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Enrique Iv Role In The Life Of His Sister Isabel La Católica

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Enrique IV role in the life of his sister Isabel la Católica


Throughout this work we are going to talk about Queen Elizabeth, from her childhood to her death. We have chosen this issue because we wanted to know more about one of the most important queens how Isabel was and also know about the figure of women at this time, and above all being queen.


Significant data

Isabel was born in Madrigal de las Altas Torres (Ávila) on April 22, 1451. Daughter of the second marriage of Juan II de Castilla (1405-1454) with Isabel de Portugal. In his first marriage he had a son, Enrique IV, the successor to the throne of John II. Her brother will be Alfonso, she is less than her, specifically two years. He dies on November 26, 1504 in Medina del Campo (Valladolid)

Childhood "Unhappy"

He had a hard childhood in which, his father’s death in 1454 aggravated. Juan II in the course of a trip to Valladolid, would get sick of fourth fevers and died in the city of Pisuerga. The successor to the throne of Castilla will be Enrique IV

He will move to Arévalo (Ávila) with his mother and his brother, on the orders of Enrique. His mother will have instability in his mental health related to the death of her husband.

In 1461, Enrique IV forced the brothers to settle in the Court in Segovia to ensure that the successor to the throne was his expected son/a. Alfonso and Isabel separated from her mother, which affected her mother’s mental problems.

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Finally, Isabel de Portugal will die in Arévalo when her daughter already reigned in Castilla y León.


Isabel’s hobbies were consistent with her time, among her her passion for her to ride and to go hunting (Enrique IV was also fond of hunting). He liked popular songs, dance and chivalry novels, like his father. Dance, music, rhetoric, miniature arts and needle work.


His education was given by Gonzalo Chacón (Senior Butler) to whom he considered his father and two religious. You will learn to read and write during your youth. His moral education was given by an Augustinian friar

The death of Infante Alfonso in 1468 made Isabel surrounded by the best teachers since she was a throne candidate. As well as knowing his future husband, Fernando de Aragón, who received a great education, prompted Isabel to learn and study more to get up. Being already queen, Isabel began taking Latin classes and in a few months dominated the language.


He married Fernando de Aragón on October 19, 1469 (second cousins). I was 18 years old. They needed a papal bull granted Sixto IV, both were from the Trastámara dynasty. Enrique IV pressed to Rome and the papal legacies so that the bull did not grant him. He also reinforced the borders between Castilla and Aragon so that Fernando could not reach Valladolid for his wedding.

Arrival to power

As we have seen in class his brother Enrique IV, in the treaty of the bulls of Guisando (1468) with the condition that he could not marry without supervision something that Isabel does not fulfill and will marry Fernando de Aragón. Upon learning of this, Enrique puts his daughter Juana La Beltraneja as a future heiress, after the death of this will trigger the war of Castilian succession. Isabel proclaims himself Queen of Castile but the Duke of Arévalo and Don Diego López Pacheco, Marqués de Villena, refuse to pay tribute .In this war, Portugal will intervene, Alfonso V, aims. The Spanish Succession War, therefore, has a double character of Civil War and International War. In the first months of the campaign, the Portuguese seize from Extremadura and Galicia, occupy Toro and, for a few days, Zamora. At the beginning of March 1476, in Toro, the Castilian troops defeat the Portuguese the momentary renunciation of Aragon to their rights over the Rosellón encourages Louis XI, king of France, to withdraw from the conflict. The Treaty of Alcáçobas (September 4, 1479) ends the war: Doña Isabel and Don Fernando are recognized as Reyes de Castilla;Doña Juana – the Beltraneja – renounces her alleged rights of her and is forced to spend the rest of her life in a Coimbra convent


  • Princess of Asturias
  • Queen of Castile
  • Queen of Granada
  • Reign consort of Aragon
  • Queen Consort of Naples


It was cultured, suffered and devout Isabel seemed to be very clear about what he wanted and what he didn’t want. His hardness on some occasions surprised and even Alarmar, or endowed for conversation and public relations. They discovered that she was a generous, cordial, sociable, sympathetic, extroverted, mentally, reflective, with strong self-control, high intellectual preparation – is very important, knowing her life

Last years

On November 26, 1504, at 53 years of age, the Catholic Queen. Around one hundred days before, in mid -August, she fell ill in bed, victim of a serious illness and, also, of her many sufferings and concerns. And she, convinced that her time arrived, decided to write her testament, a written monument to her Catholic faith, to the forecast, to justice, to the strength, to holiness … and add that, in the aforementioned one hundred days and evenThe moment of his death, the accredited doctors Bustamante, Álvarez, De la Parra, Soto, Guadalupe and Gutiérrez Toledo attended Queen Isabel, two of them Professors of Salamanca.

Father Pedro the monk thus narrates the death of Queen Elizabeth: “The death of a secret ulcer that the work and agitation of the horse had caused him in the Granada War. After his death, and as was the common desire of the Catholic Monarchs to be buried in Granada


I felt a deep aversion for garlic. On his hygiene it has been said that it was not much, and that it smelled very bad. Even that in 1491 he promised not to change his shirt until he conquered Granada La Isabela or Villa Isabela was the first city founded in the New World (America) by the Spaniards, in 1494.

She was very jealous, given the gallant character of her husband Fernando with other women, she married to unite the kingdoms of Castilla and Aragon, and not for love. The truth is that over time he fell madly in love with her husband.


A man wanted to leave the heir, on June 30, 1478 Juan de Aragón was born but the baby was born with a leporino lip that prevented him from speaking correctly. He was stuttering and in the end of the end. He ate very little, he vomited frequently and often passed out. Isabel prayed incessantly for her health and made offerings to the Virgin. Six months after his wedding, on October 4, he died in Salamanca,

Holy Inquisition Court

The Spanish Inquisition was an institution founded in 1478 by the Catholic Monarchs in Spain. The knowledge of this institution is essential to know the problem of the Jews and the converts that existed in the peninsular kingdoms the Jews, who lived in the cities, were possessors of numerous goods. Many of them had achieved notable fortunes from their businesses many old Christians from the cities, were envious of the social position of the Jews.

After this reason, Santa has been thought about proclaiming her, but numerous historians do not want for this reason


After developing this issue we have realized that Queen Elizabeth was an exemplary queen and that she wanted the best always for Spain. We also see that for the time he lived he was a great figure about women, since he was strong and clear ideas. We see times of suffering throughout his life, especially around his children, as after death Juan or when his daughter Juana is incapacitated, due to her great madness by Fernando.

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