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Emerging Actions To Combat Child Exploitation And Increase Protection Of Children In Thailand

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Emerging actions to combat child exploitation and increase protection of children in Thailand

Child exploitation is when children work for the economic system of a state or for the livelihood of a family, there are currently around 250 million children around the world affected.  Refugees are those who, for some reason for race, religion, nationality, social group or their political point of view, are outside their country of origin and cannot or due to the fear they have do not want the protection offered to them his country. On the other hand, migrants are those who move to another place in search of better living conditions. 

Currently, child exploitation is one of the conflicts that the UN has always tried to resolve, for example, in 1992 the International Labor Organization (ILO) created the "International Program for Eradication of Child Labor" where we talk about eradicating and preventing Child exploitation.  Therefore for refugees there is an agency called the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) that was created in 1951 for refugees to return to their country after World War II.  For migrants there is an UN agency called the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCT) they are the ones who are responsible for defending and promoting the protection of the rights of all migrants. 

In Thailand, child exploitation affects the political constitution since, if the acts of child exploitation are punished in accordance with article 80 of the 1997 Constitution, which refers to the State protecting and contributing to development Of children, it promotes gender equity and will encourage family integrity, as well as the cohesion of communities, it also affects that some children are being used as slaves and deprive them of their liberty and cannot continue with their studies.

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 While refugees and migrants affect that Thailand has not signed the UN Convention on Refugees, then refugees lack health care, work and even have to hide from the police, because of this some have been able to be realized in A third country. Currently in Thailand there are 4000 refugees in urban areas and 4000 asylum seekers, as well as 102,000 refugees from Myanmar at the border with that country. 

The actions carried out by Thailand in the aspect of child exploitation were that in 2000 appropriate institutional mechanisms were established, a subcommitte On the rights of the child, in 2009 two subcommittees were created within the National Commission for the Promotion of Child and Youth Development to obtain data and formulate national plans for the prevention of violence against children and young people, new laws such as laws were also created The Law on Protection of Children in 2003, the National Law for the Promotion of Child and Youth Development in 2007, the Law on the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence in 2007, the Law to Fight Trafficking in Persons in 2008. 

As soon as the actions carried out by Thailand in the aspect of migrants and refugees is that the government has been rejecting refugees and even extradite them, so far the State has not signed any agreement with the UN to receive refugees, The government is aware that they are violating the international legal principle of non -return that consists in not extraditation to migrants/refugees to their territories where there are conflicts that put their integrity at risk. 

Thailand’s position before the above is the following:

  • 1. Emphasize signing an agreement with the UN for refugee protection:

We can sign an agreement with the UN that protects the rights of refugees and thus not deport refugees that in their country of origin due to certain problems they cannot have a good quality of life.

  • two. Implement a security plan so that refugees are not arrested by the authorities:

This plan must consist of the refugees who when they go out to the street leave safely and are not afraid to be arrested and that they are not fined for being refugees that there is a control of the refugees and that they are provided with type documents type provisional so that they can demonstrate that if they are legally.

  • 3. Watch that child protection laws are fulfilled and respected:

What we can all do is that through campaigns we can encourage more than child exploitation is a crime and that it is wrong to do so, that affected children are supported by psychological therapies, that an emphasis is made about how important it is Education and that children who are in extreme poverty are given financial assistance.

Thailand delegation invites those who are present to unite us all to combat child exploitation and fight for the protection of migrants and refugees in order to ensure that children have a good development.


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