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Financing And Reforms Of Health Services

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Financing and Reforms of Health Services

We must understand that economics and health go hand in. From ancient times the human being began to change goods for stability and service, thus surviving. Today Health and Economics are tied since having populations that are healthy will have an excellent economic development, since the economy depends on the working force. Having a working class free of diseases and apt to exercise physical work are the key to moving the greatest productivity force in economics. This is why it is very important to have healthy populations and access to health service of excellence. ‘The reason for every health system is to improve, this implies achieving the best possible level of health for the entire population throughout the life cycle.”G, Geneva (2000)

As we know many employers provide health insurance to their workers so that they have quality care. However, these services over time become more expensive and the insurance that employees possess do not cover their treatments. There are endless factors that influence health services costs. This cost rise affects the working class which have medical insurance and even more to the poor who have no economic basis that helps them support the high costs of their health care. The recession that exists in the world affects health service because the money provided to public sectors has been reduced. This has caused more illness which brings great concern. Many funds that were used in disease prevention, control and handling, epidemics, among others, something that is worrying are not arriving.

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We all know the great risks of globalization, the increase in diseases etc. And without prevention programs we run great risks. This is why it is very important that our health service is effective but the economic problem is not allowing it. High in health costs and economic decline have caused the poor class to stop looking for medical treatments. ‘In a business there are no friends, only customers.’ A.Dumas, a phrase that makes it clear that without money there will be no attention.

The financing of the health system has become a global problem. A number of countries are affected. Above all, countries with low -income populations, all because the costs of these services have risen. Some of the factors that have contributed to the rise of the costs of these services are: the increase in drug costs, new technologies, the rise in financial incentives of suppliers among others among others. This elevation has caused the services not to reach poor populations causing a number of complications in these. ‘Health has to be 100% free, health is not a business, health is a right’ G, Guerra (2015)

When financing the health system, good funds must be assigned to agencies that are dedicated to promoting health. It can be noted that many countries make ways to improve health services and the quality of these. However, when executing these programs many times the expenses rise radically and go over the budget that is owned. This is why good health policies must be implemented, these must have as a goal to improve services, that these are universal and accessible to both rich and poor. Health policies are of great importance since the quality of health services depends on these. Excellent management brings as effect the health and good quality of life of people. You are trying to ensure that health services reach each person without obstacles. With these policies, programs for: promotion, prevention and treatment must be developed. In addition, bring a guarantee to patients that they will obtain good and excellence treatments regardless of their economic level, race, age, sex or color.

On many occasions governments assign large amounts of money for these purposes, however, the desired goals are not misused. It is therefore that rulers must look for people with high values and ethics possessors to handle these funds, since our health depends on this. Bad management of these funds brings adverse effects since access to health is often prevented. The agencies that work with health must be thorough when selecting the people who handle these funds, they must emphasize their values and ethics, which entails the good actions of the human being and good behaviors to ensure that everything that everything that everything that everything that everything that everything that everything that everything that everythingbe handled have the assigned purpose. ‘Good management of health financing is essential for decision -making regarding health sector resources and allows evaluating the equity and effectiveness of resources are assigned and used.’R.Molina (2009)

In conclusion, health financing is positive if it is carried out in the right way. It is said that the objective of financing is to be able to develop a system that allows people to have access to medical services without having to incur large expenses, or impoverishment. In this way, medical services would reach those who need them the most.


  1. Vélez, a. L. (2005). Public policies: considerations of interest for health professions. Magazine towards health promotion, 10, 28-37. Available at: http: // = 309125498004
  2. World Health Organization. (2008). Public Policies for Public Health. In health report in the 2008 world: primary health care, more necessary than ever. Available at: http: // (links to an external site.)
  3. Bengoa Renteria (2009). Trends in hospital financing. In hospitals in health reform. Second National Meeting of Hospitals. Buenos Aires: Isalud Editions.
  4. González López-Valcárel, Beatriz (2011). Information systems and traffic to insalud management contracts.D. In Association of Health Economists. Health information and new technologies. XVIII Days of Health Economics. Barcelona: SG Editores, pp. 45-60.
  5. Kutzin, Joseph (January 2005). EXPERIENCIES WITH ORGANIZATIONAL AND FINANCING OF THE HEALTH SECTOR. Geneva: WHO. In Division of Streigthening of Health Services. Paper, No. 8.       

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