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Evaluating Another Student’s Paper
Project 1: Sartre’s Existentialism
First Quote of the Existentialism project:
Quote: “Man is condemned to be free.”
Interpretation and explanation: To me, this quote means that man is at liberty to do as he pleases as there are no restrictions either on religion or tradition that govern humans and they can cause and fix their problems. I found this quote especially interesting because it gives man total responsibility for his actions and gives him no room for excuses when he has to get consequences for his actions
My perspective: I do agree with the ideas presented in this quote as they have it that human beings are responsible for the actions and the results of their decisions. It does not alienate persons from consequences because with freedom comes responsibility
Second quote from the Existentialism project:
Quote “We as human beings have no predestined future.”
Interpretation and Explanation: To me, this quote means that human beings exist on earth with no particular purpose. Their existence is purely incidental as whoever created them did not give them a future or a mission to accomplish. I find this quote especially interesting because it tries to show that our existence is merely coincidental and we have no future.
My perspective: I do not agree with the ideas of this quote as I believe otherwise. I believe in the existence of a higher being, God, who created us with a purpose on earth as the Bible holds that he has real plans for humanity (Jeremiah 29:11).

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Project 2: Carol Gilligan’s Feminist Ethics
First Quote from the Carol Gilligan project:
Quote: “The very traits that have traditionally defined the “goodness” of women, their care for and sensitivity to the needs of others, are those that mark them as deficient in moral development.”
Interpretation and explanation: To me, this quote means that women do not consider the rationality or irrationality of a situation but rather judge actions based on how others will react and as a result, they end up making wrong decisions which make them look like they have not developed morally. I found this quote especially interesting because it goes a long way to show that even philosophers do not believe that men and women can be equal and thus proves that sexism is far from over.
My perspective: I do not agree with the ideas presented in this quote because it is unfair to gauge women as being underdeveloped in morally when they choose to be considerate. Their nature as being sensitive should not be used to automatically judge them as being deficient when it comes to moral issues.
Second quote from Carol Gilligan project:
Quote: “Women tend to espouse an ethics of care that stresses relationships while men tend to espouse an ethics of justice that stresses rules and rights.”
Interpretation and explanation: To me, this quote means the judgment of women majorly relies on the relationship connection that they have with an individual before passing judgment. They focus on attachment to make decisions which may appear irrational at times. It also means that men perceive judgment differently in the way that they pass judgment as they focus rigidly on universal rules and what they believe is right and thus appear to be rational. I found this quote especially interesting because it reflects truthfully on what happens in real life situations where women and mothers are considered more sensitive when it comes to passing judgment. It also explains why men are thought to be ruthless in situations where they pass judgment.
My perspective: I do agree with the ideas presented in this quote because it is true that emotional connection determines the type of view that women pass. Men, on the other hand, are not affected by the emotional connection they have with an individual when it comes to passing judgment.

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