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Development Of Milk Production

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Development of milk production


Milk production in Mexico is developed in several conditions that reflect in good dairy quality these are due to technology, agroecological and socioeconomic. The possibility of raising dairy calves is very varied and the system that is decided to implement must be adjusted to the objectives of the same. It is said that current intensive systems resemble the production of the North American Holstein model, where its objective is to increase the productivity of the resources invested.


These companies produce with high unit costs, so they require large production volumes and high prices to have profits. Using very productive cattle, mainly Holstein race which produce 4-6 thousand liters/cow/year. The average breastfeeding duration is 10 months, cows are kept in special facilities and with some mechanized processes. High milk production is intended for one part to be pasteurized and the other in dairy derivatives. 

In terms of food, live. For management, in the specialized system it is used in most cases to artificial insemination, although also to embryo transfer. Preventive veterinary care and specialized labor or at least certain experience are available. Management of calves in the first days of born. The days of greatest risk for calves are the first days of born for survival.

Therefore, an adequate space for your care and management is recommended. Birth handling, driving in newborn calves should be started with the care of the dry cow.

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In short dry periods (less than 45 days) and non -dry. To improve the probability of survival of calves at the time of birth, these must be assisted as a precaution as follows:

Withdraw mucus and membranes from the nose and mouth that can cause suffocation or difficulty when breathing. Dry to breeding with fabric or straw in times of cold especially. If problems are presented to breathe, it is recommended to make compressions and relax the chest walls and stimulate the nose with straw this causes the reaction of sneezing what causes the lungs to expand to accumulate air and contract when trying to expel it. The disinfection of the umbilical cord is important, so a disinfectant solution should be applied.

Such as 2% inorganic metallic iodine or 2% chlorhexidine. This type of handling in newborn calves prevents infectious agents from entering and providing onphalitis or even the death of the calf. It is recommended that the solution between the cord and repeat said process for 3 consecutive days to favor healing (Mario A. Espinosa Martínez & Hernández). After birth, it is recommended.

Food food in the first days of birth. The calves are born with a limited amount of energy reserves, enough to survive for a few hours, practically the calves are born without defenses or antibodies so the early ingestion of good quality is demonstrates that it is one of the most important factors of protection of protection of The calves (thin c). The one that the calves are born with an incomplete immune system is because the mother’s placenta does not allow large molecules such as immunoglobulins to pass. 

It is recommended that the first calcoster must be ingested during the 30 minutes and 8 hours after childbirth (Lanuza). After birth, the absorption of these macromolecules only occurs during the first days of life, over time this capacity decreases gradually to the loud of the days until it is completely canceled, immunoglobulins levels decrease in the calcoster quickly at 16 hours containing only 60% of the initial concentration. Trneras accommodation, for adaptation of the accommodation of calves during breastfeeding.

During the first days of life, the climate of the region should be taken into account, avoiding exposing them to air currents, rains, high temperatures and prolonged in the sun. Individual accommodation for the first weeks of life is recommended. During breastfeeding, the recommended spaces in individual cage is 1.90 m long by 1.30 m wide and a height of 1.20 m. There are types of calves or pens which have to have the objective of avoiding direct contact between animals, to avoid competition or rivalries between them and the possible transmission of diseases between them. 

An elevation of 10 to 15 cm is necessary above soil level, in cages provided with gutters that allow urine and feces filtering, they are useful to reduce the appearance of diseases such as coccidiosis. The accommodations must have good ventilation to avoid the accumulation of moisture that causes respiratory problems, these problems also originate from the accumulation of urine, which causes emission of ammonia gases. It is recommended that the beds of the calves are frequently changed especially if it is straw.

Becerras breeding stages, the stages are presented in the calves according to the anatomophysiological changes that are developed. Thus synthesizing the stages as breastfeeding, we weaning at 6 months of age this is evolution to ruminant, from puberty to the first service and conception of childbirth. Breastfeeding: At this stage the calf is considered a gastric monkey and depends on the fluid food to survive, however, the calf should be induced to early intake of solid food (concentrated and some fodder in measurements measured) to prepare it to An early weaning.

The intestinal tract of the calf is sterile when it is born. Feeding of liquid diets after the caloster, the whole milk on milk substitutes is preferred since it is the most natural and complete source of nutrients and it is less likely that it causes diarrhea since it is also necessary that the calcoster be consumed in the early hours of born. High quality milk substitutes contain protein sources all from milk. The most common ingredients contain skim milk powdered milk, powdered serum or serum products, and casein. 

Some of them are especially processed soy protein and fish protein concentrates have been successfully used to provide a third of the milk substitute protein. Fat or lipid sources included in milk substitutes include butyric fat, butter, bait and stabilized vegetable oils. An incomplete fat digestion is a factor for an increase or development in the incidence of diarrhea. Glucose and lactose are the only carbohydrates for which calves have the necessary enzymes to digest them. 

It has been found that starch is of little value for young calves, but the condition of amilolithic enzymes has allowed the success of starch at a 10% rate of the milk substitute. Table 2 Consumption and performance of heavy breed calves with milk obtained from (Ramón Gasque G). Early weaning, applying a good management program it is possible to weave the calves at 5 weeks of age. To guarantee the survival of the calf, it must be ensured that: Nazca in a clean and dry place, umbilical cord is immediately disinfected.

Be separated from the mother from 12 hours after born, her mother has been vaccinated with a versatile vaccine, receive at least 4 liters of calcoster in the first 12 hours of birth, she is very protected, ventilated and has enough space for a calf. Start consuming initiating (concentrated) food at 7-10 days of age, it can be weaned from the 5th week, you can win 400-450 g /weight day. If hay of excellent quality is offered before the 4th week, limit its consumption to 400-450g/day. 

If the 8th week is intended to be weaning, the supply of hay must be postponed until the 7th week of age. Weaning at six months of age, evolution to ruminant means that the animal experiences a radical digestive change due to the rapid growth and functioning of the main gastric behavior, the rumen. The largest objective of this stage should be the growth. It is totally necessary to control weight increase to a daily average of approximately 750g with ranges of 650-800g.

The objectives and breeding goals at this stage are: the calves must initiate this stage with an average weight of 68 kg (2 months). The stage with 180 to 200 kg of weight, heavy breeds and 130 to 150. Kg of weight the light. They must have a daily weight gain of 705-770g or 500-580g for heavy and light breeds respectively. The body condition of the calves must be 2.5 (light) up to 6 months of age. 7 to 13 months old. The calves that begin this stage are in a transition process towards puberty that normally starts at 9 months of age.

At this stage the calves have established themselves as ruminants, they depend on the fodder as greater nutrient contribution given the daily consumption capacity of the animals, as long as the fodder offered to them is of optimal quality. Objectives and goals in this type of parenting are: calves must start this stage with a weight of 180 to 200 kg. (Heavy race). The stage must conclude with a weight of 318 to 340 kg. They must have daily gain rates from 700 to 800 g. (Average 750 g.) The body condition of the calves must be 3 to 3.25 Towards 13 months.

Illustration 2 growing calves. From the service or riding 15-24 months, a well-raised and fed calf can be served (AI) or accept riding around 13 months of age, which represents a 2-month savings about the traditional age in which normally They use. The objectives and goals to be achieved at that stage are: that by becoming pregnant they reach 60% of the adult weight. That have a weight gain of 750 to 800 gr daily. That when they start as heifers they reach a weight of 340 to 375 kg (heavy race) and 225 to 261 kg (light race).

That reach a weight to the delivery of 580 to 613 kg (Holstein) or 387 to 431 kg. For light races, they have a condition of 3 to 3.5 points. Undesirable parameters in Becerras de Raza Holstein, not reaching 6 months 160 kg. Weight, not reaching 12 months 185 to 287 kg of weight, weight less than 360 – 383 kg at 18 months of age, do not be pregnant at 21 months of age. Posterras Postete grazing, this feeding system is undoubtedly a good option to feed animals at low cost.

Its beginning is feasible when animals can consume at least 50% of the matter from the fodder which is possible to the third month of age; However, many farmers prefer to do it until animals turn 5 or 6 months old, at which time the fodder consumption capacity practically reaches 100% of dry matter (75 to 100%). In order for the grazing feeding regime to be successful, it is recommended to observe the following points: pastures or meadows must be of optimal quality (high digestibility), animals must always have access to plots of tender grass.

Prevent excessively mature fodder from grazing, supplying concentrated in sufficient quantity and quality to reach the expected gain rates at each stage, so that the first three points are met, it is necessary to emphasize the handling of meadows, monitoring and controlling internal parasitosis. Protein content in the concentrate to be supplied with forages of different genres. Biosafety for facilities: Biosecurity is a combination of attitudes, routines, communication and common sense that encompasses a set of measures that can and should be taken.

In a livestock exploitation aimed at avoiding or reducing the risk of disease entry and exit. Prevent the entry of germs- sanitary barriers. This is the first objective, geographical isolation. The first measure would be to try to locate the exploitation in a place away from other farms, especially if they are of the same species. The more isolated the farm is, the less probabilities there is that it can be traveled and visited by personnel outside the same.

The proximity of facilities that can act as a potential source of pollution (slaughterhouses, treatment of by -products, slurry or wastewater, landfills, etc.). Nor are the areas close to wildlife and/or wild bird transit areas. Design and organization of the farm, passive biosecurity continues due to the organization of the physical space of a farm and the production cycle. For the first to be effective, the farm must be completely fenced and with a single entrance.


At the entrance, a vehicle disinfection arc must be installed, which spray the entire external surface of these, always applying clean and new product. All visits must be expressly authorized and a strict protocol to be followed by visitors must be designed: dispose of a record of entries of people and vehicles, have a costume and cleaning, which delimits the dirty zone (outside) of The clean (the interior of the farm), the visits will always be accompanied by the farm staff, specific clothing (monkeys, shoes and disposable hats) must be used, the measures to follow will be adjusted to the level of risk of the visits.

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