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Business Studies
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The current internet linked technologies have changed the face of business communication between different industry players. The E-business communication has changed the communication patterns between businesses and suppliers and also the internal communications of an enterprise that involve the relationship between employees and their organization (Al-Mudimigh, 2015). E- Business can be defined as a combination of information technology communication tools within an organization that is meant to improve activities of a particular of a particular organization through proper functioning and value creation. This assignment seeks to describe the main concepts of e-business and their impacts on business transactions and how firms transformed from the traditional business transaction practices to the e-business practices. This change is usually referred to as a change from brick and mortar to click and mortar. In the understanding of how e-business practices take place, Shawarma Time shall be the focus case study company that shall assist in analyzing how e-business practices are carried out daily in providing services to customers.
Difference between (B2B) and (B2C) in Reference to Shawarma Time
There exists a significant difference between B2B and B2C models of e-business perspectives although they are all concerned with commercial transactions. B2B is a denotation of business to business and is concerned with the selling of commodities between businesses whereas B2C refers to transactions between businesses and consumers (Bordonaba-Juste, Lucia-Palacios & Polo-Redondo, 2012).

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Shawarma Time employs the B2C e-business model where it sells its products directly to the consumers all over the country. The two forms of e-business models are different from each other with respect to payment, procurement processes, and infrastructure.
Purchasing: Shawarma time sells its products directly to consumers by employing the B2C strategy and, thus, avoiding complex processes involved in B2B strategy. For instance, the B2B strategy may require authorization from the relevant parties for purchasing to take place. All customers purchase products of the company for personal use, and as such, the B2C mode suits their personal needs for enjoying the company’s products.
Payment: Shawarma has standardized its product prices for its customers and sells them at same prices for all the customers. The B2C strategy deems fit for the company because the B2B strategy would cause variation in prices for customers. The payment strategy for the company also implies that consumers pay for the products at the point of sale by use of credit cards, debit cards or cash. If the company employed the B2B, business model, it would use a more complex system to enable exchange with customers.
Benefits of Shawarma Time having its Website
The company’s most effective product promotion mechanism is through its website that enables it to reach a wide range of customers. Through its website, the company enjoys very many benefits as described in the following statements:
It is through the company’s website that the company it gets to direct customers to where many of its stores are located. The website is advantageous in that it can be assessable at any time. Hence, customers are not limited as to what time they have to access information about the website. The company updates its website regularly to ensure that information contained in the website reflects the exact needs of the customers.
The company’s website enables direct interaction between the company’s management and the customers. Through this website, customers can make inquiries about certain products, their availability, and usage. Customers can place orders on the website before they can to pick them at the company’s stores. This saves customers time and resources that they would have used in going round the shop.
The company’ website give a sense of confidence between the company and its customers because the customers feel that their needs are being considered by the company and that the company seeks to outreach them in the most efficient manner.
How the Internet Works
The internet is a connection of computers globally. This implies that all the computers and multimedia devices will be interconnected to each other provided that they have the internet service provider (ISP) Ooredoo and Vodafone that are internet service providers in Qatar. All computers and other internet-enabled devices are fitted with an internet protocol (IP) address that distinguishes internet connected computers from each other. The Internet Protocol address can also be used as a tracker which can trace all the information needed about a particular computer user or the database information of the company. Once the generator, that is the company (Shawarma Time) and the receiver (customers) are connected to the internet service provider, their messages are transmitted through the internet protocol (Safeena & Date, 2015). The internet protocols may have many layers as can be seen from the company’s addresses such as ([email protected]) and The transmission control protocol (TCP) has the ability of detecting and then sending the data through a port number of the computer. Furthermore, the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is used for link establishment between the web browser and the web server. In the current globalized business world, all businesses have already adopted to the above forms of e-business elements to connect with customers locally and abroad (Safeena & Date, 2015).
Information Transfer across the Internet by Use of Media Tools
In the modern business world, social media technology has taken a significant role in business activities. As such the social media technology can be a success, as well as a failure if not properly used by the business. Since the introduction of the social media platforms, businesses have been seen to embrace this strategy in order to attract customers on Facebook, Twitter, You Tube and Instagram. Sharwarma Time employs all of these social media platforms to carry out its business activities especially strengthening the relationship with customers. The company has a Facebook page through which it passes messages to customers, as well as, and active Instagram that enables it to share a picture of available commodities to enhance the description of the products that it sells. Through its social media platforms, the company can obtain customer feedbacks about the quality of services it offers and would improve on areas where it faces criticism about its food products.
Differences between the Internet, Intranet and Extranet
The Internet: As defined previously, the internet is the interconnection of computers through the Internet Protocol or the Transmission control protocol. A particular company such as the Shawarma can be accessed by its website from any corner of the world (Safeena & Date, 2015).
The intranet: The Intranet is a computer connection network within an organization by use of technology. The intranet enables employees and the management of a company to share useful information with regards to the activities of the company and also between the customers (Safeena & Date, 2015). For instance, Shawarma Time carries out receipts, online orders, and customer feedback through the combination of intranet and internet
The extranet: This is a communication network involving the internet but is only connected to authorized users. Shawarma Time has provided an option in one of its websites for where customers can create their username and password to communicate with each other (Safeena & Date, 2015). Customers who want to place orders online can do so by logging into the website and making and order after filling in the required information.
E-Business Model
Every website on the internet has a model, and the business models are usually different from each other. There are usually five distinct business models depending on the structures of websites on the internet and the intentions that a particular website wants to fulfill. The five classifications of the models include freemium, information, advertising and storefront sites. All the models stated above do not generate revenue directly to an organization, but they all incur costs for a business. The website can combine more than one of these models to meet their customer expectations (Loayza, 2009). Each of the five models can also have unique features that differentiate them from each other. Sarwarma uses a combination of these models on its website to provide customers with the most appealing goods they need. This section examines the differences in these models in reference to their application in Shawarma Time.
The Five Business Models for Shawarma
Freemium Model
These kinds of websites are usually with an intention of self- expression in sharing with other individuals with similar interests. The website may offer basic services for free while imposing charged for premium members. Examples of services provided by this model include LinkedIn, Flickr, and Vimeo. The biggest challenge for businesses using this model is that it does not generate income because it is focused on reaching out a multitude of interested parties (Loayza, 2009). As such, Sharwarma uses LinkedIn and User Voice to reach out consumers by further informing them of the available products and services in the company.

Information Model
The information model uses the uses the internet for economic gains through referred sales and reduced costs. The revenue for this strategy is realized from the creation of awareness of the company’s products or services through a website. Although the creation of awareness is done on the internet, the actual purchase of the products is done offline (Loayza, 2009). Shawarma uses its website in public awareness other than for direct selling of its products and, hence, it employs this model.
Advertising Model
With respect to e-business, advertising takes the form of ezine ads, banners, and other promotional techniques. Website advertisement is still behind the most common forms of advertisement such as the television, the radio, and periodicals (Loayza, 2009). The company uses its website for advertising its food products for a few individuals who gain access to the company’s website but majors mostly in other forms of advertisement for the many customers who do not access the internet for information.
Subscription Model
This e-business model uses the website for sending customers messages as per their rate of subscription for reminding them of the available opportunities in the business. Website subscriptions target particular groups of individuals and as usually specialized with specific contents. The subscriptions are usually payable on certain regular time interval such as weekly, monthly or on an annual basis (Loayza, 2009). Shawarma uses subscriptions to reach out specific customers and provide them with the necessary commodities according to their terms of subscription.
Storefront Model
The storefronts are electronic versions of catalogs that describe business offering with pictures and words that provide attractive shopping atmosphere. Customers have options to make sales and after that organize with the company on delivery, however, very few of such sites can offer services (Loayza, 2009). Shawarmer sells food products that are tangible and also displays the products to the customers where they can make choices of purchase.

Differences between Revenue-generating e-business Models and Social Media Tools
The revenue-generating e-business model is very different from the social media platforms in business operations. The purpose of revenue-generating e-business model is to get more customers into the business and encourage them to purchase the commodities. This is a persuasive kind of communication where the business gives several options to its customers and enable while enabling them to make decisions for purchase. For the social media tools, the purpose is not revenue generation. The social media platforms are more of networking tools that tools for encouraging sales (Jovarauskienė & Pilinkienė, 2015). The company can use social media to influence a large group of followers. Whether the followers would turn to be esteemed customers of the business is not the role of the site, but it is the role of the other business campaigns. Shawarma has the most common social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter where it gets to networks with other food providers in the industry to learn about the ongoing trends.
Non-revenue Generating role of Social Media for Shawarma
As noted above, the social media platform can both be used as a revenue generating tool and as a socialization tool. With respect to Shawarma, the social media is being used for advertisement purposes. Advertisements do not give direct revenues to the company because it incurs expenses in its advertisement techniques. This is because the results of advertisements are usually undetermined and the future results are unpredictable (Jovarauskienė & Pilinkienė, 2015).
Elements of the Company’s Website that can be used by Search Engines
The company’s websites comprise of many packages that make it suitable to meet its purpose of fulfilling the needs of its consumers. As such, the website has accommodated most of the five e-business model to include many features and functions for consumers. Because of these reasons, there are very many search engines for the company’s website that direct customers to the products they need. The search engines are denoted with the type of services intended so that the customers can simply identify and follow the links to obtain the services.
Design Features that make Shawarma’s Website Attractive
The company’s website is attractive to visitors through its colors that resemble the natural colors of its product brands. This attractiveness draws the attention of internet users who did not have intentions of visiting the website but do so because of its appeal. The layout, the colors, pictures and the links represent what the company means and draw confidence in the users to continue looking for more information. The speed of the website is also a motivating factor for the users as tools open faster immediately the users press the button.
Why the Company’s Website is Easy for Visitors to Use
The company has categorized its search tools clearly where it constitutes of many sections and subcategories. The subcategories are also visible by new users since they are located on the front page of the website as users do not have to click on the website’s links to obtain first information.
The title evident for each category also increases the usability of the website through easy navigation and identification of what they want.
The website has provided its contact information for users who may wish to learn much about the goods and services of the company through contacting the customers help services
The titles uses are very readable through the use of eye friendly fonts. The good mix of colors provide contrast for tools on the website, and the customers can easily see every part of the website.
The website also gives illustrations to customers on how they can place orders online and how their products can be delivered.
The sites take very little time to load and thus, it does not keep most of its users waiting for the portal to load. It has the ability to load faster even with the slowest internet speed.
Apart from serving as an e-business tool, the company’s website also serves as a health information tool where it provides menu guideline for consuming its products.
The Legal Requirements of the Website Design
The Data Protection Act
The data protection act is a universal legislation that protects personal data from being accessed by unauthorized individuals. This is an important element for website users to understand because it gives guidelines for the type of information that can be accessed by the public and the type of information that should be considered private and out of binding by unauthorized individuals (McElheran, 2015). The act requires all those who process personal information to comply with eight principles that concern personal information as follows:
• That the information should be lawfully processed
• That information processed should serve limited purpose
• The information should be adequate, relevant and not excessive
• The information should be accurate and up to date
• The information should be kept for no longer than necessary
• The information should be processed within individual rights
• Security of the information should be paramount
• The transfer of information to other countries should follow adequate protection
Anti-Spam Laws
The other most important legal requirement for the website is the adherence to anti-spam laws. These laws prohibit the sending of unsolicited commercial communication through, email, fax or other electronic messaging systems. These actions are also prohibited under the data protection act because they mean intrusion into another person’s privacy.
Survey Questionnaires
Customer Questions
Is the company’s website familiar?
Is the website easy to navigate through?
Are you comfortable with the company’s website advertisements?
Is it efficient to purchase through Shawarma’s website?
Are the company’s social media tools giving the relevant information?
Can the company’s website appeal influence your purchasing habits?
Does it take long for the website to load?
Are there websites similar to Shawarma’s website on the internet?
Do you prefer purchasing through the internet often?
Do you think the website needs improvements?
Managerial Questions
Is the company benefiting through e-business?
Are non-revenue generating social media tools burdening the company?
Is Shawarma’s e-business advertisement strategies a competitive advantage?
Can the company introduce more forms of e-business?
Are the customers contented with the company’s e-business strategy?
Is the company adhering to data protection regulations concerning its business model?
Are business associates comfortable with the company’s e-business model?
Is the entire process of product promotion in the company beneficial to the employees, customers, and associates?
Are the investments for e-business higher than the returns?
Are there any improvements the company intends to make with regards to its e-business models?
The survey involved 20 participants who were supposed to respond to the questions with a yes or no answer in the survey forms for the study to assess the effectiveness of the e-business strategy on the company. Out of the 20 respondents, 15 of them responded positively to support the effectiveness of the e-business strategy in the organization. This number translates to 75% of the total number of respondents. The respondents included both customers and company officials. The rest of the five respondents constituted 25% of the respondents who though that the e-business strategy did not fulfill its goals in the company. The table below is a summary of the survey information from the respondents:

Percentage Response
E-business is Advantageous 75 %
E-business is not Advantageous 25%

Pie Chart Representation

In conclusion, it can be evident that e-business is an effective form of business undertaking to improve not only the image of the business but also enable a business to make a profit and meet its goals and objectives. The goals and objectives of Shawarma have been fully met through its proper utilization of the e-business strategy in the promotion of its products. The role of the Internet in business activities has been clearly defined through this discussion which has revealed the importance of balancing e-business activities of a business with the goals of the business. This discussion, therefore, encourages business managers and entrepreneurs to incorporate all the elements of e-business strategy for the success of their business.
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organizational factors on e-business use: analysis of firm size. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 30(2), 212-229. Retrieved from
Jovarauskienė, D., & Pilinkienė, V. (2015). E-Business or E-technology?. Engineering
Economics, 61(1). Retrieved from, J., (2009). 5 Business Models for Social Media Startups. Mashable. Retrieved from, K. (2015). Do market leaders lead in business process innovation? The case (s) of e-
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