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Different Scenes Of The Movie The Club Of Dead Poets

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Different scenes of the movie The Club of Dead Poets

In this work we will analyze the different scenes of the film ‘’ The Club of the Dead Poets ’’ (1989) and we will relate them to the contents studied in the subject of ‘’ Human Resources Directorate I ’’ ’.

Already in the first moments of the film when students enter with the standards, it is clear what the fundamental principles are governed by the Welton Institute that are: tradition, honor, discipline and excellence. We can relate this to the last issue of the subject based on organizational culture, since, in this case, it is an institution with a traditional and rigid culture with values shared by all its members which distinguishes them from otherscenters.

In the next scenes when students are installed in their rooms (minute 6:16) we can appreciate how an informal study group forms, being in this case, both an informal group of interest, since they come together to reach a certainOBJECTIVE (Approve the subjects by helping each other in what is given good to each one) as of friendship.

In the 11:23 minute the figure of the new professor of literature appears for the first time, John Keating, who from the beginning makes it clear that he departs from this classical structure by taking out the students out of class. Another subsequent scene in which we observe this and where you also see their role as leader is when she tells students to start the pages of the book, appreciating their ability to influence the group, since all students follow it.

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During the conversation in the food with Professor Mcallister, he tells him that his teaching methods are totally opposite and more risky than those of the center (when they make them start the sheets of the book, get on the tables, making students parade throughThe patio and giving palms …), appreciating the characteristics of a charismatic leader adopting unconventional behavior with novel and contrary behaviors, assuming personal risks to achieve their goal, which is, that they are free thinkers.

On the other hand, in the 43:14 minute, Professor Keating goes up to the table to remind them that they should see things from a different perspective causing each of them to go up to the table, inspiring them with their words, ideas and actions, which makes it a leader.

You can also see another leader within the informal group, which is Neil Perry, who encourages others to re -create the club of dead poets and despite the reluctance at the beginning of some members, it finally manages that everyone meets in thecave. In the 47:45 minute, this is also appreciated when he encourages Todd Anderson to participate in the club and not simply make an appearance and he tells him that it is not like him, that when he speaks others listen to him. In a later scene this leader figure is also reinforced when it causes Todd to be able to throw the repeated desktop game that his parents gave him for his birthday.

We can also talk about compliance within a group in the figure of Richard Cameron that, both at the time of starting the books of the book and at the group’s meeting in the cave, doubt, but finally complies with the rules because you want to be accepted byIts members.

Let’s analyze the personality of the main characters that appear in the film according to several models.

According to the personality model of the five greats, we can classify Professor John Keating with almost all the factors of this model such as: extraversion, since he is a frank, direct and sociable person. It is also characterized by affability because it shows respect for others and is a cooperative and reliable person. On the other hand, it presents great emotional stability for being calm, safe and confident in itself and also has a high degree of openness to experience because it is creative in terms of its teaching methods.

As for Neil Perry, it shows positive characteristics such as extraversion or affability, but does not present great emotional stability, since he is an insecure person who is not able to face his father which makes him ultimately committed suicide.

If we follow the type indicator of Myers-Briggs, we can say that Professor Keating is a person with Personality in ENCE, since he is enthusiastic, creative, spontaneous, optimistic and cheerful. Value inspiration, enjoy novel projects as well as you are able to see the potential of others.

When we talk about Neil Perry, he presents some of the characteristics of the INFP personality, since it is sensitive, creative, idealistic and empathetic (observable with his behavior with Todd Anderson). Value personal growth and is focused on your dreams and possibilities (your desire is to be an actor).

On the other hand, referring to the figure of Charlie Dalton, he is a person with a high risk proclivity, since he makes quick decisions such as publishing an article in the newspaper on the name of the Dead Poets Club by defining the rest of his classmatesof the club that are not as risky as he.

With respect to Neil’s personality, the MR. Perry, is a Machiavellian person, since he manipulates his son to be a doctor and forget his dream of being an actor threatening to put him in a military academy and inducing him to suicide, since Neil tries to please him doing something against what he thinks,what could be defined as emotional dissonance.

In the last scenes of the film, the group’s dissolution phase is appreciated when Richard Cameron betrays them with everything to the director and saying that Professor Keating will blame all the blame because it was he who put them the idea that they enjoyed themoment and thought about themselves and that if it had not been so, Neil would be studying and wishing to be a doctor.

Finally, it is possible to see the transformation of Todd Anderson that goes from being an introverted boy, thanks to the unorthodox techniques of the teacher when he goes out to broadcast a gañido in the middle of class or that he recites a poem with his eyes covered, to amore impulsive and outgoing person, since in the final scene he goes out to defend the teacher uploading to the table getting others to follow him. All the contents of the subject can be related to the scenes of this film, but we can also extrapolate all areas of our personal and work life. 

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