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South Akron’s Source of Energy
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South Akron’s Source of Energy
Primary Types of Energy in South Akron
The primary types of energy that powers my home in South Akron, Ohio, include electricity (mainly from coal), natural gas and nuclear energy (Ohio PUCO, 2018). These energy sources are nonrenewable; they get depleted with time. Nonrenewable sources are found occurring naturally in the earth’s surface though they take a long time to form, which explains why their supply is limited. The primary types of energy in South Akron are nonrenewable, though renewable energy such as hydropower, geothermal energy, biomass energy and wind energy also power homes in the region. Renewable sources of energy occur in nature hence can be replenished. However, the production of renewable energy is done in small scale.
Coal is a fossil fuel occurring naturally beneath the earth’s surface. It generates 59% of Ohio’s electricity (Ohio PUCO, 2018). When coal is burnt, it produces a significant amount of heat which is used to produce electricity though converting water into steam and using it to run steam turbines. This steam which is under high pressure turns a turbine’s blades; the turbine is connected to a generator. The generator spins and in the process converts the mechanical energy into electricity. Coal power plants in the region that produce electricity to power South Akron include W. H. Sammis Power plant, under the FirstEnergy Corporation. The FirstEnergy Corporation is the primary distributor of energy in South Akron; it is a diversified energy company, with its headquarters in Akron City.

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Natural gas is also a fossil found in Ohio. It contributes 23% to Ohio’s electricity (Ohio PUCO, 2018). To produce electricity, it is either burned to convert water into steam or burned to produce hot gases which turn the turbine’s blades and in turn, spins a generator which produces electricity. A natural gas plant in the region is the West Lorain Plant, also under the FirstEnergy Corporation.
Nuclear energy makes up 14% of Ohio’s electricity (Ohio PUCO, 2018). Through fission of atoms of uranium, a lot of heat energy is produced. This energy heats water to produce steam; the steam turns the blades of a turbine which is connected to a generator. The generator spins to produce electricity. There are several nuclear plants in the region, most of which are under the FirstEnergy. These plants include; W. H. Sammis Power plant (which is both a coal and nuclear plant), Perry Nuclear Generating Station and the Davis- Besse Nuclear Power Station.
Impact of Energy Sources on Environment
Non-renewable energy has a lot of adverse effects on the environment. As seen, these energy sources are mainly made up of carbon, and their products are mostly gaseous. These products negatively affect the environment. The various forms of energy used in South Akron have hurt the quality of lives of residents. Many people have been admitted to local hospitals due to respiratory problems. Others have suffered from asthma attacks and congestive heart failure. The use of these sources of power has had affected the communities’ health. The usage of these sources of energy has also changed the aesthetic value of South Akron. The environment is degraded due to the influence of these sources of power. There is scarce vegetation, such as grass and trees, in the area. It is difficult to carry out agriculture in the region due to the adverse environmental conditions.
The burning of coal and natural gas releases toxic gases into the atmosphere. This air pollution causes heat stress infectious diseases, cardiac events, and breathing problems. The burning of fossil fuels produces gases containing carbon; this increases carbon pollution. Carbon pollution contributes a lot to climate change. Carbon pollution from the burning fossil fuels includes greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gases are responsible for trapping heat in the atmosphere, increasing the environmental temperatures leading to climate change and global warming. A lot has been done by the government, especially by the Obama administration to reduce carbon pollution. These precautions aim to tackle global warming. In a report named, “America’s Dirtiest Power Plants,” Ohio ranks as one of the biggest carbon polluters (Environment Ohio, 2013). The report had some shocking findings. The power plants caused the second most pollution in the United States. Most of the polluting power plants were located in Ohio; these plants included; Miami Fort, FirstEnergy W. H. Sammis, JM Stuart, Cardinal and General James M Gavin. It was evident that the power plants in Ohio caused a lot of carbon pollution. The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency rates the air quality of Akron as moderate (Ohio EPA, 2018), meaning it is acceptable. However, sensitive people may experience shortness of breath or coughs.
Coal mines and power plants in the region pollute drinking water supplies, rivers and lakes. Throughout its lifecycle, coal has an impact on the environment especially the local water quality. From when it is mined, through its processing to when it is burned, coal has a long-lasting effect on water quality in the region. When coal has already been mined, it is washed with chemicals and water to remove any present impurities. The remaining mixture has to be stored in special ponds, sometimes they spill or leak or the walls of the ponds fail hence contaminating water sources. When this water is used by the residents of South Akron, it causes health issues for the individuals and they would require treatment. In energy production, coal is burned to produce high amounts of heat. A grey powder remains behind after coal is burnt; it is referred to as coal ash. Coal ash contains various toxic elements such as mercury, arsenic and lead (PSR, 2016). The coal ash is normally stored in special ponds and pits, however over time; these toxic elements can their way into waterways which are nearby. This leads to contamination of the drinking water supplies. This still negatively impacts the environment. Coal ash also poses a significant threat to people’s health in case someone is exposed to it. People exposed to coal ash are at a high risk of being diagnosed with cancer, heart diseases, neurological disorders, reproductive issues and other health conditions (PSR, 2016). There have been cases of acid rock drainage in the region. Highly acidic water from the mines contaminates water supplies. The acidic water contains heavy metals such as lead, copper and arsenic. This contamination affects human health. Burning of high sulfur coal in the region produces coal combustion products. In Ohio, the power plants produce about 10-12 million coal combustion products (Ohio State University, 2017). About 35% of these products are used in technological applications. The remaining products are disposed in special ponds and landfills. This poses great threat to the people of South Akron.
The use of natural gas also endangers the environment. From its extraction through drilling to its transportation, there is always a risk of polluting the environment especially the local air. Natural gas is mainly made up of methane gas, which is 34 times heavier than carbon dioxide. When natural gas leaks into the environment, it traps a lot of heat compared to other gases. This aspect increases the temperatures of the surrounding, and long-term effects would be climate change and global warming. When natural gas is burned, its gaseous end products include nitrogen oxides. These oxides lead to the formation of smog. Smog reduces visibility and may lead to accidents if they occur on roads. Long-term exposure to gaseous products of natural gas hurts the health of individuals in the region. Some of the health issues include cancer, respiratory problems, and cardiovascular diseases.
It is evident that non-renewable sources of energy have had a negative impact on the quality of local air and water quality. The extraction of coal, natural gas and other materials used in energy production affect the water quality of South Akron. Improper disposal of end products from the energy production processes is also a significant cause of water pollution. The energy production process releases various gases into the atmosphere, and this negatively affects the quality of air in South Akron. Environmental pollution reduces the life expectancy of residents of South Akron. Due to the sources of energy used in the region, many people acquire a particular illness, and this reduces their lifespan. People do not die immediately due to these pollutions, but it does so in the long run. The continuous presence of such environmental conditions affects future generations and also reduces the effectiveness of treatment.
History of the Energy Sources and Their Long-term Impact on the Environment
Coal and natural gas reserves were discovered in Akron in the early 1800s. In 1814, the first oil well was drilled in Noble County followed by Grand Lake St. Mary’s in 1891. A large oil reserve was discovered in Lake Erie, and offshore oil drilling began in 1913. Natural gas was also discovered earlier in 1887 in Clinton County (Ohio History Central, 2018). Industries to produce energy from these resources were set up in the region. This production has continued over time and communities have always used these sources. The discovery of coal and natural gas ensured these were the primary sources of energy in the region or a long time. At the time residents did not realize the effects of such sources of power on the environment. This delay is because the impact of pollution from burning fossil fuels had not been documented before. Deterioration of the environment went unnoticed for some time. Over time people have neglected the environment, not realizing their sources of energy were having a negative impact on their environment.
Residents have come to realize the negative impact of energy sources on their environment. A lot of effort has been put in to remedy the situation although a lot is still to be done. Research and studies have been conducted to determine the impact of these sources over time. A study was conducted in 1981 to determine the effects of air pollutants on the respiratory functions of children living in Akron (Mostardi et al., 1981). The air pollutants being studied included sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, suspended sulfates and nitrates and total suspended particulates. The sample of children was from Betty Jane and Seiberling grade schools which were close to power plants. The children showed symptoms of decreased lung functions such as coughs, sore throats, shortness of breath and wheezing in the chest. Another study between 1996- 1998, by the Ohio Cancer Incidence Surveillance System, showed that residents of Ohio had a higher incidence for various types of cancer (Ohio News, 2001). Over 50,000 cases of cancer were reported in the state. A lot has also been done to restore the state of the Cuyahoga River whose watershed is in Akron. Over time it has been contaminated by the industrial waste from the power plants. The state of the river had affected human health and aquatic life.
Residents of South Akron have not always used nuclear energy until recently. The latter is due to the rapid development of technology in the world. Scientists have come up with ways of harnessing energy from atoms of distinctive elements. Nuclear power does not produce as much greenhouse gases as the other nonrenewable sources. However, radioactive wastes such as the spent nuclear fuel have to be isolated and contained from the environment for a long time.
Energy Demands of South Akron
Energy usage varies from one household to another, depending on their energy requirements. The monthly energy usage in our household is 897kWh.
Household energy usage per year= (897* 12) kWh= 10,764 kWh
There are 9371 households in South Akron according to the state’s population demographics.
Estimated yearly energy usage for South Akron= (10,764* 9371) kWh= 100,869.4 MWh
It is evident that my neighborhood has high energy requirements.
Alternative Source of Energy for South Akron Community
There are alternative sources of energy which are renewable and could be used to power South Akron. These sources would help improve the quality of the environment, improving the water and air qualities of the region. These alternative renewable sources of energy should also meet the energy demands of the South Akron community.
The most practical renewable resource to power the community would be wind energy. All over the United States, more districts are adopting wind energy as an alternative source of power. Producing wind energy is cheap. Wind is a resource that occurs in nature, and South Akron is reasonably a windy region. The above is because of its closeness to Lake Erie. The area’s elevation of about 1000ft, according to the Worldwide Elevation Map Finder, is also another factor that contributes to its strong winds. The U.S government, through the Department of Energy, provides a wind resource map (Star Energy Partners, 2018). This map shows a region’s potential wind energy capacity and wind speeds. This information helps in identifying the perfect area to have the plant and the turbine requirements. Wind energy is also the only alternative source of energy that does not require water in its production process. A wind power plant will have to be constructed in the region. Turbine towers for wind energy production are typically 328ft tall; with each blade having a length of 260ft (Star Energy Partners, 2018). It is evident that a wind power plant requires a lot of space. However, this should not be a problem since there is a lot of free space in the region. Taller turbines are also being created to reach faster, stronger and more constant winds in the upper atmosphere. The taller the turbines, the stronger the winds and the more energy is produced. A single commercial turbine can provide power to 600 households (Star Energy Partners, 2018). South Akron will, therefore, require about 17 turbines. It takes about $2 million to install a single turbine; this project will require an initial outlay of $34 million. It will not be that costly powering South Akron considering the number of households. Wind energy is more affordable compared to other sources. Electricity from coal is sold for about 13.6 cents per kWh, but wind energy is sold for as low as 2.35 cents for every unit (Star Energy Partners, 2018). There are also state financial incentives to aid in such projects.
Challenges of Transitioning to Renewable Sources of Energy
Transitioning from nonrenewable to renewable sources of energy is very challenging. It is essential to come up with a sustainable energy roadmap since it is a long process. Most regions have already begun a step by step procedure to transition to renewable energy. It is essential to come up with policies which safeguard the transition by reducing barriers; such barriers include financial cost. For example, the state of Ohio requires 12.5% of the electricity distributed must come from renewable sources by 2027 (Ohio PUCO, 2018). The political leaders play a significant role in the transition; they influence policies and people’s reactions. It is critical to have supportive political leaders. The alternative source should be able to meet the needs of the community, just as the nonrenewable sources satisfied the energy demands of the people of South Akron. This aspect ensures the alternative is realistic and is done by analyzing the potential of renewable energy. Grid improvements and energy storage are also taken into consideration during the transition process. The socioeconomic impact of the transition should also be analyzed. Transitioning to the wind and solar energy will undoubtedly create numerous job opportunities, in the manufacturing industry and the power plants. The process also includes considering the residents’ reactions and opinions. It is important for the transition to have the people’s support. The cost of the transition should also be taken into consideration to ensure the transition is feasible.
Transitioning to renewable energy will help improve the environment. Renewable energy does not have harmful end products; renewable energy is considered clean energy. The latter is because of the positive impact it has on the environment. The people of South Akron community would welcome such a change. The benefits of renewable sources are clear and numerous. From reduced energy bills to a healthier environment. Transitioning to wind energy would reduce cases of illness in the region.
Environment Ohio (2013). Ohio Ranks 2nd for Global Warming Pollution from Power Plants. Environment Ohio, News Release., R. A., Ely D. L., Woebkenberg N. R., & Conlon Mary (1981). Air Pollution and Health Effects in Children Residing in Akron, Ohio. The Environment and the lung.
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (2018). Air Ohio, Air Monitoring Data. Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. News (2001). Data shows cancer rates up in Ohio., Ohio News.
Ohio Public Utilities Commission (2017). How does Ohio generate electricity? Ohio Public Utilities Commission. for Social Responsibility (2016). Coal Ash: Hazardous to Human Health. United States Affiliate of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. Energy Partners (2018). 21 Interesting Facts About Wind Energy. Star Energy Partners, Electricity Company. Ohio State University (2018). Staying Grounded: Ohio State Helps Power Reuse Coal Combustion Power Plants Reuse Coal Combustion Products. The Ohio State University, Office of Energy and Environment.

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