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Detention Of Species Extinction On Our Planet

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Detention of species extinction on our planet

The extinction of wildlife is a process that endangers different ecosystems, because among them there is a fragile balance due to dependence between different species. Nature allows relationships in which some species depend on others to survive, for example, without the action of bees the plants would not spread and affect other animals that depend on these plants to feed causing them problems to survive, and in other casespredators help control the number of animals of certain populations that would otherwise cause an imbalance.

It is undeniable that the intervention of the human being directly or indirectly causes a process of extinction of certain species, although many may face a process of extinction for natural causes, the overexploitation of resources and the damages caused to the environment can accelerate this process. This leads us to plant the question What can be done to protect the different endangered species?

There are many circumstances in which the intervention of the human being accelerates the process of extinction of various species around the planet, recent studies have allowed to determine that it is approaching a new mass extinction of species, similar to that which caused the extinction of dinosaurs. Among the most common causes we have: global warming, deforestation and pollution of the environment.

Global warming is a phenomenon by which the average temperature of the planet is increasing globally and therefore causes great changes in many habitats belonging to the most varied species.

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According to scientists, this phenomenon is produced by the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. These gases are carbon dioxide, methane, tropospheric ozone, which began with the industrial revolution and the use of fossil fuels in which the action of man plays a very marked role (Caballero, Lozano, & Ortega, 2007).

Deforestation is the destruction of natural forests by man’s action, which seeks among other things to take advantage of wood, build roads, build new cities, use the soil for agricultural purposes, among others. This destroys the habitat of endemic species, decreases oxygen production and greatly limits the subsistence possibilities of many living beings that are indirectly affected (Sierra, 2013).

Environmental pollution is another cause that is accelerating this extinction process. Chemical waste of industrial plants pollute rivers and oceans, the excessive use of single -use plastics and their abandonment in the environment is causing them to accumulate in places not prepared for it such as oceans causing serious damage towildlife. Other elements such as toxic waste of technological origin such as obsolete batteries and equipment also make their part (Guevara Pérez, 2017).

As can be seen, all these causes have origin in the action of the human being, therefore, it must be our responsibility to take actions that lead us to reduce the influence of the aforementioned factors. Take actions such as campaigns to reduce the uncontrolled use of plastics, propose initiatives for reducing fossil fuels and proposing the use of sustainable materials that avoid the destruction of forests can be actions aimed at protecting ecosystems and thereforeBiodiversity on our planet.

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