). Moreover, the inability to identify how the network can respond to attacks and downtimes implies that the project would be a fail. To this effect, ABC Accounting Inc. must design an ideal network that would respond to its needs and those of its users. The network must be scalable, flexible and most importantly, guarantee the safety of data used by its customers.
TopologyKey issues stand out regarding the needs of ABC Accounting Inc.

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The firm currently only has 5 employees and expects that the number would grow to 200 within a short time and 30 by the end of the year. Moreover, ABC intends to add more offices that would span across three floors while at the same time meet the network needs of its employees who would constantly be traveling and may need to securely send data through the company’s mail system to be shared through its networks. As a result, the designer of the network topology must ensure that the design chosen does not have negative effects on its capacity to meet the needs of the organization. As is, ABC Accounting Inc. does not have any financial constrains that may negatively affect its functionality. To this effect, the designer should work towards ensuring that all the required components of the network are included. Kahate (2013) explains that the topology of the network would dictate the type of equipment required for the network, its capabilities, future expansion and even the way the network can be managed. Understanding an ideal topology to use for the needs of a firm plays a vital role in developing the sense of the capabilities of different types of network. Moreover, it is imperative that the network designers understand the needs of the organization to ensure that the choices made are convenient and versatile for the users. The topology is also known to have a great influence on the way computers communicate within the network. Different types of network topologies require varying communication methods. The methods are known to have a major influence on the performance of the network.
Wireless networkThe use of a wireless network would be the most ideal to connect the three floors of the organization. The network would be controlled from a central point such as the second floor of the firm. Other components of the network would be connected using cabling. This is attributed to the fact that the network is expected to span across three floors of the organization. As a result, using cables may reduce the efficiency of the network by increasing interference and loss of signals as data travels across it. Moreover, creating a wireless LAN implies that the firm would have a greater degree of mobility and collaboration. Additionally, workers will be better placed to roam without losing connection. Wu, Ding, Winer and Yao (2010) cite that it would be easier for employees to have better access to information and thus improve their operations. Wireless LANS guarantee organizations easier expansion of their networks. According to Espina, Falck, Panousopoulou, Schmitt, Mülhens and Yang (2014), the degree of flexibility enjoyed because of the use of wireless LANS is a considerable element to consider for firms that anticipate radical growth in the nearby future.
Mesh topologyAn ideal topology to consider for the network would be a Mesh star topology. The mesh topology offers networks with superior redundancy and guarantees reliability within a network. Every computer would be connected to another using a separate cabling systems. Moreover, as initially specified in the needs of the organization, a star based network would ensure that there is a central control within the organization’s devices. The configuration would offer the firm with redundant paths such that in the event of the failure of one machine, another cable takes over traffic. Another plus for the mesh star based network is that it enhances the responses of troubleshooting and increases the reliability of the network. Nonetheless, such a network would be quite expensive for ABC Accounting Inc. because of the use of a lot of cabling.
Image of a mesh topology
Budgeting of such a networkThe organization must take into account the needs of designing such a complex network. Poor planning may compromise the firm’s ability to meet its needs. Thus, it would be essential that the design of the network takes into account adequate components that would correspond to the functions of the systems across all working desks in the firm.
The following components would be required:
User devices- User devices include PDA’S PC’s and laptops. The use of wireless LANS in networking stationary PC’s would be beneficial to the organization because it would also limit the needs of complex wiring.
Radio NIC’s- the radio NIC is a basic component of a wireless LAN. It provides connectivity to wireless devices. The radio must be compatible with the wireless LAN and should offer enhanced interoperability between the devices in use
Routers- Routers are responsible for the transfer of packets between networks. The router must identify the best possible links that would facilitate sending of packets to the closest destinations. The router of a wireless LAN offers ideal benefits in the office. For instance, the whole office may use only one IP address through a DHCP then it would be mapped on a particular client on the local network. Thus, routers are the most convenient to use when there are several networked devices on the network.
Access points- The access points include a radio card for communication with specific devices on the wireless LAN. It also includes a wired NIC, which is responsible for the creation of an interface to the distribution system such as the Ethernet. The system software is responsible for differentiating particular physical layers including 802.11a or 802.11b/g (Wu Et al. 2010). Thus, the radio card would utilize a version of the standard, which is compatible to that of the wireless LAN. The effect of using such multiple versions of the standard version is that it would offer grater interoperability.
Repeaters- There are access points that would require cabling. The cabling offers an ideal methodology upon which wireless LANS may be deployed. Alternatively, the organization may consider the use of wireless repeaters, which would also be ideal for extending the range of existing LANS. The wireless repeaters are ideal devices for the provision of effective solutions that would ensure that signal impairments including RF attenuation are taken care of. Nonetheless, the wireless repeaters may also compromise the performance of the wireless LAN. The repeater must receive then retransmit each frame of data on the same radio channel, thereby doubling the amount of traffic on a network. The problem is more aggravated when multiple repeaters are used because it implies that each repeater would send duplicated data.
Below is an example of the way an ideal repeater functions in a network.

Below is a summary of the network needs of the organization
Component Cost
Router with T1 access $4200
Firewall for 350 users $3500
05 24-port managed switches $14000
Professionally installed cabling $24500
100 10/100 LAN adapters $14000
Miscellaneous $1000
Total =SUM(ABOVE) $61200.00
IP Infrastructure
The growth of the communication world has prompted the need for a robust and more efficient infrastructure. Firms must identify an ideal IP infrastructures that would ensure resolving of bottlenecks and quality issues. ABC Accounting Inc. should consider the use of a DHCP server or a static one. The use of a static IP address implies that ABC’s Accounting Inc. network address would remain the same every time an individual connects to it. The static IP address will remain the same if it is the static type. Businesses that rely on static IP addresses are guaranteed of dedicated services including FTP and mail services. Moreover, the use of static implies that the firm would have the advantage of easier geo-location services thereby facilitate accurate interpretation of individual location. However, the firm must be willing to foot the extra costs associated with the setup of a static IP infrastructure
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol incorporates the use of dynamic addressing strategies. DHCP protocols have been touted to be consistent and accurate for all individuals irrespective of their locations. The use of a DHCP system implies that the server can assign varying IP addresses at a time. Instead of having only one IP address, DHCP infrastructure works by assigning different ones to every system. A major attribute of DHCP assigned IP systems is that they expire. Whenever the DHCP assigns an address to a system, it leases the connection identifier to a user’s computer for a specified period. Typically, the DHCP server will lease a new IP address without necessarily the need to do anything. When the lease expiries, a new one is assigned using the same DHCP protocol. Experts agree that the use of Dynamic IP addressing is more ideal because it eliminates the repetitive task involved in assigning of IP addresses to every computer (Kahate, 2013). Moreover, users do not necessarily have to reconfigure their systems especially when wireless access points are being used. Identifying an ideal IP to utilize when using static IP addresses is cumbersome especially if the users are not familiar with the process. Thus, the ease of use associated with the use of dynamic IP addresses offers greater incentive for its use. While some applications would still demand that the application of static IP addressing be use, ABC should consider only using dynamic addressing to meet its obligations.
SecurityThe functionality of a network can only be sustained when the network designers have put in place relevant methods to ensure the security of the organization’s critical documents and data. Poor implementation of security may compromise the network’s ability to meet its needs. Below are some of the alternatives that the firm must consider to ensure the safety of its network.
Social engineering threats and Defenses- the modern hacker utilizes a variety of techniques to enable them to gain access to organization networks. Poor designing of the network and the implementation of security implies that the organization would lose its credibility and hence the trust of those it serves. Social engineering threats may take place through interferences with the company’s email system, online threats. Use of email phishing or even malware threats. Thus, an ideal methodologies to ensure that the firm’s resources are protected from such attacks include virus scanning, the imposition of password policies as well as standardizing information management platforms. When the employees of an organization are aware of the effects of not adhering to policies and principles of safeguarding the organization’s systems, it is more likely that they will cooperate towards protecting the organization’s resources.
Firewalls/Switches- The use of firewalls and switches creates a permanent shield to the firm’s network. The firewall may be either in the form of hardware or software. The hardware filters data sent across the network. The firewall looks at every packet entering or leaving the network then rejects content that may be of threat to the network. Alternatively, the firewall may rely on application gateways such as Telnet and FTP services to support the performance of the network. Other firewalls have a circuit level gateway and proxy servers, which are responsible for intercepting messages leaving and entering the network.
VPN’s- the use of VPN’s enables users to access networks from remote locations. VPN’s use virtual connections routed through the Internet from the private business network to a remote site. When businesses use VPN’s they are assured of security. Individuals who intercept encrypted data would be incapable of translating data traversing the network.
Authentication- the use of authentication techniques enhances the network’s ability to respond to potential hacking by unauthorized individuals. Authentication refers to the process by which an individual would prove whom they claim to be. It is only when an individual proves that they are actually whom they claim to be that they would be granted access to the system. ABC Accounting Inc. may also consider the use of biometric authentication techniques to enhance the security state of the network. Moreover, the use of passwords may also be ideal in ensuring that only approved individuals gain access to organization network resources
Security protocols-Security protocols refer to abstracts or concrete protocols that are responsible for performing security related functions. The protocol plays a key role in specifying the algorithms that must be used in protecting an organization’s network and its resources. ABC Inc. should consider incorporating relevant access controls, message integrity, encryption algorithms and key management features. Primary Features of a security protocol include cryptography, information security, SSL, PCT, HTTP, and IPsec. The security protocols would play an influential in ensuring that the firm’s resources are protected from potential hacking and interference.

The complete network should be as follows for every office unit

ConclusionThe process involved in the creation of a network is daunting. Properly designing a LAN demands a robust and redundant network as a layered model. The designer must take into account the security needs, fault tolerance and also ensure availability of the network. Additionally, the network must take into account future needs including expansion and any other network functionalities that must be incorporated to enhance the performance of the network. ABC Accounting Inc. has various options to consider but must ensure that all the basic needs of the network raging from the ideal topology, security and IP infrastructure are followed to the latter to ensure optimal performances of its networks.

Espina, J., Falck, T., Panousopoulou, A., Schmitt, L., Mülhens, O., & Yang, G. Z. (2014). Network topologies, communication protocols, and standards. In Body sensor networks (pp. 189-236). Springer London.
Kahate, A. (2013). Cryptography and network security. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
Sosnovich, A., Grumberg, O., & Nakibly, G. (2013, July). Finding security vulnerabilities in a network protocol using parameterized systems. In International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (pp. 724-739). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Wu, H., Ding, Y., Winer, C., & Yao, L. (2010, November). Network security for virtual machine in cloud computing. In Computer Sciences and Convergence Information Technology (ICCIT), 2010 5th International Conference on (pp. 18-21). IEEE.

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