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Education And Social, Political And Economic Factors.

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Education and social, political and economic factors.


The role of education for the search for more inclusive and participatory societies, also analyzing the role that the professional in society must have as a leader, manager and mobilizer of social justice processes, inclusion and promotion of human development.


Education plays an important role in the search for an inclusive and participatory society, since it is considered one of the factors related to inclusion because it offers people the possibility of developing skills, such as knowledge, attitudes and values that arenecessary to intervene and contribute to society and that allow people to modify the situations that leave them on the margin of well -being. Education has a fundamental role in reducing inequality and in the promotion of social development that goes beyond the economic world. Stiglitz, (2002). Affirms "that education is the key to the success of development understood as a social transformation, but not only must refer to how much education, but what is what goes within education, what quality has" (P.14).

According to this, the education sector is the main contribution to the improvement of the quality of life, dignity and prosperity of society with the promotion and development of skills and abilities, providing a quality education that implies, the strengthening of educational institutions, updating the updateand continuous training of teachers, the identification, assessment, promotion and support of the students, according to their condition, designing contextualized and flexible curricula, attending the coverage with equity, promoting and generating conditions for inclusion, allowing integral development, theCompetitiveness and productivity in people and their territories without any discrimination.

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A quality education favors the process of progress towards the generation of inclusive cultures, policies and practices, culture of respect for the difference and recognition of diversity such as wealth and opportunity, identify situations that can become barriers to participation and learning,Review proposals based on some policies that regulate, guide and contribute to the generation of improvement plans and approach the recognition of various institutions and sectors that allow generating support networks as facilitators to overcome barriers that hinder education for all. This is why it is important to strengthen the teaching and learning process, take advantage of information and communication technologies, to incorporate teachers, students, to a global training vision.

Education must focus on strengthening learning that are indispensable for personal, cognitive and affective development that contributes to the construction of a satisfactory life project, as well as access to subsequent educational processes. An education that favors learning that are indispensable to guarantee a life with dignity and autonomy, which takes into account diversity as an element that enriches personal and social development and development.

It is necessary to take into account that, although education is an essential factor for social and economic development, it is not the only one, it is necessary to combine it with policies applied in different areas so that the potential that is available forGenerate greater economic economic development.

Progressive public policies are required that lead to the overcoming of poverty, through which higher levels of education are promoted, the creation of labor opportunities is stimulated and a redistribution of income is achieved, in order to achieve a human developmentsustainable (p.9).

An aspect that is necessary to consider is the need to implement policies that improve the link between the education and productive sector. This mismatch between the formation of human resources and educational requirements. Although education generates multiple externalities or non -economic benefits to society and, therefore, it cannot be valued simply because of its contribution to the economic sector, it is necessary to pay attention to this mismatch to the extent that it limits the potential of education for education for education for education for educationpersonal and social development. Hence the need to implement policies that seek to improve human resources training.

Another important point is the role that the professional has in the construction of an inclusive organizational culture, as well as the leadership competences that can facilitate development and training plans, always focused on being managers of inclusion.

Exercising leadership for inclusion requires the installation and promotion of permanent, participatory spaces and instances, which allow developing the reflection and collective action of the community, the professional from their knowledge and experiences, must always seek the necessary tools that allow itTreat diversity, as well as participatory teaching and learning practices, which encourage inclusion by impulseing students’ autonomous work.

The professional also needs to work to develop the skills and skills of analysis, understanding, research and autonomy in students. Transmit the historical and cultural heritage of national or community collective identity and what I consider most important, to incorporate students into social life through the internalization of values, attitudes and norms.

It is advisable. The training of researchers in this area is indispensable both to integrate knowledge and experiences for the benefit of development at a human scale (P.41).

The role of the professional and of us as future professionals is to be a transformed agent of society, which is why we must propose an education that covers all the dimensions of the human condition in science, technology, art, culture,participation and promotion of experiences that allow the maximum development of the potential and that we form those students with knowledge, that are able to reflect and transform their environment under the principle of equity that demands to recognize the individual possibilities and needs to provide the strengthening and support requiredTo be autonomous and productive.


By carrying out the social inclusion course, it was learned about the exclusion and inclusion in my community and in Colombia, acquiring valuable and real knowledge about the current state of this problem, also gave the possibility of analyzing the situation from real contexts, and understanding thesocial risks that afflict the vulnerable population.

By acquiring this knowledge, they give me the foundations to reflect from the role of future teacher and think about the possible approaches that can be given from our study area.


  • Marrugo, v. (2013). Economic growth and human development and Colombia (2000 – 2010). Caribbean Economics Magazine,#11. northern University. Recovered from http: // rcientificas.Uninorte.Edu.CO/INDEX.PHP/ECONOMY/ARTICLE/VIEW/5054/4126
  • Stiglitz, J (2002). Development is not just GDP growth. Icons: Social Sciences Magazine, No. 13, 2002, pages. 72-86.Retrieved at https: // = 5028342
  • Marín Espinosa, and. (2017). A look at social inclusion. Colombia: Recovered from: http: // hdl.Handle.Net/10596/11383
  • Rodríguez Martínez, C. (2017). Inclusion, education and democracy in Colombia. Colombia: Recovered from: http: // hdl.Handle.Net/10596/11384
  • Max-Neef, m. (1986). Development at human scale. Future options. Chili. Recovered from http: // Pages 9 to 31.

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