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Emergency Plan
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Emergency Plan
In any environment, emergencies are bound to occur, and it is best if they are anticipated to occur. Under emergency management, evacuation is a must happen in an emergency situation. However, stakeholders to the emergency plan ought to know beforehand what to do when the unfortunate finally happens. The management ought to consider the kind of businesses they engage in on a daily basis, the number of employees and realistic expectations in the event an emergency occurs (OSHA, 2011).
While considering the already outline as base values in the development of an evacuation plan, the management should first find out what conditions would necessitate an evacuation. Not all the emergency situations result in the abandonment of premises (OSHA, 2011). Also, in cases where safe passage outside of the building becomes impossible, a room should exist where visitors and members of the premises can shelter.
A successful evacuation process would require that a chain of command exists so that mix-ups do not delay the rescue exercise. In an environment where directions lack, many things go wrongs (OSHA, 2011). In coming up with a plan, the management should lay out the chain of command in the event of an emergency. The determinations of the administration ought to reach the targeted audience and stakeholders (“9 Key Points to Develop an Emergency Action Plan”, 2017).
When getting into the intricate matters of the plan, management should spell out the specific evacuation procedure that may get undertaken.

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In outlining the processes, the locations of all emergency routes, exits, and equipment goes into the evacuation plan. The evacuation plan for high-rise buildings is different to that of others (OSHA, 2011). For high-rise buildings, the evacuation plans would get tailored for each floor. Also, the training offered to personnel varies for each level; training is necessary for the conduct of successful rescues.
As other persons rush to designated areas in cases of emergency, the management should have in place a person who will remain behind to perform other necessary duties that go into the whole lifesaving plan. For example, in manufacturing firms, a complete shutdown takes times, and it does not get done from one point. Such people who remain behind to take care of the investments should be knowledgeable of emergency issues, such that they know when to jump ship for safety (“10 Essential Elements of an Emergency Evacuation Plan – The Original Visitor Management System”, 2018).
Evacuation is never fruitful until the whereabouts of those in the building before the emergency gets established. Visitor management systems come in handy when accounting for visitors who entered a building just before the crisis. It is from the visitors’ system that calculations get done on the number of persons in a building as a given time (OSHA, 2011). Wardens of a building know the population of employees on each floor, and it is for the visitor’s system to tell the extra number of persons. There is no need of having an evacuation plan that does not endeavor to save each life in a premise.
Lastly, the management should not have plans only on paper, but also it should engage in buying necessary equipment that can help in the evacuation process. Training of personnel to handle the kits must also take place (“9 Key Points to Develop an Emergency Action Plan”, 2017).
In summary, the management should make clear when and how an evacuation is necessary while having in mind the kind of businesses they engage in on a daily basis, the number of employees, and realistic expectations in the event an emergency. Personnel should undergo training on emergency response, and organizations should keep visitor management systems.

10 Essential Elements of an Emergency Evacuation Plan – The Original Visitor Management System. (2018). The Original Visitor Management System. Retrieved 25 January 2018, from Key Points to Develop an Emergency Action Plan. (2017). Retrieved 25 January 2018, from
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). (2001). How to plan for workplace emergencies and evacuations. In How to plan for workplace emergencies and evacuations. OSHA.

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