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Facial Distortions As A Result Of The Zika Virus

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Facial distortions as a result of the Zika virus


This essay is carried out with the objective of making people known about this problem and the serious consequences that can be caused, mainly to embryos, since this Zika virus when entering the human body, in this case of a pregnant woman, Through mosquito bite, in many cases it produces microcephaly (reduced head) among other congenital diseases, for example, vision and hearing problems.

In the event that the baby present microcephaly, a specialist doctor must be used, that is, a neonatologist, neurologist, pediatrician, to perform the corresponding exams and give him the necessary indications to cope with this disease as well as possible, since he does not cure, but to be able to give a better quality of life to these little ones.

Ways and treatments will be shown to help your child gradually improve in several aspects, such as language therapy to have a good word pronunciation.

To nurture information about this disease, the types of microcephaly and the consequences that each of these types entail, to learn more in depth as this virus acts in the brain of the embryo, which is what happens to stop the growth of the growth of the brain so sharply.


This virus was first identified in macaques in a forest called Zika (hence its name) this virus causes infection, which is transmitted through Aedes Aedes types aegypti, but not only is being infected with bites, it is also infected through of blood and by sexual contact, because this virus remains much longer in sperm and in the body about 3 to 12 days.

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Symptoms are diarrhea, vomiting, fever, headache, muscle pain, lack of appetite, decay; Although not all infected have symptoms, you have to be very careful not only at night, since this mosquito (zancudo) pica during the day, which is why repellent should be applied and be attentive to avoid any sting and prevent this virus.

The Zika virus in a pregnant woman was mainly recorded in Brazil, it was spread through mosquito bites infected with this virus by means of body fluids such as blood and semen. If this virus came to infect a pregnant woman who in the first quarter of the gestational stage, does not mean that surely the fetus will present anomalies or congenital malformations, it can also produce spontaneous abortions.

While the virus is not in the blood, nothing will happen to the fetus, but in case the virus is in the bloodstream, this infected blood will be received by the fetus, since this virus attacks and destroys neuronal stem cells, reason reason whereby the baby will present microcephaly (small head). The fetus can develop brain growth or can have normal growth during gestational stage and develop postnatal microcephaly, that is, your brain will stop growing after your birth.

A study was published in Science demonstrated that the virus kidnaps a protein known as Musashi-1 to multiply and eliminate neuronal stem cells that are the ones that form the brain, it is for this reason that there is a partial loss of the brain in the embryo in the embryo. This can happen during gestational time or develop after birth.

Types of microcephaly 

There are two types: slight and severe:


Mainly they do not present another condition in addition to the reduced head, that is, it is an isolated condition, although there is no cure for this disease, but support care, symptom control, constant monitoring and performing computed tomography exams and magnetic resonance, to be aware of the patient’s evolution.


It is like mild microcephaly, but in this case the head is much smaller and if it will lead to other conditions such as:

  • Vision problems.
  • Auditory loss
  • Development delay (such as speech problems, sitting, standing or walking)
  • Problems when ingesting food.
  • Seizures
  • Intellectual disability

Severe or severe microcephaly can put the patient’s life at risk, since at the time of birth it is not known what conditions will have, they can be very serious, it is for this reason that it must be under constant medical surveillance.

Statistical data

Brazil is the country where there are more confirmed cases of microcephaly given by the Zika virus with 2500 cases. Since 2016, 965 pregnant women with Zika have been registered in Ecuador. 2% of them had babies with congenital syndrome associated with the Zika virus. Born in the province of Las Guayas, in Manabí, in Pichincha, Los Ríos, El Oro, Sucumbíos and Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, according to the official figures. Microcephaly in twenty cases and one with a cracked lip. In addition, 17 babies gave Zika.


This disease has no cure for these are the treatments that will help you have a better quality of life and gradually progress. You must attend therapies such as:

  • Language therapy. – Help improve communication skills in children.
  • Occupational therapy. – It will help physical and neurological rehabilitation, to improve psychomotor, coordination and relationship skills with the environment.
  • Visits to the neurologist. – You must go constantly to be aware of how it evolves or in what state is the patient’s brain.
  • Go to the pediatrician. You must take the baby monthly to routine reviews and from time to time take exams.

Microcephaly is an anomaly presented in fetuses, since the brain does not develop properly during pregnancy or stopped growing after birth. This disease can be detected during pregnancy through an ultrasound or in babies from 6 months of age, when anomaly is made and the head does not follow its normal growth, the respective specialist doctors must be used. There is mild microcephaly and severe microcephaly, the mild presents a slightly shrinking, median and severe head has a much smaller head; This disease carries other conditions such as:

  • Facial distortions; The child can have a front that pours late, that is, the short and back forehead.
  • They may not reach the recommended average height or can display dwarfism.
  • Babies with this condition make acute shows; Some children also experience difficulty by ingesting food.
  • They present hearing and view problems.

This occurs by the sting of a mosquito infected with Zika virus, which this virus kidnaps a protein that regulates neuronal stem cells.


This disease is actually a health problem, more fumigation campaigns should be implemented, more talks to people about how during the day. It is worrying because it mainly affects a baby who is in his form of formation within the mother’s belly.

This is a disease without a cure, since you cannot perform a procedure that grows the brain, much less the skull, but you have to resort to all the specialists that are necessary to provide a better quality of life to these children, which, which, which, which, which, which, which, which If possible, if you are constant in your treatments. This is a problem of world interest, since this virus can reach Micho countries and produce the aforementioned consequences, they must be alert to abatization campaigns, to combat that virus through the elimination of mosquitoes. 

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