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Face The Fear In Whom My Cheese Has Been Taken

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Face the fear in whom my cheese has been taken


I want to start these lines with a unique question; What would you do if you werent afraid? Life, as well as our day to day is full of challenges and decisions that attain us, prevent us from moving forward and depends only on us knowing how Not knowing what to do, with a terrible fear that will paralyze us. Over time we witness great teachings, fabulas, stories; that offer us complex life lessons and how to deal with the big and small challenges.


This is how I will talk about a parable that may not be old, but it is transcendental; with a powerful message; Learn how to overcome the fear of failure, conduct the challenges of life in a more brave way; Those situations with which human beings battle daily and fighting for the best way to adapt to change and above all "find your cheese". We refer to one of Spencer Johnson’s successful works: Who has taken my cheese?, A very concrete and famous parabola that defines entrepreneurs and the problems that prevent us from moving forward, tells us about the various situations to which we see ourselves wrapped and how we react to them; how it manages to impact both our personal and work life and that posture would be the most convenient to acquire to adapt to vicissitudes. In this story there are four curious characters in a search for their food, inside a maze; Upon time, it becomes clear that its trip is not about finding food, but that it is a search to understand its own being and its purpose in life.

Wait! Face The Fear In Whom My Cheese Has Been Taken paper is just an example!

The work subjectively shows us the life of two mice and two Liliputians with different personalities and ways of acting in a risk situation; The labyrinth full of obstacles and challenges to overcome is life; And the cheese to find refers to what we want in life, we aspire, what you long for; Be it money, health, love, work, my near cheese would be to end the year with good grades.

The story begins with a group of friends; One of them told them about an incredible story that made his life a surprising course and things would improve a lot. He was very excited to share that beautiful story, already gathered and attentive began to tell them the wonderful story.

One of the most important points I can rescue is like your "cheese" or success in life can be paralyzing you. The story begins with two sneaking and elusive mice, living beings who do not stop to think about the things and spend their time running through the labyrinth floors in search of their cheese; This apparent meaningless way on which mice are based to achieve their goal, it can be said that it is the simplest and most effective way to find their cheese; In fact, acting without thinking too much can save you personal conflicts and frustrations with which you cannot deal and you just have on the way. They are characters that flow in their decisions and do not let a simple stone on the road stop them. Now, we will not only talk about these peculiar mouses; There are also two small people called Hem and Haw, they were looking for their cheese, but their situation was more complex, the purpose of their search went beyond a simple portion of food, they were looking for something that fills them not only physical but mentally and spiritually, they went in search of satisfaction, they thought that finding cheese would make them happier and more successful. Being people they thought very differently, they were based on strategies to find cheeses, either memorizing the corners of the dark maze or the places already traveled. Day by day they wondered if they would really find the cheese to fill them with joy. The Liliputians tended to analyze the actions they took every morning and the situation in which they were. You could say that in one of the greatest errors of human beings, about thinking about a solution.

Transferring the four characters found what they longed for, their cheese, in a deposit called Q cheese, every day Hem and Haw visited the station very early making sure that their rich cheese were there, they enjoyed good flavor and their success. But a serious mistake happened, these Liliputians got used to each other and assumed that cheese would always be there for them. An error that we make in our daily life; When we savor the doors of success we decided. While Hem and Haw ate and monitored their "abundant" cheese, fisgen and elusive were willing to take action before some change.

In the cheese tank that began to happen alterations, little by little the portions of cheese were decreasing. The super prepared and attentive mouses noticed such changes, weigh as every good tracker knew that the cheese was being consumed and that sooner or later they would need more. They never assumed that their findings would remain intact. One day the Liliputians as every morning they woke up happy and animated, ready to go to enjoy their cheese, go the surprise they took when they found the empty deposit. The change always happens, being aware of this can help you stay awake in the face of some unpredictable event, now if you think that things will always be the same, it is very likely that you lose the signals of the change. Hem and Haw were so happy with the cheese that they did not realize that their hiding place was being empty. Like these characters we live in an error. Something curio happens to us, when we got something that took us without a doubt much effort we feel that success belongs to us and we deserve it, then at the time that retires from our hands we deny such action, we complain and do not accept the change. This happened with Hem and Haw, they felt that the cheese deposit that was a reward for their work later, of everything spent abundant time looking for it, so when their finding disappeared simply did not accept it and much less saw those little signs or warnings. You will never want to be in this complicated situation, the trick is to adapt easily and, the faster you act, the faster you will find your own path.

The attitude they took injagon and elusive was the best; Instead of lamenting or complaining, they moved if they think so much, unexpectedly, due to their way of acting and how they assimilated the situation soon found a large cheese tank, the N cheese station N. On the other hand Hem and Haw were not so lucky, unable to solve the problem in which they were involved, they continued to return to the empty station believing that the cheese had been "stolen", with the false hope of finding it; Thus their hunger depression and weakness grew. It is good to put this lesson into practice; If or if the change is going to happen, but you always have to be aware and act like the little mice, this can happen in any aspect either at work, in a relationship, try to analyze what your behavior is and if you are aware of the Signs of change. It is important not to be afraid to discover new things, to explore and try to adapt to a new phase.

The Liliputians once they assimilated that their deposit was emptied had to venture inside the labyrinth in search of a new cheese, because they had no choice, but many doubts jumped, maybe they would be lost or would never find more cheese in that sinister labyrinth, fear of fear I was present. There is something that we call comfort zone, a place where we feel safe, but that if we fail to leave it things will never improve. Although Liliputians were hungry they were still too fearful of exploring new places. What they decided to do was knock the walls of the deposit to discover if there was something behind them; However, all was in vain. But not everything was lost, Haw discovered a way to overcome his fear, he was visualized sitting at the top of a great portion of his favorite cheese; This is a great example that we should follow when we see each other for fear, visualize your goal in detail will help increase the desire to achieve it.


Something very important that I must rescue from this story, and is that focusing on moving towards a new direction makes things take a new course. This is how Haw made the brave decision to move to find a new cheese, instead Hem said to do it, he was still afraid of his search. That Liliputian remained at the empty, angry and exhausted cheese station. But Haw’s experience significantly improved him the emotional and mental state of him something that helped a lot in his search. He had the courage to move forward with his clear goal, despite not being in conditions and finding himself absolutely alone. As time passed he was finding small pieces of cheese that gave him the strength and desire to continue in the search for him, he felt complete and happy to achieve such great advance, he felt pride of himself.

Haw mentions that he learned a great lesson; The fear that accumulates in your mind to risk or decide to advance in your path is much more intense than it should be, but once you start moving is like things improve. Haw al regains his confidence manages to find the cheese deposit N, where the little mouses were. Now the lives of these unique characters had changed for good. Haw was not at all happy because his adventure partner was reaped by doubt and fear, he wanted with all his being that the happiness he felt in the soul is shared by his friend, but it was impossible and he refused To go in search of his cheese, he was no longer in the hands of Haw, everything depended on hem. But what is the use of all these lessons if we do not put them into practice.

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